Jul 20, 2010 15:06
Because it's a school day and this one is dirtier than the last, I've placed today's "album cover nipple penetration" polls under a cut. You're welcome.
Poll ALBUM COVER NIPPLE PENETRATION (1979 - 1980 edition)
For reasons that would be best examined in a sprawling graduate thesis, the 1970s trend toward album cover nipple penetration eventually gave way to a 1990s trend of album cover partial-boobage (also, oddly, a "woman nursing a baby animal" theme). This brings us to our next poll.
Of course, these days the music industry has become more enlightened. The raw earthy nipple penetration of the 70s and the partial-boobage of the 90s (in both filthy and "sensitive" contexts) have given way to a much more existential album cover trend: ladies' vacant, lobotomized MySpace gazes with no bourgeois "band names" or "album titles" to distract. Dammit St. Vincent, at least the dead-eyed ladies of the 70s wore loincloths and Bisquick, or got molten wads of gum stuck to their arieolas. What are you even lookin' at?