What's your name? ::: Chelsey (You don't know me son!)
Birthplace ::: Stoughton/Brockton, Mass.
Age ::: 14, the big 1-5 in 2 months.
Age you act ::: In the range of 6-10, but if i have to, and once i a great while, i'll act older, or my age.
Current location ::: N-N-N Unnniittt! a.k.a Norton.
Eye color ::: hazle
Hair color ::: Brown and Blonde.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: Ambidextrous. (that's right fella's, BOTH HANDS! haha jp.)
Zodiac sign? ::: Scorpio
Height? ::: 5'1, and damn proud.
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: English, Italian, German, Indian, Dutch, Scottish.
Your hair ::: Long and Layered?
Your fears ::: Being alone for the rest of my life, with no friends or loved ones. *insert emo comment here*
Your perfect room ::: A huge bed, with a hott guy in it. haha. No, really, just a room in general, i don't have my own as of now.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: fuck
Phrases you overuse ::: All of them.
Your first thought when you wake up ::: I wish i was in bed *stares at bed lovingly*
Your greatest accomplishment ::: *Shrugs*
Something you want to do ::: Er, find a boyfriend?
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: Burger king.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: Christina
Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate.
Adidas or Nike ::: Adidas, All Day I Dream About Sex. *giggles*
Black or white ::: White
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: bills
Burgers or hot dogs ::: hot weiners.
Egypt or France ::: France
Rock or rap ::: Rock.
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: Nope.
Cuss ::: mhhhmm.
Sing well ::: To myself, i do.
Sing in the shower ::: All the time.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: All the time.
Believe in yourself ::: Eh, sometimes.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: Well, seeing how my life has been reduced to being on the computer everyday, um, sure.
Play an instrument ::: I did, but i suck.
Want to go to college? ::: Yes
Want to get married? ::: Yes
Want to have children? ::: Yes
Think you're a health freak? ::: My mom is, i'mall about the artificially processed fast food baby.
Get along with your parents ::: Every so often, not much.
Get along with your siblings? ::: Lately i have been, not all the time.
Think you're popular ::: Not even close. haha. But i do have a wide range of friends.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: No. :0(
Drank alchohal ::: No.
Smoke ::: No.
Get high ::: No. So roll roll roll my joint, take out the seeds and stems *hums along while finishing the survey*
Done any drugs ::: Does tylenol count?
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: nope.
Been on stage ::: nope.
Gone skinny dipping ::: no *sigh*
Been dumped ::: *gives dirty look* No...
Dyed your hair ::: Blonde highlights. I am oh-so original. :0)
Stolen anything ::: A magazine form B.J's and pens and stuff the stores carry at the register. Hey, it' snot my fault, WATCH YOUR MERCHANDISE!
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: Christine/Emily
Loudest ::: Bryttany
Most shy ::: Alicia and Me. haha.
Blondest ::: Emily and Katelyn. haha
Smartest ::: *shrugs*
Kindest ::: All, with the exception of a few.
Best personality ::: I dunno, i all like them because of their personalities...
Most talented ::: Jackie
Best singer ::: Jackie, and her impressions.
Most ghetto :::Christine and Me (YOU DONT KNOW ME SON!)
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: Everyone.
Pain in the ass ::: *coughs* next.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::*coughs* next..again.
Funniest ::: All of them, mostly Jackie.
Best person for advice ::: Alicia
Dependable ::: Alicia and Brytt, and some others.
Trustworthy :: : The Majority of them
Druggie ::: Bryan, Cody and someone else, but i love you alllzzz anywho's.
Most likely to end up in jail ::: *shrugs*
Person you've known the longest ::: Katelyn, kindigarden dogggg. lol
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::i can't remember.
Last nightmare ::: I dunno.
Car ride ::: This morning.
Last time you cried ::: A couple days ago.
Last movie rented ::: 13 going on 30.
Last book read ::: Away Laughing on a Fast Camel
Last word said ::: You're a fucking homo.
Last curse word said ::: Fucking
Last time you laugh ::: about an hour ago?
Last phone call ::: 5 mins ago.
Last CD played ::: Taking Back Sunday.
Last song you listened to ::: Little Devotional.
Last annoyance ::: A certain someone.
Last IM ::: Kait.
Last weird encounter ::: *shurgs* too many.
Last person you hugged ::: Finney.
Last person you yelled at ::: Elyse.
Last time you wore a skirt ::: Saturday or Sunday, i believe.
Last time you've been evil ::: Psh, me evil?! never...*looks around awkwardly*
Sarcastic? ::: I'm about as sarcastic as i am evil. :0D
Last time you fought with your parents ::: last night.
Last time you wished upon a star ::: When i was like..5?
Played Truth or Dare ::: I dunno.
Spent quality time alone ::: Not in a couple of years believe it or not.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: No, i'm waayy too sexy for them anyway. haha jk.
Do you feel lonely ::: Yes, my poor little emo heart! *insert words of compassion here*
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: Nope
How about egging someone's house ::: Nope
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: Not really, but 50's body is cambell's mmm mmm good.
Yo Momma ::: Um, Excuse me, but yo' momma. Yea, i said it, wanna go son?! you don't knwo my momma son! haha.
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: No, but obviously you have if you cameup with the question. *looks away*
What do you think of George Bush? ::: *hates politics* Next...
Any secret fetishes? ::: Guy's hands. Seriously, they're mad sexy.
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: Sounds kinky...:0p. haha.
How many languages do you speak? ::: 1 and a half. I suck at Spanish.
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: Nope.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: Yes. *winks* jp