Call Me Rush

Jul 12, 2005 14:43

Man! Renaissance Fairs rule!! ^___^ I gladly payed the $16 entrance fee twice to get in both days. XDD

-=-=-DAY ONE-=-=-

After returning to Wildwood after staying over Jenni's house for the night, Jenni, her little brother, and I all arrived at the fair at around 2. After finally figuring out how to decipher the maps, we walked around the place and finally stopped to watch a joust. It was awesome. XD; Although Sir Nick fell off his horse while attempting to grab a ring with his lance. Then the Sheriff of Nottingham came out and the crowd 'boo'd' him like crazy. o.O Then he threatened to cut our heads off. XD They also had the French Taunters announcing the joust. ^^ It was very funny. XD

After the joust, me and Jenni went over to a tent covered in pirate flags where, to my great joy xD, we found sharp pointy objects otherwise known as SWORDS. XD I bought Legolas' fighting swords. ^^ They are very cool.

The next show we caught was Curious Magic and Impossible Illusions. The tricks were kinda 'ehh', but the two hosts were funny. ^^ The one guy was hilarious. xD And the other was an EXTREMELY perky girl who was a contortionist. She was cool too. o.o

At 3 we took a break from the shows to look around the stores. I spotted a tent that said "St. George's Dragon Orphanage", and it turns out that they were selling anoles (little lizards). ^^ I'm always looking for more pets, so I bought two ( a boy and a girl...=BABIES). The boy is named Seifer, and the girl is Genesis. ^^ I now have five pets! :O A cat, two betas, and two anoles.

While Jenni and her brother were shopping for a Coat of Arms, I came across a wand shop. The guy working there acted like the wand shop owner from Harry Potter. XD He kept handing me wand types and asking "How does this suit you" and "I don't think your soul is calling for this one". ^^; I ended up buying a pure black wand with a Raven Feather core. Funny, eh? XD

At 4, we watched a Living Chess Game. It is what it sounds like. People actually fighting before they take a piece. The two drunks were awesome. XD Fighting over one beer mug.

At 4:30 we went to the Pirate's Auction where the pirate's were auctioning off swords and other weapons. They sold a lot. o.O; And auctions are CRAZY! You can hardly hear yourself think when a good item comes up. What with all the "30! do I hear 35? There's a 35? 40? See the 40!!" @_@

At 5 we had a beverage break. ^^

5:30 we watched a Birds of Prey show. They had an eagle (which flew away so the show had to be postponed for about 15 minutes XD), a hawk, a GIANT condor, and a gorgeous Peregrine Falcon. ^^ All the seagull flew away when they let the falcon out. XD

We watched a show called "Ask the Village Idiot" at 6. ^^ That was Hilarious. The two guys ran around the stage blindfolded while setting off mouse traps with their feet. At some points they fell on the traps. XDD The host of the show was the Sheriff's brother. o.o; He was awesome. XD At another point in the show, they took two volunteers from the audience to paint a picture with the two guys as human paint brushes. XD then they played a game in which you had to make a question for a given answer. ^^ Kinda like Jeopardy, only funnier. One of the answers was "Eggs Benedict" and one of the actors said "What is an egg dish that makes my tool curl". And everyone, more so the adults and teens, started cracking up. XD Then the guy ran out again and said "If your kids got that it's you fault!" XDDD

At 6:30 we watched a Belly Dance show. o.o; But right in the middle, the 4 guards for the Sheriff (who were also the guys that me and Jenni "hearted" XD) came running out on the stage shouting "We can do that too!" so they started dancing all retarted. XD One of the guys said his name was "Crass the Stampede" XDDD So I choked on my fruit punch.

After this I bought a fox tail which I am currently wearing. o.o; It's so soft. T~T

Then at 7 we watched the Final Joust where Robin Hood kicked the Sheriff's arse. x.x; I like both of them, so I didn't know who to root for. X_x;

After the Joust, we went to the Pub Sing where many raunchy and suggestive songs were sung. XD

Here's the chorus of one!:

Balls to your partner
Your arse against the wall
If you've never been out on a Saturday night, you've never been out at all

So now me, Jenni, and Julie can't stop singing those three lines. XD And it's such a true last line!

And then we went home. x.x;; the best day I've had in a long time!

-=-=-DAY TWO -=-=-

At first, I thought I had to work until 5 that night. But then, my boss said I could leave at 1:30, which I LOVE him for letting me get off early. XD So I called Julie, Vince, and my parents and told them to meet me by the entrance around 2. Then I zipped out of my arcade to the Fair entrance like a bat outta hell. XD

After meeting up with Vince and Julz (my parents where about an 1 1/2 late ^.^;), we went and watched the first joust of the day. Then I showed them the sword shop, and we walked around for about an hour looking at the shops after watching a bit of Curious Magic and Impossible Illusions.

