So i talked to Kevin Parks yesterday. Just generally, its been so interesting to do the interviewing thing. I have done a little years ago on both radio and for print, but that was different in terms of being short with specific questions. It's really different to talk to someone for an hour in a more conversational style. And with both I have done I want to spend some time thinking about what different (and better) ways I could've done things. I look forward to getting your feedback when they are posted. Maybe I should've asked about Jensen smelled.
There's also a whole other thing to think about in how its a different relationship than the usual tv critic/journalist and TV person one. I am definitely doing the interview as a fan. How does that influence the whole dynamic?
And beside the sheer thrill of talking to people who make this show, yet again fandom has given me a chance to do try something new, and thanks to those of you who've encouraged me, and helped in editing the interviews.
The other thing is of course, there's always the issue of - who much do I want to pull back the curtain on what goes on behind the scenes? What has amazed me is that - all the stuff we have heard? Appears to be true! The crew is made up of people whoa re passionate about their jobs, love the show, and really respect the talent of the other crew and cast. Sure its a workplace like any other, and both Mark and Kevin didn't shy away from saying sometime you want to poke someone with a stick (I am paraphrasing there!) but its obvious so much of what is achieved comes from a really robust creative collaboration.
And you know what? The really like us! The admiration for fandom from these guys has been one of the most wonderfully surprising things for me. And believe you me I am cynical enough to spot any "we couldn't do it without the fans" type hollow rhetoric.
oh and
sockkpuppett - that icon is for you coz i know you love ass babies!