John's ex-wife pisses me off! She sent me that nice little e-mail, talking about how much she appreciates me, and now this... Keep reading...
Bolded are my responses to this...
Hi Guys,
I know I'm probably being overly concerned and irrational. But I was hoping you would tell me a bit more about the kids' time alone so I won't sit here and worry. I am sure you have everything covered, so please, just appease the mother-bear in me. John talked to her last night, and she was asking about the kids time with us. They'll be here for the whole month of July. Essentially she came across as wanting to know if we had anything fun planned. John just happened to say about him having a new job and that our schedules are a little crazy right this second
How long will the kids be alone during the day and will it be Mon-Fri? I don't know your schedule, Stephanie. I know you don't have a land line (right?) so will they have a phone available to them and if so which number is it? one, she doesn't need to know my schedule. two, when we got a landline phone I sent out a mass e-mail to EVERYONE in my e-mail list telling them that we now have a landline phone, and the number. She obviously doesn't pay any attention to anything, so why should we tell her anything Is Stephanie's aunt (aunt, right? who lives next door) home during the day? Will the kids be allowed to "roam the neighborhood" with friends? Are there girls in the neighborhood? Miranda told me last time she didn't think so and they thought the kids were all much younger than them. we introduced the kids to a bunch of kids in the neighborhood of varying ages, they just chose to play with a set of twins that were younger than both of them and boys If they are going into these other kids' houses do you know the parents? nah... We're going to let them run loose in the neighborhood with NO ONE looking out for them! ASSHOLE! Wesley is just still so naive (sp?) cause you coddle him!/ even though he's 14. He was at a friend's house where they were watching a horror movie that the dad thought would be ok. Wesley had the good sense to leave but still couldn't sleep that night! doesn't this prove that the kid isn't quite as naive as you think, that he actually might have a good head on his shoulders?
I'm sorry for being so concerned.I truly hope you are not offended. I am so grateful that your dad, Steph, will be near-by. nice way of making sure we're not offended, by showing us blatently that you don't trust us as parents... I mean if you can't trust me, how do you know you can trust my dad? I just would rather know the details than sit around worrying the whole time. It sounds like you have some really great things planned for them! How bout this, bitch, when the kids are in PA with us, WE ARE THE PARENTS, when you have them in ILLINOIS, you can be the parent. Trust that you and my husband raised smart kids who know what the hell is going on. They're not stupid, and don't incinuate that John and I don't have a freaking clue how to parent. Me personally, I may not be a parent, but these are NOT the first kids that I have ever had under my care. I'm pretty damned good with kids. I haven't broken one of them. Not even once. It's not like I am going to go get a babysitter for a teenager and a 12 year old when John works pretty much flex shifts, and I am home by 4:30 everyday! Go suck my big toe you jack ass GRRRRRR
Thanks for understanding,
PS: Wesley dumps his medicine in a spoonful of applesauce to take it. So you might want to get a jar of it before they get there, if you don't already have some aroundagain coddling... 14 years old and he cannot swallow a pill
So that is the latest drama with John's ex wife. We get the kids on Saturday, and have bunches planned for them. I am looking forward to them, but I am about yea close to calling a lawyer... Any Suggestions anyone to keep me from killing her?