As promised, here is the 2nd half of my A/R recap picspam. Thanks very much to everyone who has read and/or commented on part I, and I hope you enjoy the next part!
Also, as this is the Week of BSG's Triumphant Return, expect some more picspam action before Friday!
So we'll be resuming our tale with a bit of a downer episode, but it gets better (well, kind of) so don't worry.
Chapter III: Where Things Change Again
After the terrible election where the girl lost, things got really bad, and the boy and girl were separated.
He was stuck on a Battlestar by himself, playing with his model Vipers (which is both more serious and not as dirty as it sounds).
And she was stuck on a Cylon occupied planet nominally run by a moron (the girl probably had the worse bargain there).
But then the boy came back to rescue her. And everyone else, but really her. And it was very heroic.
So the girl became president again, officially, and she and the boy went back to working together.
The boy was dumb and let himself get beaten up sometimes.
And the girl pinned frakking medals to his chest, and stood in his corner, and generally had his back, just like he had her's.
They still got really mad at each other.
But some things were changing once again (at a glacial pace, but still).
Chapter IV: Just Make Out Already!
Because on that crappy planet the boy and the girl got drunk and high and a lot closer than your average Admiral and President. Though these two have never been average.
And now they flirted pretty outrageously. And the girl gave the boy a book.
And he offered her a room and a bed (his room and his bed really) when her ship got trashed. And she even took him up on it later.
Things went along this way, with the boy and girl growing closer and even flirting on the phone now instead of arguing. And then there was a trial.
The girl got called out on the stand by the boy’s moody son (who seemed to get increasingly moody as the years went by), and announced that she was sick again. The boy already seemed to know.
The boy let that moronic president off, and the girl was pretty mad about it.
But then lots of things involving pesky cylons happened and the boy and the girl were now living together and acting like an old married couple.
And they had a really nasty argument, the kind of argument that people who know each other (and love each other) really well are able to have.
But then the boy came to read to the girl. And she seemed glad to have him there. And he kept coming back to read to her too.
Chapter V: Now We're Getting Somewhere
He carried her bag like a teenager with a crush, and shared his books (and his quarters) with her, and even offered to share the ending of his favorite book with her.
The girl was questioning her faith, but the boy told her that he believed in Earth (when he had lied once upon a time) because he believed in her.
But then the girl got kidnapped by a crazy cylon hybrid, which happens (to the boy and the girl at least). And it was a life changing experience for her. She had some enlightening visions, and spared the life of a man she hated, and learned some things about love and family. She waited with the hybrid as she (they) jumped home to Galactica (the boy).
And the boy was waiting for her when she arrived, because he had gone through a life changing experience too after she disappeared. He took crazy risks, and disregarded everything but her, and then he learned of sine qua non's and decided that she was his.
He couldn’t live without her, so he stayed behind to wait for her. And he waited with their book, just like the girl had once waited with a book that she was writing on New Caprica.
They were reunited. And the girl said I love you and verbalized what had been there for a long time in some shape or form.
Chapter VI: The Epic Love Story Has (and Continues to) Live Up To Its Name
Things got bad again (what else is new?) and the boy had to leave the girl behind.
But the girl came back (she and the boy are good at doing that)
And suddenly Earth was in their grasp and they went there together.
It wasn’t what they had expected. At all. In fact, it was awful. But these things tend to happen to the boy and girl and (sappy as it sounds) through all the weird and crazy and terrible events, they've been together.
The end. I hope you all enjoyed!