[OOC-ish] Joining the Meme-wagon. Feel free to respond IC-ly. :)

Feb 08, 2010 23:23

Not feeling entirely IC today, but here we go. EDIT: Added more of England's responses. Sort of.

(Note: youatemydingo = Australia, nouveaunorth = Mid-1700s Child!Canada)
1. I don't quite -- approve of this silliness, however, it is good to be ... I suppose... [grumble mumble grumble]
2. To Alfred: I must say -- how very appropriate!
3. To Edgeworth: fried Mars bars, if you will. That or a pint.
4. Now, who's this poor Snape fellow?
5. If you plan to ask me out, be a gentleman about it.

(Note: before_redsnow = Pre-1100s Child!Russia, littlestbaltic = Latvia)
1. I will not move to Colorado, thirty-four is not -- my -- age, and of all the nations I want to spend the rest of my life with, Russia wouldn't make the list, and you cannot bribe me to put him there. Although, I'll concede, he's a better character as a naive child.
2. That robot better keep his yard clean.
3. ...my dear Rena, I have no intention to, er...
4. I suppose I could deal with having that Spaniard as a friend. 'I suppose' being the key phrase here.
5. Flattered, Latvia, but don't you have better things to do.
6. An author of what?

ooc, spellbound cafe

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