i'm all out of love.

Oct 29, 2011 23:07

A big welcome aboard to first time Supernatural writer Robbie Thompson. I like you - you can stay!

Also - more trivia at the Super Wiki entry

What an episode packed with slashy slashy goodness, epic guest stars and favourite returning characters!!!
• Let's see we had Sam and Dean referred to as Honey Bunny and Pumpkin (and yes Dean had Honey Bunny's line in the diner scene!), Mr and Mr(s) Smith, Butch Cassidy and Sundance, dean singing love songs to Sam - and the final scene was one that Jensen mentioned at ChiCon both he and Jared thought made Sam and Dean sound so much like a married couple, so they rewrote a couple of the lines!
• The brutality of the opening was suitably Tarantino-esque and I have to say loved all the semi-automatics in the episode!
• Heuristic alogithms ? Chet the Mensa monster was awesome.
• Hat update! Bobby saved at least 2 hats from the fire on my count!
• Frank Devereaux‎ - you crazy bastard - I'd say come back soon but then we know you'll die!!! Srsly though Frank MacNally pwned!
• Sheriff Jodie - hot sheriff with a six pack - I'm in love! Kim Rhodes (who I sort of adore) tweeted during the ep inc "this "Sheriff Mills getting ready: lingerie, Six-pack, lingerie, six pack.... Hmmmmm"
• Then to scene of crack brilliance - boys in borrowed car complete with My little Pony! Sam knowing how much Dean is hurting over locking away the Impala! Dirty Dancing quote! Dean's heartfelt silent singalong, along with Sam's looks of discomfort. LET ME JUST WTCH THAT ANOTHER 50 TIMES. I THINK I WILL.
• A big old loving shout out to season one! Fuck the editing on the flashbacks was shit hot. And of course St Louis was Skin - when Dean first got impersonated - and chased by the FBI and declared dead!
• And like Skin, the dopplegangers outside (well insiders really!) POV insights into the boys - Leviathan! Sam's "its like eating self righteousness", and Levi!Dean's "hero complex - and he doesn't have relationships, he has applications for sainthood!" And of course - "Nah I like this one's hair better - you can stay in the big one" Fucking GOLD!
- Check the Super Wiki for details - author of The Outsiders S.E. Hinton is an extra in the diner scene!
• Oh so much wonderful Bobby this episode. And guess what - he's an alcoholic high school drop out with daddy issues - no wonder he loves Dean so much, he see's himself in Dean. And I like knowing Bobby still has hope. (but stay away from the Sheriff - she's mine). Oh Bobby is wearing black latex gloves - I have a conditioned response to those because I usually use those for…we'll that's another story.
• Levi!Dean winked. *sigh*
• Oh Hai Saul Tigh from BSG - didn't recognise you with both eyes. Also - meta joke - Tigh was a Cylon (ie he impersonated a human!)
• Leviathan dean and Sam are really hot together. Porn fic pls fandom.
• Sam struggling with the news about Amy. I like that we see that.
• Nothing says I love you like a head in a box! Come back soon Sheriff!
• Ooh FBI guy is a Leviathan. He's also an Aussie who was in Home and Away.
• PS can we get a girl Leviathan soon - goes bifurcated tongues are a real turn on for me.
• Dick: I like where your head's at, but sometimes less is more. Those boys coming back from the dead would strain credulity, even for the American media.
This line is a meta dig at the fact that Sam and Dean keep coming back from the dead. As Ben Edlund said at Comic Con 2010 "...these creatures, these poor men, cannot die. The cruel universe that will not let them die...That’s TV. TV will not let people die. "
• Leviathans have vision boards ;d
• CROWLEY SMACK DOWN! Dick is like an uber Crowley. Also, I ship them.
• My Little Pony is in the trunk with the heads. LOL!
• OH BOYS! Again, the Js fucking kicked this scene. What I love it’s a scene that we've had played out a number of times and each time the way it's resolved has changed - I cannot wait to see how they get through it now.

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