Aug 10, 2007 23:43

Title: Alone Together
Author: Kai -- missy7280
Prompt/Summary: 192. Wilson/Cuddy/Cameron -- Cameron and Wilson are the only ones who show up to Cuddy's dinner party. What happens when they bust out the booze? (Written for round one of get_house_laid)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4500
Disclaimer: Do you see the “House” cast getting naked and having crazy monkey sex every episode? No? Then I still don’t own the show.
Notes: The song lyrics are from “Alone Together” by The Strokes. Just FYI, this is my first House fic, and consequently my first try at writing smut. Finally, I want to dedicate this to camatie for her constant friendship and encouragement.

No choice now it's too late
Let him go, he gave up
Lisa said "Take time for me"
Dropping him down to his knees
I chance down

Take me away see I've got to explain
Things they are changing in such a permanent way
My life seems unreal, can we go back to your place
Ah you drink too much, makes me drink just the same

~ Cuddy ~

If you asked her how she felt about that evening, she would tell you she didn’t regret a thing that happened, thank you very much. Awkward moments occurred at work, sure, but nothing the female administrator of a hospital couldn’t handle. In reality, the most difficult after-effect of her burgeoning into the land of ménage à trois was having to keep the whole thing secret from House.

Maybe sleeping with two of her employees at the same time was not the brightest idea, but Cuddy was definitely not stupid. There was no way in the world she was letting House find out about this, lest she wanted to lose the remnants of her sanity. And since Cuddy constantly needed to micromanage House, her sanity was a precious commodity.

But the deed was done and that was that. Besides, the sex was just spontaneous, drunken mind-numbing sex and nothing more. It didn’t mean a thing, although she couldn’t keep the memories of that night from haunting her fantasies…


She did not plan her dinner party with the intention of getting laid by the end of the evening. But apparently life tended to work in surprising, ironic, and occasionally magnificent ways. Cuddy was not surprised that Cameron and Wilson were the only ones to show up. After all, they had both confirmed her invitation with apparent eagerness, seeing as they both aimed to please. The rest of her potential guests simply declined or muttered a non-committal response. House even went so far as to laugh in her face, not that that was unexpected. Cuddy almost decided to call the whole thing off, but then figured she still deserved a little social time and that the fewer guests there were the less people she would have to cook for.

She left work early that day for the first time in ever. She proceeded to the grocery story to pick up some last-minute ingredients for the evening’s meal. That is how she had been referring to it in her head for days, as “the meal.” Giving it a grand title, almost up to par with “The Last Supper.” Almost.

After thirty minutes of poking and prodding at the raw ingredients, Cuddy had made what she hoped resembled something edible. She set her dining room table up, and even brought out the hardly-touched good dishes. She surveyed the table and realized something was missing. Having finally figured it out after a few moments of blank thought, Cuddy headed to the cabinet where she stored her liquor. She debated for a moment, and then remembered she cooked steak and that red wine was the most appropriate accompaniment for red meat. So she grabbed the Cabernet Sauvignon, set it out on the table along with some wine glasses, and gave it a nod of approval.

But Cuddy then looked up and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and did not give her appearance the same level of approval. Her hair was matted and tangled, and the bags under her eyes gave away the level of tiredness she attempted to hide every day. A refreshing shower was definitely in order, she decided.

She let the water run cool at first, feeling the shockingly cold droplets cascade over her body and awaken her tired senses. To her surprise, Cuddy found that the cold shower was just what she had needed. She hadn’t known that she’d been feeling dead for weeks until she discovered that she was now feeling so very much alive.

Cuddy stepped out of the shower and was jubilant to find that she actually felt rejuvenated, in every particle of her body. At that moment she remembered her guests would be arriving shortly, and she was filled with a sense of anticipation that she just hadn’t felt in all the time of planning for her dinner party. But now that it was so close… god, she could taste it. On a conscious level she had no clue what she was so excited for, but in the back of her mind an idea was beginning to form. She continued to dress and make herself look presentable, and waited for the start of what would turn into a very intimate dinner.

~ Wilson ~

A threesome in which a man gets to be with two women must have a different meaning for all other members of the male race that aren’t Wilson. The idea of a threesome is a turn-on to men for the obvious reason that it allows them to be pleasured by two women simultaneously. For Wilson, a threesome provided him the opportunity to provide pleasure to two women.

