
Jan 08, 2008 12:46

[27] EVerything Is Illuminated

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everything is illuminated

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Comments 2

whensheflies January 12 2008, 00:48:44 UTC
I need to watch this movie again. Or maybe read the book, it has been on my shelf for at least 2 years.

Chan's given me some awesometastic trashy novels to read. Mmmmmm.

Poor eskimo, this is like the 5th icon post i've come across. I've killed you haven't I?

When I get home I want to make a million Buffy icons. Because i'm cool like that.


im_nyoo_nyeaf January 12 2008, 08:22:06 UTC
I have nothing to do on the internetz when you're not on them. Icons have become my refuge. Insomnia has been out of fucking control.


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