Lost: The Aftermath (What Kate Did)

Feb 10, 2010 21:19

It's time for more random, spastic, and cracky episode reaction meta! I'm sure you're all thrilled. *crickets* Ahem. Below the cut, and in handy bullet points, Exciting.

Spoilers for What Kate Did, episode 6x2 natch. Enjoy!

  • What Kate did, and does, and did, is (continue) to be the world's most inept and the world's most freakishly lucky fugitive. For reals. Kate's fugitive plotline is made of FAIL. Also: CAR-JACKING A NICE PREGNANT GIRL AND THEN FORCING HER OUT OF THE CAR AT GUNPOINT AND STEALING HER STUFF IS SERIOUSLY BEYOND UNCOOL, EVEN IF YOU DO GO BACK LATER DUE TO GUILT OVER SEEING SAID PREGNANT GIRL'S SHAMOO TOY AND POLAROID OF PREGGERS CUTENESS. Failitude.

  • And what, Kate didn't NOTICE Claire was pregnant at first, even though Claire looked like she was about 11 months pregnant? Um, no.


  • Where was my beloved Ben? Sadness.

  • Dogun: Annoying person or the most annoying person on the show? You decide.

  • How much do I love that there is an other named "Justin." A LOT. I mean, all the temple weridos are named Dogun and Lennon (John Lennon wannabe who is apparently channeling the era where the Beatles went to India and got all down with the sitar), and Aldo. And then there's Jason. Love it.

  • Dogun's leadership spiel to Jack was all kinds of ridiculousness. Miles noted that Hurley had taken charge and I want that to be for reals cause Hurley pwns all. Jack can just go be emo.

  • So my friend totally called Jack taking the poison pill thing; I thought he'd toss it into the magical hot springs, which now looks like a magical blood bath (gross). So for next week Jack needs to follow the advice of Amy on Futurama, when she was encouraging Mushu the whale to upchuck: "Barf! Barf like a Freshman!" Get to it, Jack.

  • What is up with this Smoke Monster infection crap? I thought Sayid was gonna be reincarnated Jacob! So now we have Claire (supposedly), Locke (for sure), and Sayid (maybe) infected by Smokey? WTF, show? I really hope that Sayid IS possessed by Teh Jacob and he realizes all the temple peeps suck and exacts revenge for their failitude by killing them all. Jacob could totes put Sayid's degrees in Badassery and Pwnage to good use here!

  • Jungle!Claire's mullet-ish hair of Smoke monster shenanigans and abandonment totes ranks up there with other fabulous Island coifs, such as Rousseau's "I haven't seen a hairbrush in 16 years" do, Kate's "zomg, I need some frizz-ease" jungle trek hair, and Juliet's "I just got into a mud fight, yet still look mildly presentable" style. Good times.

  • Dear Damon, Carlton, and Polar Bear (who we all know is the REAL brains behind Lost): WHY DON'T YOU JUST COME OVER TO MY HOUSE AND KILL ME INSTEAD OF DRAGGING IT OUT REMOTELY WITH YOUR OVER THE TOP JULIET/SAWYER ANGST AND WOE?? Huggles, misstaggart.

  • Seriously, I'm actually glad they aren't just ignoring the Juliet dying thing and I'm an occasional angst whore so I'm kind of digging grief stricken!Sawyer. But if he's gonna be grief stricken, I think the show should go for broke. For reals. Give emo Jack a run for his money!
    I want Sawyer to become an emo-tastic, beach bum, with a beard, and an Island rum problem, and a beer gut, and some weight gain issues from all the depression eating, and a guitar on which is composes awful (quality-wise) songs of woe, and very unmanly crying, a la the dude in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It would be rad! And then Juliet could come back as an Island ghost and bitch slap her emo almost fiancé (JUST KILL ME DEAD SHOW, SERIOUSLY) and reveal the alternate reality shenanigans and THAT'S how everyone would find out about it. And then, uh, Island!Juliet would magically come back to life, the end. Good plan, no?

lost, re-cap

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