Reading Update

Aug 15, 2014 20:45

So initially I planned to post in depth menaing of life look at my intelectualism reviews of books, until I realised it would take me all night to do that. So instead, here's a list of stuff I've read recently (these last two months or so) and short bursts of reaction.

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

I'm not sure if this makes me a terrible person but I didn't feel anything while reading this book. I know I should feel bad about the two cancer ridden teens but narration by a teenager is something I'm not very fond of. I blame growing up. Though to be fair, Artemis Fowl was also told by a teen's POV and i found that very good so maybe its the lack of substance. I usually don't tell people that I didn't like TFioS and that I slept through the entire movie because, well, confirming to others that I don't have a heart is not a good thing. XD

The Silkworm by Robert Gabraith aka J K Rowling

As with The Cuckoo's Calling, I loved it. Cormeron Strike strikes again in his second novel and my Corm/Robin feels are off the chart. So many things I loved such as Jo's realism when she writes this, depicting London as it really is. The fact that its probably going to take another three books for Robin and her fiance to break up when she realizes Matthew is a prick and her Watson training just gah! But as with the first CS novel, again the realism was kept amazingly throughout the story. JKR is stressing on the you don't need to be fit/thin/young to be a protagonist and even Robin who is mentioned as eye scathingly pretty has sufficient flaws in her to make her human and very, very relatable. I love how they work together, I love JKR's secret way of exposing the publishing world in this book (my guess is that she herself faced many of the challenges mentioned in Silkworm before Harry Potter got published, including male authors saying females are not genetically predisposed to be good writers). So yes, after a long time I've read a book so fast an enjoyed it so thoroughly as this.

The Rogue Prince by George R R Martin

Because killing Prince Jace once wasn't enough for GRRM, it had to be done from two points of views. I'm with Eve/ms_geekette on this one. George will probably write the biography of every Targaryen in history before getting to Winds of Winter. As usual, writing was good, hearts were broken. Since a lot of you on my flist read Ice and Fire I won't post spoilers.

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Yes, way behind the rest of the world but honestly, it was only the Honest Trailer for the movie that prompted me to read the book. I'm on chapter 5 so far and totally not feeling it. The teen POV and the likeness to Hunger Games might have something to do ith it, I suppose.

And finally, to finish off, here's a link to KoA's anti list for books to read for the summer. This amused me more than it should:

catching up

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