[Video/Open Commentlog] - present distribution

Dec 28, 2011 12:46

[Bobby's grinning at his journal, wearing a Christmas sweater and looking pretty pleased about it.]

Giant octopus Santa was definitely not something I was ever expecting, but I'll take it if it comes with daylight. Thanks for the sweater, Octosanta?

Is everyone okay?

[And he does mean everyone, though he's also just gone general because the ( Read more... )

omg guys christmas, commentlog, video, bobby loves his friends, presents

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Comments 89

thii2ii22tupiid December 28 2011, 20:51:24 UTC


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 07:08:17 UTC
[His smile fades immediately at that.]

What's wrong? Is the light not reaching everywhere?


thii2ii22tupiid December 29 2011, 20:14:24 UTC
iit reached, but do you really thiink haviing LIIGHT ii2 enough two make up for trappiing 2o many of u2 iin tho2e fuckiing tunnel2? wiith no expliinatiion.
don't tell me thii2 pre2ent 2hiit ii2 worth iit eiither, because iif you thiink that there'2 2omethiing 2eriiou2ly wrong wiith you.


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 23:09:41 UTC
The tunnels that run underground?

[He's been warned about those, though he hasn't experienced them first hand. Bobby shakes his head at the question.]

No, of course I don't think it's worth it. I'm sorry, I didn't know people were getting stuck in the underground tunnels. What happened?


spellsdeadwrong December 28 2011, 21:22:45 UTC
[permavideo! \o/]

Is that who that was?

[In spite of himself, Asuka looks amused.]

What's an ok-to-san-ta?


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 07:08:29 UTC
[permavideo as well!]

[Bobby grins back.]

That's who I think it was supposed to be, anyway.

[Then he laughs slightly.]

Oh, that was just me being kind of a dork. Octopus plus Santa equals Octosanta!


spellsdeadwrong January 2 2012, 06:18:22 UTC
[Oh Bobby. It's like you've forgotten how much you have to explain to your bro!]

Right, I guessed that part.

[After all, he'd said octopus and Santa earlier! However...]

But what's an ok-to-pusss? Or a san-ta?


mister_10_below January 2 2012, 09:16:25 UTC
[...yeah he kind of did. Oops.]

Oh, right! No water probably means no octopi. Um. An octopus is this creature that lives in the ocean. It has eight legs. Well, actually they're not so much legs as they are tentacles, and it uses them to like, swim around and grab dinner and stuff.

[That's a super scientific explanation right there.]

Santa is a fictional character in my world. Once a year during winter, on a night called Christmas Eve, he brings presents to all of the children who have been good during the year.


bffpoltergeist December 28 2011, 21:47:25 UTC
[Video] See her or not at your leisure!

[Oh, hi Bobby. I don't know if you've met the resident poltergeist yet, but she isn't too terribly impressed by any of this.]

No... no not, like, really okay. Not really okay at all.

[Liz has just spent six days locked in a dark room with Sollux, contemplating all manners of life and death. She'd been worried for her friend imprisoned with her, as well as those outside the room. She was stressed and scared and an octopus flying overhead did little to calm her nerves.

Half-demon poltergeists were NOT supposed to deal with this shit. The feed is silent for a span of time that might lead one to believe she;d closed her journal, then..]

Not, like, the most merry of them... hope yours wasn't spent in, like, a dark room where you contemplated your own mortality, or like, lack thereof.


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 07:08:39 UTC
[Video] /goes with not!

[Right, all of that had been serious, so he's going to try really hard not to be distracted by the fact that this is video, and he can hear someone talking, but can't see them.]

Wait, what? Are you okay? Are you out now?

[...also do you know that you're invisible?]


bffpoltergeist December 29 2011, 16:57:06 UTC
[Video]/thumbs up - video for life!

[Liz smiles weakly and shakes her head, chafing her hands up and down her arms.]

Out, yeah... okay is, like, debatable... That was, like... so not how I wanted my Christmas to go.

[Not gonna cry, not gonna cry, not gonna cry.]


