I have always thought it interesting how the French language puts such emphasis on the presense of males. Love the pizza comment! You could really write a book I think - or perhaps you have already? No berets for the French anymore? I hope they aren't trading them for ball caps...how are the ladies fashions? Lots of stockings and heels? I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with a ying/yang symbol with Mickey earson it and thought of you yesterday! Thank you again, it is such fun to think about France in the morning here, in the fog. A typical Bay summer here...
Re: Fish wifeamaratalaAugust 12 2004, 21:04:23 UTC
The book you wrote - K and I purchased it at Good Vibes I think, before she knew you, before the problems. Funny. I was thinking along the lines of a novel, you really tell a good story.
I've seen those clear bra straps, a little odd but I do see the appeal. No heels? What are the women wearing on their feet? I forget that some places get hot, today in Berkeley I didn't take off my sweater once! Tonight I had to wear a long coat to take out the trash - ugh. I'm with your wife all the way. Give me heat! It's not that I don't like the fog, it has its place, I just think that August isn't it.
The Virginia house sounds like work but the stories would be fun. Bigger than the houseboat I imagine. How interesting to have a slave in your family tree. I thought you were English? Escaped from slavery on a ship to anywhere perhaps? Nothing so funny as a cubed grandpa in back here, what - you were cannibals too? My family came from Germany,, we were farmers in Minnesota.
Re: Fish wifemisterajcAugust 13 2004, 01:29:40 UTC
You know, I'm far more of a ass man than a foot man, but I'll go and check out some feet for you and report back.
Yes, I'm mostly English, with some Scottish and Irish. And like Flanders and Swann said, "If God had meant us not to eat people, he wouldn't have made them of meat."
As for writing a novel, I looked at the friends of mine who had managed to get a book published and almost none of them were novels. It's much easier to get almost anything other than a first novel published. So, I knew that if I wanted to get a book in print, I should look for something I could write about that wasn't fiction.
I have written some fiction, mostly very short stories, mostly funny. A couple of them have made it into print, but I haven't got any money for them. If you'd like to read some of my stuff I'd be happy to send you some.
Comments 5
I've seen those clear bra straps, a little odd but I do see the appeal. No heels? What are the women wearing on their feet? I forget that some places get hot, today in Berkeley I didn't take off my sweater once! Tonight I had to wear a long coat to take out the trash - ugh. I'm with your wife all the way. Give me heat! It's not that I don't like the fog, it has its place, I just think that August isn't it.
The Virginia house sounds like work but the stories would be fun. Bigger than the houseboat I imagine. How interesting to have a slave in your family tree. I thought you were English? Escaped from slavery on a ship to anywhere perhaps? Nothing so funny as a cubed grandpa in back here, what - you were cannibals too? My family came from Germany,, we were farmers in Minnesota.
Yes, I'm mostly English, with some Scottish and Irish. And like Flanders and Swann said, "If God had meant us not to eat people, he wouldn't have made them of meat."
As for writing a novel, I looked at the friends of mine who had managed to get a book published and almost none of them were novels. It's much easier to get almost anything other than a first novel published. So, I knew that if I wanted to get a book in print, I should look for something I could write about that wasn't fiction.
I have written some fiction, mostly very short stories, mostly funny. A couple of them have made it into print, but I haven't got any money for them. If you'd like to read some of my stuff I'd be happy to send you some.
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