The Boondocks S3 EP7 - The Fundraiser

Jun 14, 2010 19:20

Once more it is a short synopsis.

We're on vacation so I'm rather fucking lazy.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


*Riley starts to tell the story of how he and his crew formed to become big time hustlers in the candy selling business.

*Riley wants money. Granddad tells him to fuck off. No allowance for Riley.

*Jazmine comes along and sells Granddad chocolate.

*The school is doing a chocolate fundraiser. Prizes are totally bogus. Hannah Montana keychain, Jonas Brothers something or rather and an ipod cover with some bullcrap on it.

*Riley hates the idea of selling candy and not getting any of the money. So he turns the tables around. He recruits Jazmine and this other boy at his school. And then gets Cindy McFearsom (from season 2) to help him out. She's a tough cookie.

*Their plan soon catches on with other students and even students from other schools. Riley was able to buy off the Principal of his school.

*Huey says nothing because he's stopped by Riley before he can get a word out. Huey just gives him a bulletproof jacket in case he needs it.

*With the extra money, Riley buys Granddad this pimped out black car.

*Fun ride is over. Principal warns them that the chocolate company the school is dealing with is pissed by Riley's scam and is going to stop them any way. They succeeded. Except with Cindy, who beat the shit out of them.

*Granddad's new car explodes. Courtesy of the candy company.

*Riley and Cindy go over there to hope to reach an agreement. And for back-up, they bring Ed III.

*The boss (with a British accent) wants to cut Riley a pretty shitty deal. Riley thinks this over carefully...and tells the boss to pretty much fuck him and fuck everything he stands for. And seriously, he's been watching too many shoot-em-up movies.

*They were about to get killed when suddenly, mafia guys come through the door. Oh, we interrupt this synopsis to say this one thing...


*The mafia boss shoots the guy and explains that no one is spending money on gambling, whores, or none of the bad shit anymore. They're only paying for chocolate, so they are there to put a stop to it.

*Another group busts through the window and before you know it, it's a stand-off.

*Ed III is shot. It is unknown of his condition as of now. But you know the old saying, idiots never die. Riley and Cindy escape unharmed.

*Riley's out of the game, but at least he has money to fall back on. WRONG. Jazmine gave all of the money to an organization. She assumed the money was going to a charity...she sent it to PETA. LOL.

*Riley said he would never do this again. A kid walks up to him and asks him if he's still doing the sales. He thinks...and then a big smirk on his face.


Interesting episode for the most part. Nice to see more Cindy x Riley. Actually, it's just great to see Cindy. I forgot how much I really like her. Next week will have Granddad joining a cult. And he must renounce his ways of watching the movie Friday. OH COME ON! NOT THE FRIDAY MOVIES! NOT THE FRIDAY MOVIES! Damn. Always gotta hit the Friday movies, don't you Boondocks. Well beyond that, it was only a matter of time before they did a cult-type episode. One can wonder if there will be any reference to Jim Jones, the Hale-bop comet followers, or the Davidians. If it all leads to a massive suicide, I would not be the least bit surprised.

the boondocks

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