Aviy's questions meme was just begging to be stolen, and even heroes steal once in a while, right?
It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or
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Comments 63
In other words, she's lots more fun to play. :)
Does it bother you that Claire's so... physical with Ban? XD
What do you think your app pattern says about you?
Um... I don't think they're very similar, and if I get up the nerve to app the person I'm thinking about next, it'll totally blow any similarities out of the water.
What would Soubi do if Ritsuka left camp?
What are Asta's thoughts on the rest of the vampire community at camp?
Ooohboy. Okay. Well, there are now two other Methuselah in camp, so they don't really count, because they're Methusehlah and thus familiar to her. As for other vampy types she's met, this would include Spike, Drusilla, and Rayne. (She has not met Maladict yet.)
Spike and Dru are far different from Methuselah, and one of the things that made Asta disinclined to like Drusilla (aside from the crazy), was the fact that one of the first things Dru said to her was "you're like us," which prickled up all that nice Methuselah pride she's got, PARTICULARLY due to the fact that either Buffy or Giles had given her the lowdown on vampires from their world long before Asta met Dru. As far as she's concerned, they're glorified reanimated corpses, just a few steps up from an autojaeger (which is a reanimated Methuselah corpse that shows up in canon -- it's a bit more like a zombie, but... a vampire zombie, which may be oversimplifying things, but that's ( ... )
For Claire, she's had to say goodbye to several people, including Ico, Tommy, and Sanosuke. Sanosuke was by far the hardest, because he was her first boyfriend at camp and the first guy she'd ever fallen in love with. God help her if Kurt or Teddy or the Spirit... or Ivy ever leave before she does!
The library burns down. Where does Crowley live now?
Claire met Stephanie very briefly when she first arrived at camp, and she played CFUW with Konoka for just one round, orz. Both girls seem nice, but she hasn't really been able to form any type of opinion on them beyond that. It's been a while since she's had any contact with Ronan. She enjoys talking with him, no matter how surly he might behave. He's come to her aid too many times for her to believe it's nothing more than an act. She hopes now that there are more wizards in camp, maybe he'll be happier.
Please explain his new username?
At the end of book eight, the wizards needed a miracle in order to stop the Lone Power from ... well, ending everything. Ronan ... didn't provide it. Instead, what he did was impale himself on the Spear of Light in a pretty decent attempt to kill himself, so that the Winged Defender could have access to His full power. Then the Winged Defender provided the miracle they needed to get a leg up to save the day.
So basically it's horrible and is about how Ronan's decision of getting out of the way and killing himself brought about a miracle. Roshaun could have used it too, but his journal name is better. I thought it was funny, k.
So, Claire and Kurt. Where does she see that going?
Claire's relationship with Kurt is more evenly matched than her one with Sanosuke was. (For one, they don't argue!) She learned from that first relationship not to hold things in, and when she felt confident in her feelings for Kurt, went ahead and told him she loved him. They have similar backgrounds, too, and Claire seriously wants to go to Kurt's world when she leaves here, so she can attend that school the Professor has set up for mutants. Him being there would just be a bonus~ XD
She's very comfortable with their relationship, and hopes it continues to grow stronger. There's no pressure from Kurt, and as he put it, they're adorkable. ♥
All the black clothes suddenly disappear from camp. What color would Ronan dress in? (Yeah, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here~)
Claire hates that she's not normal. Well, she did before she came to camp. She's gradually learned to accept her "gift," now that she's surrounded with so many other people with special abilities. She knows she has a problem with her temper, and has talked to Kurt about wanting to curb it. I'm not so sure there's anything she really loves about herself, but she likes that she makes friends easily.
What is Ivy's worst nightmare?
Her ultimate nightmare is a world without plants. A world where there cannot be plants.
But her other nightmare is becoming the monster she suspects she might be. Everyone hating her, even Harley. Everyone fearing her. Batman being dead, and no one to stop her. Killing and destroying and loving it without any tiny part of her saying 'no, stop'.
Claire's worst nightmare, then?
The Company finally catches her and takes her to some obscure lab where she's experimented on and vivisected. But she never dies, so it just goes on and on and on...
Which of your characters is your favorite and why?
If you could have one character from either canon to come as soon as possible to camp, which character would it be, and why?
That's a good question - how 'bout you?
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