Is it just me?

Jun 28, 2010 21:37

So yeah, stuff. Things have been..pretty okay I guess. Could be worse. I've gotten all of my half yearly exams back, and over all they were pretty average.

Extension Maths: 35% (yeah, I know it's bad...I'm pretending it didn't happen.)
Advanced Maths: 88%
Business Studies: 72% (doesn't seem great, but I accomplished my goal. And the highest mark mas 87.5% so I don't think I did all that badly.
French: 90%
Studies of Religion: 83%
Ancient History: 82%
English: 71% (English sucks and that's really all I have to say about that.)

A lot of them seem bad, but in relation to how everyone else did, I did pretty well. If I actually studied more than the day of the exams, I would have really kicked ass :D

xenaland is pretty fun :) Again, anyone interested should really check it out. We could use more members and it really is a lot of fun. I wish more of the people on my team would participate. I've been trying to get everyone feeling welcome and like they don't have to be shy, which is weird for me because I'm not even the team leader and at hogwartsishome I'm not very active at all. But I've been enjoying it a lot, aside from the participation issue.

Amazon Nation is totally kicking ass though :D I'm really excited about it!! I guess that's probably why the lack of enthusiasm is getting me down.

community; xlamazons, rl; school, community; xenaland

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