I've seen that Girly cross over with S*P. Tis good! Have you read much Girly? you should- it might soften you up a bit :) Its all full 'o' love! And lesbians! Though they're not as good.
He made lots of mistakes in his campaign: firing you, going negative too early, etc. but I still thinks he's a world better than joe lieberman et al. The republicans are always going to be better at centre-right politics (bush is so good at it he's managed to convince middle america he's a centrist. What the democrats need is to rebuild people's trust, keep their promises and develop a distinctive agenda that makes people feel they have a real choice in policies. Kennedy and FDR were elected with bold programs and new visions. I feel with a radical agenda and a rebuilding of grass-roots networks, the democrats will be in a great position when bush's fiscal policies sink the economy.
Sorry, I should have spotted that one, also you, of all people don't really a leture on the failures of the DNC and the party in general. Sorry again, my bad.
Comments 6
2005-02-10 07:36 (from (link) Select
What have you got against lesbians per se?
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