L's survey, cause he said it was important and I'm not going to deny a friend.
1. State your name or preferred moniker: Bobby. Or Iceman.
2. If you could have a sweater made out of any sort of material, what color would it be?: Blue, maybe?
3. What is your favorite kind of grape?: Green and seedless
4. What would you never call your mother?: Fair
5. Do you like frogs or windmills better?: Hmmm. Frogs, I think.
6. Rousseau or Rabelais?: ...they sound vaguely familiar? Literature wasn't my subject.
7. What are you the most proud of?: My powers.
8. What are you the most ashamed of?: Not being good enough.
9. Do you have any allergies to non-pollen or dust substances?: Nope!
10. If you could be any member, living or dead, of the opposite sex, for one day, who would it be?: Um. Crap. Used to think it was Jean, so I could know what people are thinking, but I don't know if I want to know any more.
11. If you could meet a former king, president, or other world leader, living or dead, who would it be?: I guess it's not good enough to say I've met a president and am good friends with an ambassador? King Arthur, then, provided he's not just legend. Otherwise Abraham Lincoln.
12. Do you know where some cake is? Where?: I have some! Picked it up from the grocery.
13. Do you know what a Real Doll is?: Sadly, yes.
14. Would you buy one?: No.
15. Would you use one?: Really, really no.
16. Underwear?: Do I wear underwear or am I in favor of it in general?
17. What is the meaning of life, in three words or less?: Responsibility. Help people.
18. Who do you wish you could punch, at the moment?: A few people, all of them either not in this world or not available.
19. What is your favorite person to cuddle with?: ....Johnny.
20. Because Light will be moping... who is your favorite person to have sex with?: Ask me this question again in a few days.
21. What are you scared of that most people wouldn't expect?: Not being taken seriously.
22. Take a wild guess. Someone, in this world, who you think is a virgin is: Um. Star? Jubes?