Pre-MFF post

Nov 15, 2006 10:11

I suppose writing a post about what's been going on with me would make catching up with people at Midwest Furfest easier, or just be an FYI for those who won't be there.

I've occasionally been working on another fursuit, one of the candyskunks. I wanted to have it done for MFF, but as usual, I put it off until it was too late. Ah well, I'm going to be so busy with other activities that I'll be lucky if I wear my original fursuit at all. I'll continue with building after the con; winter's a good season for focusing on craft-work.

I did spend a good deal of this autumn sorting through my stuff in storage. Most of it is staying in storage for now, but I donated of lot of it to Goodwill and to the rummage sale that Rick and Rachel had in September. A few days ago, I helped Athena (one of my few non-internet friends) and her family move for the ninth-or-so time. That really reminded me how much of a waste it is to have so much unused crap around. I must continually fight against my packrat-nature and work toward keeping a more Zen/feng sui-ish living space. It would also be nice to have my home in better order so that I can have people over during the holidays. Yeah, I'll get around to that after I complete the 5 art trades/exchanges I signed up for this month. Oiy, what was I thinking?!

As per one of my New Year's resolutions, I've been trying to donate blood regularly, but my iron level is usually too low for it. It hasn't been high enough to donate since March. I heard that warm weather somehow decreases iron in some people's blood, so maybe I'll have better luck when I go in next week. All the more reason for me to chow down iron-rich food this weekend.

Thankfully I don't have a pre-con cold. *knocks on wood* A few years ago, I went to MFF with a bad cold and tried not to give it to anyone. Needless to say, that really sucked; I don't wish it on anybody. So maybe my annual bad winter cold will instead come on Christmas, again. XP

A sad thing about this holiday season is that tremaine will be out-of-state for work the week after Thanksgiving and werellama/Dali/Rachel will be in England for 10 days in December! Rick is going to Brambury for work, so Rachel is tagging along. Man, I really wish I could go with them! I just don't have the vacation time or money for it. I will be applying for a passport anyway, so that I'll be prepared if this opportunity comes up again next year. At least Rach will be home for her birthday, November 27th, and I will be with her.

MFF is my "home con" so it's always been like a family reunion to me, complete with drama. Two years ago, I even had my mom attend for a day. I've been to every MFF, and they keep getting better. Last year was fun and drama-free (for me anyway), and I hope that trend continues. However, it is a bit of a bummer that tremaine will have to leave on Sunday to go to work. :P

I've also always been involved with putting the con on. First, I was head of a programming track, then I helped Dali with directing gophers (volunteers). For the last two years, I haven't been on staff, but I still gophered and helped with panels. This year, I'm on more panels than ever. The following is what Dali and/or I are slated to be in this year:
"Folktails" - Friday @ 6:00PM
"Playful Awakenings" - Friday @ 7:00PM
"Therianthropy" - Friday @ 8:00PM
"Candidly Canid" - Saturday @ NOON
"Hoof and Horn Herd" - Saturday @ 4:00PM
The Midnight Howl (in the parking lot)
"Fursuit Construction 2: Building Heads" - Sunday @ 10:00AM
"Mother Earth" - Sunday @ 3:00PM

Dali and I will also be "carnies" to run free game-booths for the "county fair" theme of the con. So come and try your luck with us! :) We wanted to do an act for the variety show, but we couldn't think of anything to top the awesome act we did at MFM. We'll be busy enough; there's so much to do and see at this con!

Safe travels to everyone!
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