Hah, it had me all bugged out so I ran & found another buyable unbuyable real quick.
See above comment made to _fizzy concerning the 'rich' thing. Just play games, lots of games, even if you suck at them. Go to all the freebie type things each day, & try restocking! Being a restocker really pays off, just search for semi-expensive items (example: Draik Trans. Potion) on the wiz. Of course all the results will show 100k+, which you can't buy. BUT just sit there refreshing & after a while usually one turns up either for 99,999 or even less by silly shop owners pricing them so low because they don't know any better or they are just being nice. Then you can turn around & see that for like 900k (using the draik trans TP price as example).
You have that much?! Lucky!! I only have at the moment, 95,480 NP. sad, haha.
So you got that many from the stock market? Do you know any that are good to buy..? I'd like to start one agian, but when I did the last time I was unsure of when to sell it and such. o_O
KEWL ICKLESAURS i got one right when they came out cus i was like OMG :OOO<3 in love with them. well actually louis got it for me THX BOI cus everyone kept rejecting my offer wtf. anyways yeah cool lol
XD Yeah, they're cute but I'd rather get the NPs for them right now instead of have one. I found a Niptor by restocking once, & kept it for a week, it was too cute! Ended up selling it for 112k though. =_= I miss him, I should get another.
Comments 33
you're freakin rich. i only have 300k or so. i'm trying to make more, but i can't seem to do so.
See above comment made to _fizzy concerning the 'rich' thing. Just play games, lots of games, even if you suck at them. Go to all the freebie type things each day, & try restocking! Being a restocker really pays off, just search for semi-expensive items (example: Draik Trans. Potion) on the wiz. Of course all the results will show 100k+, which you can't buy. BUT just sit there refreshing & after a while usually one turns up either for 99,999 or even less by silly shop owners pricing them so low because they don't know any better or they are just being nice. Then you can turn around & see that for like 900k (using the draik trans TP price as example).
So you got that many from the stock market? Do you know any that are good to buy..? I'd like to start one agian, but when I did the last time I was unsure of when to sell it and such. o_O
You are super rich! :O
I've been playing neopets for 2 years and the highest amount I've ever had was 200k, haha LOL
I. Am. Not. Rich! I just have no life!
i got one right when they came out cus i was like OMG :OOO<3 in love with them. well actually louis got it for me THX BOI cus everyone kept rejecting my offer wtf. anyways yeah cool lol
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