Get crackin...

Mar 14, 2006 13:42

I'm trying to think of the right words to express myself ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

_no_regrets_ March 14 2006, 14:03:47 UTC
Fuck religion. Period.


life_goes_on___ March 15 2006, 12:34:13 UTC
but see, just the word "sorry" alone can mean many things, because they are not accompanie by other expressing words. If i did something i will say something that clearly means "im sorry, my bad, i fucked up" if i say "sorry" sometimes it means, "sorry... that is what i feel for you because you are pathetic" or "sorry you were born." The fact that someone interprets "sorry" differently is mere coincidence. the fact that someone interprets "sorry" as me ackowleging my wrong doing in some kind of heartfelt manner is utter stupidy. that was rather long, im done.


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