Anyone who knows me will not be surprised that I am OUTRAGED and APPALLED at the portrayal of a fangirl in this week's episode of Supernatural. Kripke has her WRITING FILTHY GAY INCEST PORN*, in her BEDROOM which has a BED in it and MOLESTING Sam and saying he is FIRM.
I've been in this fandom since LAST CENTURY.and that is a GROSS misrepresentation of the innocent scribblings and thoughtful reflections that go on around here. Well ERIC KRIPKE, I charge that it is YOU who are OBSESSED with SEX.
1: Bloody spiral. - ancient symbol of women's sexuality and fertility.
2: Gratuitous boy touching.
3: Lucifer's PHALLUS O'POWER thursts into the sky
4: What book survives the devestation at Chuck's place? Route 66 where - Dean has MAKES LOVE
5: "Cram it with walnuts, ugly". Anal insertion of nuts? What sort of perverted kink is that (makes note for next
spn_blindfold meme)
6: Dean caresses his WEAPONS and loads them with silver SPERM BULLETS. Dean is VIRILE AND POTENT - WE GET IT KRIPKE.
7: Kripke writes GAY INCEST PORN. YES YOU WROTE THIS FILTH ERIC. Or did you have a competition in the writers' room? A fic challenge maybe? Your own BIG BANG? Also "" is registered to one KRIPKE ENTERPRISES.
8: A fan girl and her BED. Do you think of us in OUR BEDS Eric? Do you write stories ABOUT US??? Also the posters she has one her walls -'Route 666' THE ONE ABOUT SEX and 'The Benders' THE ONE ABOUT BOYS IN CAGES which is the same as SEX.
9: Dean is IN BED. With a very obvious SAM SHAPED space next to him. ENOUGH WITH THE WINCEST.
10: "Can you stop touching me?" "Umm no". If you are going to write PORN you need to WARN for NON-CON. And HET. And Surprise!JDM,... and well I'll send you the list.
11: MAN GRABBING. First, Dean and then Sam??? Stop turning BOBBY into a SLUT!
12: More Het??? And she tastes like penis butter???? *shakes head*
13: Daddycest?! Kripke makes sure we GET IT by having Meg refer to Bobby as Dean's surrogate father - and has Bobby FUCK Dean. I mean STAB because that KNIFE isn't PHALLIC at ALL. Am I wrong? Well its Kripke who bought us possessed!John and Dean SEXY TIEMS back in Season One.
14: Now Kripke indulges in some sort of Tom of Finland-esque ORGY fantasy as Ginormo Sam PENETRATES Vin Diesel.
15. MOAR WINCEST. Sam and Dean load their weapons. Seriously at this point its just SEX in every frame.
17: Dean/Zacharaiah now Eric? Angel non-con? You sick fuck.
18. So Dean is Micheal's SWORD. He's an ANGELS COCK? And then we find out he's also Micheal's vessel? And you know what the Latin word is for a sheath for a sword. VAGINA. Is Kripke just being JUVENILE, or is he calling Dean a CUNT?
19: Castiel gets a COCK. So last season Castiel was all sad looks and two fingers to the forehead. And now he was a POINTY SILVER STRAP ON DILDO to FUCK UP angels with.
20. Castiel burns a sigil into the boys. So now Dean is the perfect ANGEL CONDOM - "RIBBED" and SENSITIVE. Classy Kripke!
21. And then he gives us a final scene SCREAMING OUT for a HEALING SEX coda. WELL not from this little black duck.
So I think I proved my POINT. The evidence against KRIPKE is DAMNING. Fan girls - have a look around LJ and then tell me WHO'S THE PERVERT??
* although at first I got clavicle and clavichord mixed up and wondered why Sam was sucking on Dean's baroque stringed instrument. Which would still be NAUGHTY, but also sort of classy.