As we were walking by a leather shop, a wizard ( Later I learned his name was Myrdwyn and he was a part of Robin hood's group) came out of nowhere and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started walking with me. Our Conversation:

Myrdwyn: "So, I know you are going to my magic show right?"

Me: "Uhhhh..."

Myrdwyn: "You should! It's a lot of fun!" *Notices Aztec Gold Pendant from Pirates of the Caribbean around my neck* "Oh I like your necklace! You know, I've seen another fellow walking around here with one of those too. What was his name...Captain Jack something..."

Me: *Almost squeaking* "CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW?!" XD

Julie and Vince: ...o__o (Yes they are still there XD)

Myrdwyn: "Yes! That's it! I wonder where...oh! Jack! Over here!"

And I look around, and sure enough, an exact duplicate of Jack Sparrow from PotC is walking (in Jack fashion) towards us. XD

Myrdwyn: "I've got two lovely ladies here for you!"

Me: "o_____________O"

Julie: "O_________o"

Vince: *Laughing.*

Jack: "Oh you do?" *Stumbles over and joins our little circle, waving his rum flask around*

Myrdwyn: "What's your name?" *asks me*

Me: "Ciara. ^.^"

Myrdwyn: "Jack this is Ciara!"

Jack: *Dumbfounded look, then points to my pendant.* "I like that." *In Jack accent*

Me: "Thanks. ^^;;;"

Jack: "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get hydrogentated...hygated...hyderogenated..."

Me: "Hydrated?"

Jack: "That's it! That's the word!"

But yeah, great fun talking with him. XDDD Moving on...^^;

My parents had finally gotten there, and just in time for the second Pirates auction! ^^;

We got a TON of stuff. xD My parents are awesome at auctions. ^^

What we got:

Sting (Frodo's sword from Lord of the Rings)
Hadhafang (Arwen's sword from Lord of the Rings. My parents got it for me to go with my Legolas swords. ^^)
A Dagger of the Earth (People that wanted it had to bid $20 on a plain white box without knowing what would be in it. People that did got the awesome dagger for $10. XD "Trust the Pirates!")
And Brad Pitt's Helmet of Troy, which we got another helmet with it. ^^
We also bought Bill's Sword from Kill Bill for Vince, which is an awesome katana. XD

then we went to play some games. We did Chinese Crossbows, and we thre Shurikens! ^_^ Apparently...Ciara's Ninjutsu isn't her strongest trait. x.X; For she only hit one target out of 6. Vince got like 3. XDDD


We all watching some Birds of Prey and Living Chess game, before we ran off to "Princess Isabella's Kids Kingdom" (XD Yes, teens our age running to a kiddy corner) to go join Robin Hood's band.

When we got there, the show was over. x.X; And Robin hood and his people were just sitting there talking.

Now this was freaky. Remember when I told Myrdwyn my name and I told you he worked for Robin Hood? o.o Apparently he told everyone in Robin Hood's band, because as my Vince and Julz all walked over, everyone there said:


...Me: "X_X"

And now you'll get to learn why I say to call me "Rush". XD

as we walked over, Robin Hood's second hand man noticed Julie's shirt, which said "Born Grumpy".

Him: "You were born Grumpy?"

Julie: "Uhh...*Laughs.*"

Him: *Pause* "...'sa damn shame."

And everyone laughed. o.o;And Robin Hood and his band's nickname for Julie became Grumpy. XDD

Then it was Vince's turn. He was still carrying the sword he bought at the auction. On the outside of the box, it read "Kill Bill, Bill's Sword". So one of the girl's in the group said:

Her: "Who's Bill?"

Vince: "Me."

So Vince's kidding earned him the nickname 'Bill'. xDD

Then came my turn! ^.^

I got my nickname from Robin Hood when he noticed what it said on the black tanktop I was wearing. In full, it said "Rush" in big white letters, and underneath that in smaller white letters it said "club rush paradise island" because I got it at Atlantis in th Bahamas. o.o;

Robin: "You should slow down, Rush."

Me: "o.O??"

Then I remembered my shirt. XD So that's how I got my nickname.

Then, Robin Hood stood up, and got right in me and Julie's faces and said (in a loud voice XD)

"Cheer up Grumpy, and slow down Rush!"

XDD So I've adopted Rush as one of my official nicknames, among Raven and Ci-Ci. o.o;

Then, me and Julie were introduced to a really cute member of the Merry Men. ^.^; Myrdwyn, after he had introduced us to everyone else, introduced us to Will Scarlet. He was very gentlemanly-like. :O He shook our hands while saying "It's a pleasure" and stuff. ^^ I'm pretty sure we were both blushing, but it probably wasn't noticeable because of our sunburnt faces. XD

Then, we got convinced by Robin Hood and his group ( they were so fun to hang with! ) to go and join them at the Maypole Dance. So we did. o_o And then the two other guys (Sheriff's guards) showed up. XD So we watched the actors tie the ribbons around the maypole as they danced and stuff, while we sat there clapping, completely oblivious to what was gonna happen next.