He really and truly was not a panty peeler, as of course House so often liked to accuse him of being. Honestly, he wasn‘t. He was not the type to psychoanalyze himself, either, but that wasn’t to say he didn’t recognize some things about his own personality. Like the fact that he did enjoy bringing pleasure to others. Wilson tried as hard as he could to do so in his job, but oncology did not often provide him with that opportunity. So whenever he failed at helping his patients, he tried to make up for the loss by helping others in his social life. Which, if he was being honest to himself, really only included House. And usually a wife, up until recently.

But it didn't usually bother him all that much. In fact, caring only truly for House suited him just fine. His actions usually went unacknowledged and were often even unwanted, yet this made Wilson persevere even harder. The man presented a definite challenge; and although Wilson never openly declared it, he secretly loved challenges just as much as House did.

Being invited to Cuddy’s dinner party presented him with quite a difficult challenge, indeed. That being to impress his boss with charm to the best of his ability, while at the same time keeping Cuddy from jumping all over him and to keep his occasionally over-eager dick in his pants. It was going to be an interesting evening.

In the last minutes before his departure to the party, Wilson was still obsessing over his appearance in the mirror. He combed his hair for what was probably the fifth time, making sure every hair was in its place. He mulled over several different ties, finally deciding on a blue striped one that he was particularly fond of, seeing as he bought it all on his own instead of receiving it as a gift from one of his wives.

Finally satisfied enough with the way he looked, Wilson left his hotel room without a backward glance.

~ Cameron ~

In the back of her mind, she knew she would never actually be with House. But damn it, that was not going to stop her from trying.

In Cameron's head, she believed she could fix anything. Or anyone. That's what doctors were supposed to do, help heal people. And although she was not the type to brag, she knew she was damn good at her job. She did recognize that there was not much she could do to help House physically, but she craved to heal him emotionally. And maybe in the process, she would help to heal herself.

Yes, Cameron recognized that she was in fact "damaged". Who else in their right mind would marry someone who had, at most, six months to live? Oh, she was screwed up alright. But she attempted to cover it up with her kindness and empathy for others as best as she could. But sometimes, the hole inside her liked to make itself known, screaming for attention by churning her gut with an overwhelming sense of loneliness.

So when the opportunity presented itself for her to assuage said loneliness, it was not the alcohol alone that prompted her to embrace the situation whole-heartedly. If she was being honest, it was completely selfish motivations that encouraged her to offer up a piece of herself while savoring whatever Wilson and Cuddy were willing to offer.

The day of Cuddy’s dinner was particularly trying for Cameron. House’s leg chose that day out of all of the 365 in the year to be annoyingly painful, causing House to be annoyingly unpleasant. And as per usual, he decided to pick on Cameron, shooting down all of her ideas for diagnosing their current patient with amplified intensity. By the end of the day it turned out her original diagnosis had been correct all along, yet House barked at her still, demanding to know why she hadn’t pressed her hypothesis in the first place. Suffice it to say, her nerves were completely frazzled by this point. She was ready to let loose and let her hair down, so to speak.

She spent the least amount of time out of all of them getting ready for the dinner party. Cameron was confident enough in herself to know that she would look good no matter what. She wore her favorite dress, a simple black one that slimmed her already tiny waist and accentuated her curves. She realized she was a walking cliché, but she’d be damned if she didn’t look hot. And that was all that mattered.

~ Together ~

Cameron and Wilson showed up promptly at 7:00, as Cuddy expected they would. Greetings were exchanged, and dinner was soon being devoured. All three of them especially enjoyed the sweet aroma and taste of the wine after a tiring and stressful day of work. Hardly any words were exchanged at first, yet Cuddy was feeling increasingly more comfortable and confident that everyone was enjoying themselves.

The meal went on, and things progressed from one thing to another. It started off innocently enough: a glass of wine here, a bottle of champagne there. And they talked about the only thing they really had in common, work. And House. Everything always led back to House. So that was about the time they went for the hard liquor.

Inhibitions fled one by one as each shot was drained. The moments leading up to the sex went by in a complete blur to each of them. Suddenly hands groped everywhere, tearing at cloth and reaching for skin. The contact left Cuddy’s skin prickling with anticipation. Cameron was the least drunk of the three, but her movements were probably the most assured and demanding. Wilson was surprisingly the most nervous and tentative, yet he was the most fully aroused, and every part of his body felt aflame with desire.

For the most part they were silent, but then Cuddy’s voice broke seemingly loudly through the abyss.

“Get on your knees,” she directed at either of them.

