1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship. Wouldn't share.
2. What question is missing from this meme. What's the point of all these hopes, is it the chicken and the egg time, or are we just yolks?
3. What were you doing at 8am this morning? Leaving the house.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching wierd al videos and the videos they parody.
5. Are you any good at math? Kinda...
6. Your prom night? Uh, did I go to prom? I think maybe I did, but I'm not sure.
7. Do you have any famous ancestors? Probably some glassblower ancestor.
8. What kind of car do you drive? 2003 Toyota Prius (no "synergy" just Hybrid)
9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? Null set.
10. Last thing received in the mail? My Y-Me walk number was the last thing I opened I think.
11. How many different beverages have you drank today? Breakfast drink, coffee, iced tea, diet coke, hot tea, peach iced tea, water... so 7ish
12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? Often, no... but I do sometimes.
13. Who was your first boy/girlfriend? Beth Wood
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Not usually.
15. Is there anything seriously bothering you? No, I'm pretty happy in fact.
16. What is out your back door? A patio, part brick, part concrete, and a weak yet functional fence.
17. Plans for tonight? Sleeping up for tomorrow's ride.
18. Do you like the ocean? Yes, it's ocean-tastic, and I like collecting pretty rocks.
19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn? Yum!
20. Have you ever been to a planetarium? Yes
21. Do you fancy or love anyone in your top 8 on myspace? Null set
22. Something you are excited about? Riding 30 miles with mah sweetie tomorrow
23. Favorite color? Blue
24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? No - and none of my grandparents either
25. Describe your key chain? Radioactive thingy, leather thingy with nickel, and a bunch of keys.
26. Where do you keep your change? Back left pocket, then onto closet dresser, then into piano sorting bank, then into tote to be taken to bank... it's pretty full by now.
27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? I presented to the services group meeting last month, that was about 30 people... bigger than that I dunno...
28. What kind of winter coat do you have? Columbia.
29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Open
30. Who did you last text and why? Sarah, to tell her her mother's cell number