[The video kicks in, showing a young blond man who’s looking mildly amused.]
All right, guys, while it is pretty awesome that you’ve somehow pulled off getting me here without me knowing, this particular prank is really not funny. I’m disappointed in you, I know you guys can do much better. So just give me the kill code for this program now, and
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I'll definitely be looking forward to it, my nameless soldier.
[Poor Raven. Stuck in the days of no iPhones. Her last comment makes him smile warmly, clearly pleased.]
Until then, my one girl army.
Seriously! You'd think they'd at least have like...modern conveniences. This book thing is pretty groovy so why not make the rest of the place normal?
[She grins - she's obviously pleased, too.]
Maybe they were only allowed to use so much technology, and our record keeping was just so vitally important that they decided to allocate it all to these things.
Either that, or they have a really strange sense of humor and want to watch us try and work with everything medieval while puzzling over the one actual bit of technology.
I bet that’s it. Or we’re some kind of really weird social experiment.
I’m not sure what’s worse.
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