ok, i just tried to post and it wouldnt work. Anyhow!! I think this is Noriko?? (sorry bout the spelling). I met you at a GYS show up there. I was with the boys in Statch. You were super sweet to me and I just wanted to say Word Up! Hahah. Anyhow. Nice to see you rocking too. Take care. Lemme know if you guys come down to Portland.
I remember you!!!!!!! Too bad we couldn't hang out more after the show though. Are you gona come down with the boys foe the next Statch show? We're playing with them at the Catwalk again. Woo Hoo!
You know whats funny ? I thought she ( Cherokee ) was this other girl I don't like much and was all " ugh , theres that bitch " . Then I felt bad once I realised it was her .
Yeah that night was ultra scary. We went to some random house party, and then ended up staying in some chicks dorm common room. It was all of us old tattooed people in some college dorm and everyone looked at us like we were from some other planet. hahaha. When is statch playing up there again? I would be stoked to come up there. The GYS boys and gang were all extremely nice to us. Hahah, that was funny how Jayne thought I was some chick she hated. OOps.
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