She didn’t care who pleasured her first, as long as she received what she desired. It was not lost on any of them that Cuddy was going to be the boss here as well. Wilson was the first to oblige her command, and he quickly got down on the floor. He reached for her slacks and began to remove them, now attempting to slow his actions so he could savor the moment.

To Cuddy’s and also Cameron’s surprise, Cameron began grabbing at Cuddy’s shirt and attempted to pull it off her head, albeit clumsily. Cuddy quickly got over her own shock at Cameron’s hands greedily clutching her blouse, and she lifted her arms to make the action much easier. She gasped when Cameron palmed her breasts through the thin lacy fabric of her bra. She finally understood that Cameron did also want to pleasure her, just in her own way. She was slow and deliberate, teasing menacingly until she knew Cuddy was practically putty in her hands. Cuddy was happily amazed to find that Cameron wasn’t nearly as innocent as she projected herself as being. She reached behind Cuddy’s back and unclasped her bra with almost no hesitation. Then, a little more shyly, Cameron leaned forward and briefly touched her lips to Cuddy’s.

During this time, Wilson had ceased his actions and was staring raptly up at the scene before him, completely mesmerized. As soon as he saw their lips touch, he felt an electrical shock run through him and straight to his cock. He was still a male, after all. He resumed his task of removing Cuddy’s pants with renewed fervor, seeking to speed up the event.

Meanwhile Cuddy and Cameron were slowly becoming more comfortable, familiarizing themselves with the taste of each others’ lips. It couldn’t be said whose mouth opened first, but Cuddy felt Cameron’s tongue pressing insistently against her own, then probing her lips as Cuddy kissed back with equal aggression. Her senses were being assailed from every direction as Cameron sweetly kissed her mouth and continued to work her breasts, and at the same time Wilson pulled down her panties and began to tease the inside of her thighs with his adept fingers. It was almost too much for her to handle, but the growing anticipation was so painfully pleasurable that she didn’t want it to end.

Cuddy realized she needed to hold on to something, or else the exquisite torture was going to cause her to fall over. With one hand she grabbed tightly onto Wilson’s hair for balance, and she lifted her right hand to run through Cameron’s hair, gently letting Cameron know that she didn’t want her to stop her actions just yet. In fact, she wanted this moment to last for a very, very long time.

Unfortunately she was drunk, and she couldn’t remain standing much longer.

“Bedroom,” she managed to choke out in between kisses.

Wilson gave a sigh of protest, but at the same time he got up and half wobbled, half carried Cuddy down the hall and to her room. Their progress was increasingly slowed by their intermittent kissing. Cameron followed close behind, and she was equal parts sober and intoxicated enough to snicker at their clumsiness. There was a brief moment when she wondered what the hell she was doing, but then she recalled the feeling of Cuddy’s lips on her own and the image of Wilson pleasuring another woman, and her resolve was hardened.

After what felt like an eternity they finally stumbled into Cuddy’s room, falling over themselves to get on the bed. Wilson immediately got on top of Cuddy and began to tease and pleasure her again. It took all of Cuddy’s will power to push him off of her.

“Too many clothes,” she huffed as she continued to undress him. Cameron sat on the bed awkwardly and watched, suddenly unsure of what to do with herself. “What are you doing? Get over here,” Cuddy demanded. Cameron scooted nearer to them almost in an instant, and she looked at Cuddy inquisitively, asking with her eyes what Cuddy wanted her to do. She only had to think about it for a moment. “Undress yourself,” Cuddy said to her in a more soothing tone.

The alcohol in her system made the simple task slightly more difficult, but at that point Cameron was willing to completely succumb to Cuddy’s will. She reached for her own zipper and ungracefully shoved off the tight-fitting dress, leaving her in lingerie that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Cuddy seemed to approve.

“Much better,” she said to Cameron. Then she turned her attention back on Wilson, who was enthusiastically continuing his onslaught. “Uh uh,” Cuddy said as she pushed Wilson off once again, “It’s your turn.” Cuddy would have laughed at the perplexed look on Wilson’s face if it hadn’t been so frustrating in the moment. “We are going to go down on you now,” she said in an extremely matter-of-fact tone, as if she was explaining the birds and the bees to an innocent child.

It did not go over Cameron’s head that she had specifically used the word “we.” So she followed suit and got on her knees beside Cuddy, watching intently as Cuddy reached forward and pulled down Wilson’s boxers, revealing his temptingly and unsurprisingly hard cock. After she saw Cuddy begin to lick from the base to the tip, Cameron looked up and had to repress a giggle at Wilson’s shocked expression. Apparently the fact that this was actually happening had not yet sunken into his brain. Or perhaps he was just beginning to sober up and suddenly realized the complete absurdity of the situation. Whatever the reason, Cameron wished to inflame his embarrassment even more. Dirty talk, she decided, would be her weapon of choice.

