Day 29 (June 17th)- Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical?
My first experience with "A Very Potter Musical" was bits and bobs here and there on the internet. I really had no idea what it was, or what it was supposed to be. And then I kept hearing more and more of it at last year's convention, Azkatraz. That was my first HP Convention. When there came an opportunity to register for Infinitus in the lobby at Azkatraz, after having such an amazing experience at AZ, I was very excited to register. And it came with a free cd; a copy of the "A Very Potter Musical" soundtrack. Well, as curious as I was to watch AVPM, I wasn't all that keen to watch "some crappy youtube videos" and thought that the soundtrack was more up my alley. (Not to mention, a couple of girls I played quidditch with were way into it, so I had to take their word for it!)
I went ahead and pre-registered, and got my little hands on the cd. It took me a couple days to listen to it after the con, as I was just DOG tired. And what a surprise! I listened to it with another HP-head, a friend from my area (actually, one I met online through HP RP) and we both giggled the whole way through. I found the songs to be catchy, the lyrics witty, and the characters adorable. So, then I simply had to watch the "crappy youtube videos" to see the characters and hear the songs "in person." And I was far from being disappointed.
I love the creativity involved, I love the talent so obviously shown. It only makes me a little jealous that I wish I could have been involved with something so wonderful. ;-) So, in short, yes. I loved "A Very Potter Musical" and I'm thrilled that I get to see the sequel at Infinitus.