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 23:09:36 UTC

No, I can imagine it wouldn't be.

[Well, crap. Now he feels a bit guilty for being kind of gleeful about the little Christmas stuff. He'd found the bonfire easily enough, he hadn't really realized what could've happened.]

I, um. Do you want some company? Or maybe ice cream? Not that I think ice cream is going to make it better or anything, but it can't make it worse, right?

[Right, he's just going to stop talking now.]


needsnobottle December 29 2011, 02:39:54 UTC

The fact that the light around here has no source kinda weirded me out but I gotta say, I prefer it to the darkness.

[Guess who is coming off a little bit of a hangover? This girl. But she'll live because there is the bliss of only a tiny tiny headache. Ahh.]

Hey, I got your gift. Thanks, it's really cool. Did you mean to leave your charger here? I appreciate it; let me know when you want it back. I wish I had something I could give you...unless you want to read Dune? I've got a copy, and I've noticed the library here doesn't have any fiction in it.


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 07:09:18 UTC

Me too. At this point I don't even really care where it comes from, as long as it means there's not things out there in the dark waiting for us.

[He brightens when she says she got his gift.]

I'm glad you like it! Yeah, I did. I figured you could probably use it for awhile. And that'd be awesome, actually. I kind of do miss reading fiction.


needsnobottle December 29 2011, 07:29:16 UTC

Yeah, no kidding. Were you somewhere dark? I was in the barracks common room but the Doc was trapped...somewhere. The second-hand terror was almost enough to do me in.

Thanks again, then. I'll make sure to keep track of it; if you ever want to check out what kind of music I have you're welcome to. I tend to listen to a lot of different types so you might find something you like.

I'll bring it by then. I feel like I've managed to smuggle in some kind of contraband.


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 08:16:23 UTC
No, I made it to the bonfire out on the green okay. But yeah, I heard some people got stuck. Was that what we were warned about, you think, if we strayed from the light? Or did they get stuck to keep them from what was out there?

[Not that speculating is really going to do anything.]

Oh, yeah, that'd be wicked. You can see what's on mine, too, if you want.

[He laughs.]

Me, too. We should start like, trading favors for iPod charging and fiction reading.


doctoral_bird December 29 2011, 07:27:56 UTC

And a wonderful Christmas to you, Bobby! I see your garment is exceptionally festive as well!

This gift is wonderful, by the way. I must apologize for not having anything to give in return, though I really ought to work on returning the favor. I do hope you and your friends are doing fine, I- erm... Well, I'm feeling better!

[Malkus has gone without food or water for quite awhile, before, but it's still not any easier. At least he didn't need to spend that time out in the woods or with the risk of animal maulings!]


mister_10_below December 29 2011, 08:16:29 UTC

[Ah, his favorite gas mask wearing doctor! Bobby grins brightly at him.]

Hey Malkus! Yeah, isn't it cool? I love stuff like this.

[Because yes, Bobby is a dork.]

Don't apologize! I wasn't expecting anything, I just wanted to try and give people a little something for Christmas.

[He frowns a bit at 'better,' though.]

Better? What happened? Were you one of the people that got stuck somewhere?


doctoral_bird December 30 2011, 05:30:16 UTC
It's very cool! Absolutely cold, in fact. Thankfully, this clothing is quite warm!

[He'll get it, someday.]

I understand, but I imagine it would feel quite good to give a gift of my own to my friends! I'm afraid I was one of those stuck in a room, though. It wasn't that horrid, but after awhile I really found that I had taken the gift of sight for granted. As well as the ease with which I could obtain food here.


mister_10_below December 31 2011, 07:39:11 UTC
[...but his lack of getting it is so endearing. Bobby grins.]

It is! Normally I'm not the biggest fan of stuff that's too warm, but I couldn't resist the Christmas aspect. It's my favorite holiday. And yeah, I understand that. You could make them something?

[And his shoulders droop slightly here.]

I'm sorry, man. I wish you hadn't have had to go through that.


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