Tagged by larlar_ulysses

Mar 07, 2010 11:01

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

So i guess i'd better get to tagging some peoples...
rosabella, sjlongpig, chessriiah, gitofaber, nato_chrisjm, humourcide, i_hate_monday and ishimarumakoto.

what song are you currently addicted to?
It was Clean by Incubus, but i think it's now either Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies) by Fear Factory or Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie

what books are you currently reading?
Broken God, forget who it's by, a collection of short horror stories and Songs of the Dying Earth, a collection of sci-fantasy shorts based around the novels of Jack Vance

what position do you sleep in?
I tend to sleep halfway between my side and my front, curled up with one leg stretched out and holding the foot of my curled up leg...

zombies or robots?
zombies :) Robots are kinda boring :p

sweet or salty?
Depends, really.

what's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Supernatural is the most recent thing to catch my eye.

cake or death?
Cake. Wait, you're out of cake? I'll have the chicken then.

what websites do you always visit when you go online?
Such a loser! LJ and twitter, often also wikipedia and paragon wiki then silly games like evony and dragon tavern cos i'm usually avoiding doing work...

what was the last thing you bought?
Hair dye :p

which fictional character do you think you're most like?
I will never forget having Kaylee described as being just like me on a good day all the time. I certainly like the thought of being like Kaylee.

if you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life who would it be?
I... couldn't.

what do you do to change your mood?
Demand cuddles :p

what was the last meal you ate?
Chilli. Was yummy.

do you want to learn another language?
I love languages. I want to learn both Mandarin and Welsh at the moment, and would love to get my French back to where it used to be and expand it further. *sigh* maybe one day, when i have time and money.

five things you can't live without.
Eeep! Friends, family, music, books, fresh air

find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. what is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
"'No, I guess not,'he said gruffly." The Stand, Stephen King. Not currently reading it, but it is waiting to get put away properly. We just need more shelves first...

what do you have planned for today?
Play a bit of heros, hoepfully task forces, a roast dinner and then D&D with Laura and Andy and Luke and all those lovely people :)

what are you looking forward to?
My birthday. Even though i still haven't really planned anything :p

cake, meme, music, books

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