Jan 01, 2012 13:43
[Filtered from Known DELILAH Members || Unhackable]
The peculiarity of the weather aside, it seems a new year has somehow come upon us again. I didn't make much of Christmas before, nor have I made much of the new year. It doesn't really matter, I don't think. I used to remark on what year it 'would' be in my world if time were still flowing there. It isn't, of course, so it's still 1889 there and it always will be until I return.
If I am to make any resolutions for the new year, as is customary, I suppose I shall simply resolve to keep my same resolutions. I didn't make them--not all of them, at least--at the new year, but that doesn't make them any less serious. I shall, as ever, stand against my father and his organisation and their intentions--both here in the City and in my own city of London.
I see no need at all to resolve to have Riff returned to me because that really is quite inevitable. He will be returned to me. I need make no resolution in that regard at all.
Or perhaps I should make an altogether new resolution.
I resolve that I shall bring to an end this war between my father and myself. I have vowed before that I won't rest until the earth itself is baptised in either his blood or mine. Perhaps I should resolve to keep that vow. After all, I came quite close to it here in the City once before. I know I shall be able to see to that once again.
Now, as to the weather: I certainly have seen summer weather in winter (and winter weather in summer). It always puts me in mind of a time when a Prof. Wordsworth fell back into the City, quite badly wounded, and I was the one who had to hurry through a blizzard to him. I suppose I think of it because of seeing him thereafter as the weather warmed again over the course of that week. This is to say nothing, of course, of the other times it has snowed and thawed here overnight. There were rumours of floods near the Cathedral on a few occasions and I do hope everyone has been minding the sheets of ice that were falling from the roof of the opera house. That certainly has been a problem before. They really can be quite dangerous when they fall.
I suppose I ought to try and enjoy the warmer weather. I don't mind the cold, you know. But it still seems a shame to squander milder weather when one is given it. If nothing else, it is a way of sneering at the 'deities'. We can enjoy one of their curses for a change, since it's a mild curse--if one can consider it a curse at all. That is an ongoing debate, I know, but if it is a curse, it is better than some we've had of late. Decembers sometimes rivals October for curses. I think we've had the better ones this year.
[Private to He-Who-Kills || Unhackable]
I never did properly thank you for the Christmas dinner I so surprisingly found in the opera house kitchens on Christmas Day. Please let me thank you for it now. You have, it seems, quite the uncanny ability to know everything that goes on in the opera house and to better the whole of the place by what you know. I remember how devotedly you served the lady Lailis while she was here. I feel quite unworthy of your service and kindness now. But I do thank you for it.
As ever,
Cain Hargreaves
[//end private filter]
I think perhaps I will at least take a walk--in Xanadu again, perhaps, or out in the streets. It is a holiday of sorts, after all. And the weather is favourable for it. And I can do what work I have yet to do as easily there as here. Besides, perhaps this will help me in keeping to those resolutions.
[//end filter]
[ooc: Happy New Year, POLYchromatic~!! I hereby resolve to RP here just as much as ever, if not more. I think that's quite an easy resolution to keep. And, just remember: whatever you do on the first of January, that predicts what you'll do the rest of the year. Looks like I'll be RPing. Happy new year, Poly. I hope it's a fantastic one ♥]