“Oh yeah, fuck her mouth,” she said in a sultry tone just as Cuddy began to suck his dick in earnest. It was a completely ironic thing to say, as it was in fact Cuddy who appeared to be fucking Wilson. But it seemed to do the trick perfectly, for as soon as the words left her mouth she heard Wilson whimper. Cameron leaned forward then and began to lick his balls. The completely tortured look on his face entertained Cameron to no end. The girls continued their double assault on Wilson’s arousal until he cried out from the overdose of pleasure and pushed Cuddy away.

“It’s too much,” he managed to whisper, his first words during their sexual escapade. Wilson felt an overwhelming need now to be in control, and Cuddy could sense it.

“What would you like us to do now?” Cuddy asked him directly.

“Get up here,” he said to both of them but he looked pointedly at Cameron. She rose first and straddled Wilson’s lap as Cuddy got up and sat close by on the bed. There was hardly any time for Cameron to feel awkward as Wilson immediately attacked her mouth with his own. She hadn’t really known what to expect from Wilson in the bedroom, but the underlying sense of gentleness that came through his urgency made her moan in pleasure as well as increased her impatience. She didn’t want gentle. She wanted it rough.

Cameron attempted to increase the friction by grabbing onto Wilson’s hair painfully and rubbing her still clothed pussy on his cock. Apparently Wilson got the hint, because he then unclasped the front hook of her bra and ripped off the extra material, allowing him direct access to her body. Cameron couldn’t stifle the gasp from escaping as Wilson reached forward and pinched her nipples. Now this was more like it. He then continued to lean towards her and licked circles around the hard buds, deciding he wanted to tease her some more.

Cuddy continued to watch their actions, not wanting to interrupt them. She did want to keep up her arousal though, and so she reached down and began pleasuring herself with feather-light touches to her clit. Watching the sight before her was more intoxicating than any actual sexual encounter she had ever had. Suddenly she was overcome with the need to feel more, and so she let one finger, soon accompanied by a second, to enter her. Cuddy moaned as she watched Wilson rip off Cameron’s panties and begin to delightfully torture her with fingers that she knew were all-too skillful. Before she knew what was happening, Cuddy felt her climax swell and take over her, causing ripples of pleasure to flow through her body until she collapsed onto the bed in a quivering heap. Sated for the moment, she then took up her role as director again.

“Pleasure her with your mouth,” Cuddy said.

Wilson followed her command without hardly having to think about it. His brain was working on autopilot, and he would do anything Cuddy asked of him. He grabbed Cameron by the shoulders, not so gently flipping her over so that she was lying on her back. She titled her hips up and reached down to pull off her underwear, obviously impatient to move things along. He wrapped his arms around Cameron’s legs and pulled them apart so that she was fully exposed to him. He began to lick her with hardly any reservations, and he listened intently to see what turned her on the most. Although it felt exquisite, Cameron stubbornly refused to give Wilson the satisfaction of making any noise to let him know how much he was pleasing her. Wilson felt discouraged, but he moved on to sucking her clit into his mouth, gently humming around it. This time Cameron couldn’t stop a moan from escaping. This renewed Wilson’s fervor and he continued to nibble, lick, and suck in earnest.

Cameron gasped then, and Wilson couldn’t resist the urge to look up for the first time. He caught the look in Cameron’s eyes, although she immediately tried to hide it and looked away. It was a look of utter vulnerability, one that he hadn’t seen from Cameron in a long time. Since developing a tough exterior, one that she had clearly obtained from House, he thought Cameron would never again completely expose herself. Apparently he was wrong. You could take the girl away from caring, but you couldn’t take the sensitivity away from the girl.

Cuddy’s voice harshly cut into his train of thought. “Do you want to fuck her now?”

Wilson wasn’t entirely sure if he did. Even with the blissful haze courtesy of the alcohol he consumed, he recognized the dangerous precipice they had come to. If they really wanted to, they could stop now and politely pretend that nothing had ever happened, and just blame it all on the booze if the topic came up. But then…

“Please,” Cameron said in a soft yet firm voice. Wilson was convinced.

“Condom?” he managed to ask, realizing that he had not quite come prepared. Cuddy was already reaching towards her nightstand drawer, eager to move the tantalizing show along. She tossed the foil packet over to Wilson.

