Aug 17, 2011 21:58
[The video kicks in, showing a young blond man who’s looking mildly amused.]
All right, guys, while it is pretty awesome that you’ve somehow pulled off getting me here without me knowing, this particular prank is really not funny. I’m disappointed in you, I know you guys can do much better. So just give me the kill code for this program now, and maybe you won’t have to fear retaliation. Maybe.
[There’s silence for a brief moment, as Bobby gives in and admits that, no, this isn’t the kind of thing his friends would pull. Not so soon after Alcatraz. Another prank, sure, but not one like this. His smile fades a bit, and when he speaks again, he sounds more subdued.]
If the world’s been unmade, does that mean all the people on it were, too? Cause, uh, I’ve seen people being unmade, and it didn’t look fun. Or reversible. How are you putting it right? Will everything that was unmade be back, even if it’s been a little while? And if you’re making our homes new, are they going to be the same as they were before, or can we request a few changes?
[He’s not really serious about that last part. Nice as it would be, he’s not the one who should be deciding things like that. No one should, really. This whole thing makes him nervous. He’s seen what can happen when people have that kind of power.]
Ro? Kitty? Logan, Pete?
[There are too many names that should be on that list that aren’t, but now’s not the time to think about that.]
Anyone else here?