Queen Aurora (she was leading the dance): "Alright everyone! Grab someone from the audience and ask them to dance!"

Me, julie and Vince: o____O

Some random lady asked Vince to dance, so he went up with her, and left me and Julie sitting there. Then, another girl grabbed Julie, and just when I thought I was gonna be sitting there alone, one of the guys I LIKED came up to me and asked me. I didn't even get to respond before he pulled me out of my seat and dragged me out to the dancing circle.

Him (It's kinda funny, because out of all the guys, he's the only one that I don't know his name XD): *In a thick English accent* "It's very simple to learn."

So he grabbed my hand, and at this point I was blushing like mad. @_@ So we started dancing in a circle (everyone was holding hands in one big circle), and just when I thought "Hey, this is easy!", we had to break off and dance with the person that took us from the audience! X_X So I'm staring at our feet the whole time. XD

Then, the dance finally finished.

Him: "You are a wonderful dancer!"

Me: "Thanks...o_o too! :D"

XD He messed up more than I did during the dance, but he was definately the most energetic one there.

After that wonderful experience, we went to see "Ask the Village Idiot". We all got really involved in it. XD Like, we told the actors to run around on the mousetraps while acting like "Depressed Chinese Trashpickers" XD;

Actor 1 (His name was Duck XD): "I'm so depressed...I hatge my life...*Mousetrap* OWWW!! *Falls off stage*"

Honestly, they sounded like Marvin from Hitchhiker's. xDDD

then, I volunteered to do the painting thing. XD I dipped the guy's head in the paint bucket and used his hair as a brush. xDDDD And I won the contest! ^^ Huzzah!

After this funny event, the best part of my day happened. We went to watch the belly dance again, and once again the 4 sheriff guards attempted to dance. But this time...

They ACTUALLY stripped. XDDDDDDDDDDDD One of the two guards we like (Named Ferret) threw his belt at me. ^.^; His hip flask hit me in the knee. x__X;;

After that dance, the guy I danced with at the maypole came up and striped down to his tights. XDDDDD;; He jupmed off the stage and nearly landed on me. X__x About a foot in front of me actually. Ferret and the "Guy I danced with" had to have a dance off to decide who the winner would be, and it was insane. XDD They were flinging their shirts out into the audience and waving their butts around. xDDD Me and Julie were in hysterics while Vince had the most disgusted look on his face. XDDDD

In the end, the "Guy I danced with" won. ^^

Ferret walked up to me and I gave him back his belt.

Him: "Thank you for holding this for me, you're a doll."

Me: "-^.^-"

After that, we watched the Final Joust where I bought two flags to wave in support for Sir Nick and The Sheriff of Knottingham. ^^ Always teh bad guys.

After the last joust, we went to the last Pub Sing before we had to leave. They sang that nifty song again, along with another very raunchy song. At one point the Sheriff ran up to the stage drunk shouting "You lying Bitch!"

Clearly, he didn't care that there were children in the audience. XDD

Then after a verse of "He came home and saw that there was a sausage in her hand where his thing outta be" ...

...told you it was raunchy. XD

Robin Hood ran up shouting "Someone bit my sausage off!!! It's gone!!"

XDD Poor, poor Robin.

Jack Sparrow tried dancing, and fell over. XDD

but yeah, that was a lot of fun. And it was also the last event of the night. T__T And the place was closing. They close at 8:30, so we decided to hang around for the last half hour for the helluvit.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that there was a food stand where a guy just sat there shouting "PICKLES!" all day. XDD Before, he had asked me if I wanted one of his "Enormous Pickles". XDDDDDDDDDD So wrong. But yeah, we walked past him again, and he came up behind me and shouted "PICKLES!" right in my ear. I screamed so loud. XDDD

And before we left the fair, we had to say goodbye to everyone! So I tol Will that Julz was gonna miss him and he said he'd miss her too. XDD

All in all, it was an AWESOME two days. ^^

I just got done feeding my anoles. o_o As soon as I dropped one of the feeding crickets in, Seifer jumped outta nowhere and ripped the poor thing apart! @.@ Genesis is just kinda...sitting there...watching. o.o;

I can't wait until the end of August! x.X All the fun stuff starts then. :D

August 26th: System of a Down Concert!!! xOOO
September 14th: Advent Children!!
October (Dunno exact date. x.X): Busch Gardens with Cat! :DDDDDDD

I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUMMER WHEN THE FAIR COMES BACK!!! T____T Threee times!! I'm buying a whole outfit! XDDD

That's all she wrote. o.o; Ja!!!
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