“It’s a damn good thing we’re all doctors,” Cuddy muttered.

Wilson nodded his agreement while quickly putting on the condom, surprisingly with Cameron’s aid. She pulled his cock forward until it was resting at her entrance, and then with one final tug he was inside her.

It wasn’t as if he was going to explode from the heat, but instead a comfortable warmth spread through his body, caused simply by having physical contact with another person. Not that this was just a random fuck. This was Cameron, who he considered to be at best his colleague. Certainly she had to be the object of House’s affections, and that just didn’t sit well with Wilson anymore. Whether it be for fear that Cameron would break House’s heart or just jealousy over her taking what he could never have, he didn’t know. All Wilson knew was the sudden sense of madness that took over him, causing him to pound into the body below him.

For her part, Cameron gave as good as she got, and them some. She met every one of Wilson’s thrusts, looking him straight in the eyes without any fear left in her expression. Cuddy watched the scene quizzically, unable to fully comprehend the power play going on between the two in her inebriated state. Yet she recognized the tension that suddenly filled the air, and she wanted to ease it. And, if she was being honest, she also wanted to get back into the action. Cuddy mentally rolled the dice and it landed on Cameron, so she reached out and ran her fingers through the other woman’s hair, then gently turned Cameron’s face until she was looking at her.

“It’s ok,” Cuddy whispered, but she didn’t know why. It just seemed to be the appropriate thing to say. Cameron moaned in response as Cuddy leaned forward and kissed her again. Cuddy could taste the barest hint of wine on Cameron’s tongue; she opened her mouth wider so she could inhale more of the sweet flavor. Wilson, entranced by the sight, sped up his movements even more.

Even though Wilson was going at a fast pace, he didn’t feel ready to come just yet. The alcohol relieved many inhibitions, yet it also inhibited his abilities. That was, until Cameron grabbed his ass.

The feeling that took over him was powerful and instantaneous. “Fuck-” he said, unable to form any more words. The intensity of the moment, especially the sight of Cameron’s hair falling across her shoulders as she tilted her head back in apparent ecstasy, led him over the edge. He reached down and rubbed her clit just as he began to come, wanting to bring her off as well. Cameron felt everything in that moment. The feeling of Wilson’s body on top of her, the twitch of his cock as it spurted inside her, and his fingers on her most sensitive spot, they all combined to trigger her orgasm. Cameron cried out in pleasure until Cuddy’s mouth once again fell on hers, swallowing the sound. That was the last thing Cameron remembered as she fell back onto the bed, falling asleep in an instant.


The moonlight shown through the curtains of Cuddy’s bedroom, illuminating the room with its soft paler. Cameron slept for a short time, taking advantage of the sudden calm. She may have slept through the night, but she was awakened by the sound of the front door slamming. She jolted upright and looked around the still quite unfamiliar room, momentarily forgetting where she was. Until she found Cuddy lying next to her, staring back with a look of sympathy.

“Sorry about that,” Cuddy said. “I think he was upset.”

“Yes, I can see that. What did you do?” Cameron asked.

“I didn’t do anything,” Cuddy said in a defensive tone. “I asked Wilson how he thought House would react if he found out about what just happened. I was only curious.”

Cameron couldn’t help rolling her eyes. Cuddy was a very intelligent and tough woman, which Cameron wasn’t going to deny, but she didn’t seem to have that great of a grasp on how to handle men. Cameron wasn’t exactly an expert herself, but she felt as if she could read their emotions better, get inside their heads. She figured mentioning House to Wilson right now in any way was not a good idea.

“I guess that’s the end of that. I wonder who won this round?” Cameron mused to herself.

“What do you mean?” Cuddy asked her, although she was finally starting to come around and figure out the situation. Everything really did come back to House, it seemed. No matter how hard they all tried, he managed to have some influence over their personal lives, whether he was present or not.

“Never mind,” Cameron said. The fact was, Wilson was gone, and now Cameron was left alone with her boss. In her bed. Maybe the night didn’t have to end just yet.

“I really hope you’re not going to fire me for this,” Cameron said as she closed the space between her and Cuddy, close enough to inhale the other woman’s exhales, and then she kissed her.

Cuddy smiled as they kissed, somewhat surprised to find herself enjoying being with a woman so much. For the moment, none of the other shit mattered. All that mattered was the taste of Cameron’s lips on her own, the softness of her skin, and the tiny noises that escaped her as she tried to remain quiet.

They could go back to being alone on Monday.

~ The End ~

fanfiction, house, writing

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