It's time for more WTFPolarBear action! This time for seasons 4 and 5, which get increasingly cracked out.
Spoilers for all seasons below, and all caps from Lost-media.
Season 4
9. Ben’s Desert Wake-Up Call (The Shape of Things to Come)
And now introducing everyone’s favorite new action hero: Bendiana Jones! Love it. The entire episode had more than its fair share of WTFPolarBear moments (since Ben episodes ususally do), but the scene where Ben wakes up, in the desert, wearing a Dharma parker, really takes the cake. The insanity! Finding out that he had traveled forward in time was really just icing on the cake at that point.
8. Hurley Gets Arrested (The Beginning of the End)
Hurley had by far most entertaining Oceanic 6 introduction and the fact that he started yelling "I'm one of the Oceanic Six" as he was arrested, thereby prompting us all to go "WTFPolarBear??" is made of win. WIN.
7. Desmond calls Penny (The Constant)
The Constant may very well be the best thing of all time. FOR REALS. And the epic phone call at the end was the FTMFW culmination to a truly amazing and wacked out episode: lab rats? Professor Faraday? Time jumping consciousness? Love it!
6. Jin Blows Up (There's No Place Like Home)
So we saw Jin was “dead’ earlier in the season, in the “gottcha” episode Ji Yeon (which did inspire a WTF show, seriously? reaction on my part). So I sat around waiting to see HOW Jin would bite it. I never imagined that it would be “death” by exploding freighter, that’s for sure. That damn freighter, always causing problems.
5. Ben vs. Widmore (The Shape of Things to Come)
What is up with these two, seriously? They need to just throw down and get it over with. Though their backstabbing, plotting, "gentlemen's game" thing is entertaining. And full of WTF. I'm glad Ben took the time to show up in person to deliver his death threats instead of just calling or something. That Ben, he's so classy and thoughtful.
4. Rousseau and Karl and Alex all die (Meet Kevin Johnson and The Shape of Things to Come)
I hate Keamey. HATE HIM. These deaths were all kinds of fail and I still can’t believe they offed Rousseau right after she met Alex FINALLY and that they actually offed Alex in front of Ben. That’s dark, yo.
3. Claire Goes AWOL (Something Nice Back Home)
Seriously, WTF is up with Christian? Claire ditches her babeh to go commune with her dead Dad’s spirit and it’s frakking weird and creepy and bonkers. WTF.
2. Kate has Aaron (Eggtown)
I was still trying to wrap my brain around the WTF, Kate actually went home and stood trial? when I learned that Kate had a fake baby at home. Dude.
1. Ben Moves the Island (There's No Place Like Home)
It’s the best damn WTFPolarBear moment of all time. Frozen donkey wheels! Underground ice caves! Electromagnetism shenanigans! Ben being awesome! And, ya know, DISAPPEARING ISLANDS! W.T.F.Polar.Bear.
Season Five
10. Juliet and Sawyer are a Couple (in the 1970s) (LaFleur)
It’s the 1970s thing that really inspires the WTF here. The second the Island disappeared with Sawyer and Juliet on it, their couple-dom was determined. But what’s surprising is that a) it actually was amazing and awesome and b) they hooked up IN THE 1970s. Dharma Initiative time hopping FTW!
9. Jin Meets Rousseau (The Little Prince and This Place is Death)
Dude, this who plotline rocked. We got to see Montand loose his friggin arm (tm exploding Arzt)! But the initial WTF moment occurred when cute young and preggers Danielle Rousseau introduced herself to a not!dead Jin in the 1980s. It's a two-for-one WTFPolarBear bargain!
8. Ben Kills Jacob (The Incident)
Ben just killed quasi-Jesus! That bastard!
7. Ben Kills Locke (The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham)
The end to one of Lost’s best episodes was frakking nuts. Though really, I’m not sure why I was stunned at the fact that Ben offed Locke, since he’s a mass murdering psycho, but this was still a HOLY CRAP moment to be sure. Dude.
6. Eloise Kills Faraday (The Variable)
WTF. She killed her own kid! Before he was born! And was aware of the fact his entire life! And sent him to the Island anyway! DUDE. It blows my mind. And it also explains a lot about how and why old Eloise is ... herself. Her wacky, wacky self.
5. Sayid Shoots Young Ben (He's Our You)
This is a violent season, huh? Sayid shooting Ben was insane. INSANE. And, Sayid, seriously: when the solution to your life problems is to shoot a kid, you have far more problems than you realize. This scene also wins the prize for best irony since Sayid arguably caused all his future crapitude at the hands of Ben with this “solution.” Whoops!
4. Meet Jacob (The Incident)
This was the second time when watching Lost that I had a “am I watching the right channel?” reaction to the start of an episode (the other time? Desmond’s 70s-tastic introduction). Jacob’s ancient Egyptian, Jesus-esque, Good vs. Evil, Island past action is practically beyond WTFPolarBear status. It’s more like “.....” WHAT IS UP WITH JACOB, FOR REALS.
3. Dead Locke is Dead (The Incident)
This scared the crap out of me (and Sun and Richard for that matter). Locke is an evil zombified Man in Black smoke monster shape shifter now? WTF???
2. Juliet Nukes the Island (The Incident)
I have no words for this. As pissed off as I am about Juliet dying (as she was one of Lost’s most consistently awesome and interesting characters, and those are getting in very short supply now) this was the best death scene ever. EVAR. *goes back to pretending Juliet pulled a Desmond blowing the hatch thing and is currently alive and well, if insane and time hopping, lalala*
1. And the number one moment of season five is:
Hurley Throws a Hot Pocket at Ben (Yes, really) (The Lie)
FTW! Also, hot pockets are totally the theme of season five. No, really. Juliet? Fell into a magnetic hot pocket of doom. And then she set off a nuke. Yes, Juliet nuked the hot pocket. SEE HOW IT’S A THEME?