May 30, 2004 05:46

Comment <3: eufouria, happydilemma, nymph_nectar, __kitterflyxx, lysariala, elapsed, __fairycottage, ___ohparody, _rogue, trinklet, caitlin_potter, _infatuations, deartragicheart, misty, littleasianpixi, truesalcove, _lyingawake_, & misslinds.

Wow, thanks for all the comments on my new layout guys! <3

Non-HP people, avert your eyes. My God, it's in less than a week. LESS THAN A WEEK. Okay, I feel like making a checklist.

HP Costume
[x] Gryffindor sweater
[x] Gryffindor tie
[x] Gryffindor scarf
[x] Gryffindor patch
[x] Slytherin sweater
[x] Slytherin tie
[x] Slytherin scarf
[x] Slytherin patch
[x] Black robe
[x] White button-up undershirt
[x] Grey pleated skirt
[x] Grey knee-high socks
[x] Mary-janes
[x] Snake ring
[x] Holly/Ebony wand
[x] Dark Arts pouch
[x] Leather satchel/school bag
[x] Old textbooks
[x] HP candy
[x] Quill, ink & parchment paper

OH LORDY, I'm so excited!! I have decided to go as Pansy to the line party, 8D! Eeeeeeee, we're going to be cosplaying I can't wait!!!!!!!!! Oh, man, I wish there was some sort of.. miracle diet that like, made you lose 30 pounds or so in a week. I want to be the object of everyone's lust, ;9

So, am I just stupid or what? Every time I see certain quotes, think of certain situations in the books, or see certain parts of the movies, I cry like a baby. For example:
Prongs rode again last night.
He was their friend.. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!
Mr.Prongs would like to welcome Mr.Padfoot home.

Okay, I can't write up any more because that last one gets me going like nothing else.

Anyways, umm.. WHO KNEW THAT kamkillskids (TOOKY) WAS STILL GOING TO USE HER LJ THAT SHE GOT AGES AGO?!?! & to those who knew, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! >/ >/ Ahhhh, I miss my Tooky-girl. <3

So, me & telethons are LJ wives & we love each other & so we have matching sns now. I am really, seriously debating on whether or not I should just TOTALLY DITCH MiSTEHfied & just use this new one. I am utterly SICK of people calling me 'misteh' JUST because it's what my sn says OR because it's my Lj username. misty, I'll give you like $50 for your username, plus like 6 months paid account on a new one. I swear.

But yeah, back to the sn thing. I have such a CLUTTER on MiSTEHfied, & if I start using this new one, I'm only adding people that actually, you know.. TALK to me. So, yeah, add it if you want to TALK to me & let me know so I can add you on it as well. Samurai Misty, 'sup foo.

I'm out, expect a long & hyper post later in the week. OMG, STARTING MONDAY JOHN HAS AN ENTIRE WEEK OFF!! He took a week vacation to be with me & stuff, & for A-Kon. 8) I FEEL SO CARED ABOUT, FINALLY!!
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