OOC: Dream #3

Oct 02, 2009 23:34

He opened his eyes, closing them again in the harsh light before blinking them open again. There was something important there, a bird in a cage, its feathers all colors of red and orange, and if it sang he knew it would have the sweetest voice he had ever heard, but the bird remained silent. It turned to him before it burst into flames. A phoenix? But why?

He turned, and there was something, then. A tree in a glass bubble, and he closed his hand around it, drawing it closer. The tree was green and healthy, and then fall came and the leaves turned orange and drifted from the branches. Next came snow, and then the tree would sprout again. This was how it was, he knew. He shook the globe, watching the bits of snow drift about, and he smiled.

He turned again, facing a piano that played on its own. He was sitting there, the older version of himself that he had found in the wax museum. There was a card sitting on top of the piano- the ace of spades. He began to play something, a tune that stirred a distant memory in him but that he couldn't quite place.

"So, you're still running after the truth, huh?"

He nodded softly. "It's the only thing I can do."

His older self shook his head. "You've got a lot to learn, kid. You can't just go charging after it like that."

But there were people waiting for him, faces he couldn't remember and things he couldn't forget. He nodded, turning again and this time there was no bird, nor globe, nor man at a piano, only a blinding green light that he walked toward.

There was something important there, and he tried to stretch his mind toward it, trying to grasp that one grain of truth that he had scraped for...

...but he couldn't remember.

Things Lost:
Memories of Bastet, Crow, Medium, P/Raise, and Kazahana.
Fugue's dream (he had it during Revolving Reveries).
His second memory.
His first dream.
His notes (they exploded with the book shop).
His locket and any notes contained inside (also obliterated with the book shop).
His magatama (also obliterated with the shop).


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