God it is just glorious to wake up and find LJ full of really thinky meta and passionate arguments about the Show. It's what i love about fandom and that this Show inspires it. No one is having these sort of discussions about TV shows about shows with dreamy doctors!
I did just want to remind people about this (full comic
Yes evidence that Kripke mocks what he loves!!! Personally I took all the fandom meta in the episode as Kripke saying "Hey suck on this other shows! I have a tattooed, cult underground fandom that writes gay incest porn! How cool is that!" Mentioning slash in prime time is of itself transgressive, showing that Kripke likes being a bit on the edge.
But yes Kripke is like that fan who brings about slash and RPS to actors at Cons and part of me wanted to hide under the couch. I can understand some fans discomfort at having a spotlight on our underground sub-culture. I've experienced this myself in other parts of my life (eg the queer, kink, rave or cocker spaniel owning subculture bits). The point is these things we do are often considered outside of societal norms (or even illegal) which is why we do them in the dark. And to we internalise some of that to. Having slash mentioned on prime time TV does feel a bit like your parents saying at the dinner table that they found your porn stash. We do this because we like it, but it doesn't mean we don't have some embarrassment or shame about it. I suppsoe for me though that was far outweighed by the thrill of the fourth wall tumbling and the intersection of the object/subject and me generally having a postmoderngasm.
And hey I like being part of a cult underground. There's a thrill to being part of something outside of the mainstream. Something naughty. I think Kripke feels a bit that way about the Show. It's a bit outside the mainstream, a bit underground. from it's graphic horror to its sex and drug references, Show has always done things that it wouldn't have, couldn't have if it wasn't a genre show, wasn't on an obscure network. Honestly we were made for each other.
And that's why Show/fandom is my OTP. I feel like Kripke just rimmed me and I loved it. Okay so I didn't know he was going to do it in public, but hey I'll take it wherever I can get it!
Now don't you wish I hadn't left you with that image *g*