how cuuuuuute awww his eyes his eyes!! Anytime I put my hand near him he tried sucking it!
such a smiley happy baby!! I lurrrrrrve him
we were tryna do teh ROC!! Lucy was taking pics and was slow!
And that was Harrison having another go at the Roc and looking very drunk lol
thats the t-shirt my mum bought him for Christmas!!!
Harrison by the way is my sister's (lucy) boyf's cousin! he's 9mths and lovely!
He did fart on me twice which wasn't great but I got over it lol
the xmas tree is up and the lights are amazing! so chrisssssmaaaassssy love it
that's a Christmas angel that I made when I was only 3yrs old!!!! I'm now 21 and it still goes on the Christmas tree!!! hahahaha TRAGIC!!!
Well kids Bassi begged me to come to NYC for New Year how freakin amazing would that be? I am flat out broke though!!! So broke that my mum and dad are getting compilation albums for Xmas! LMAO!! What do you expect when I'm a full-time student who can't take a job cos they are not flexible enough?!?!?! So yeah I really wanted to go to NYC Bassi even offered to lend me flight money but I can't accept it cos I'd just be plummeting myself into even more debt!!! ARGH DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have enough with my student loan and overdraft!! I wana go next year though so we'll see.
My mum came home from a night out last night with my Dad and she was pissed!!! LMAO she came in and started dancing in front of the television to Boney M!! LMAO I told her to sit down and then she went to make a beef sandwich for her and my dad........ she came upstairs and my parents both starting eating their beef sandwiches.....
Dad (looks over at mum): What is in this sandwich?
Mum: Beef
*Dad opens sandwich to reveal two sides of bread covered in butter with no beef inside*
Dad: where is the beef in that
*Jody starts pissing her pants laughing cos my mum made my dad a beef sandwich with no BEEF*
LMAO My mum protested that she put beef in there whilst me and my Dad laughed and then she got in a right mood!!!!! My Mum is officially an aggressive drunk!!
Thats all folks
love JODY xxx