So, I woke up this morning to head off to class normally. nothing was really bothering me. I got in the shower, started to shampoo my hair, and then remembered that I have an assignment due this morning, and I haven't gotten it done yet. I forgot all about it. This is a problem!
The even bigger problem is that all the information I needed was on the website for the class, and I didn't know it. Had i known, I would have at least been able to do a half assed attempt. I had a bit of time after gettin gout of the shower. Oh well. Only thing I could do was to email my instructor and tell her that I had forgotten, and go on with the day.
It's the whole "taking responsibility for my actions" thing. This lead me to think about why I had forgotten about the assignment, and why I'm so loath to do anything for this class.
It's because I'm being forced to take it. Attendance is mandatory, and I'm annoyed at being place in this situation. I know that I said that it was great that the BA program is trying to give me the chance to pull up my socks, but at the sae time, forcing me to take this class is not going to make me want to. In all honesty, I hate going to it. It reminds me that I failed last year, and now I have to pay the price for my own stupidity all semester this year. As if last year wasn't bad enough!
Ok,here's that deal. I'm having issues on campus. I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. I do the readings cause if I don't, I'll fail completely, and then wont be able to come back to get my degree. I like this place, but I don't feel like I belong here. I feel to old for this, and I hate the fact that it seems like the little brain-dead, pissant, children I got to school with are doing so much better than I am.
My brother tells me that I need to have an open mind when it comes to the other students, but I'm just not sure if I can. Some of them seem so dumb, that it hurts to think about talking to them. There are a few that I don't mind so much, but they all seem to have spent some time away from the school atmosphere. Maybe it's the lack of life experiance that bothers me. A lot of these kids have no idea what the real world is like out there. It's not easy, and Mommy and Daddy wont always be there to bail you out.
Just tired of feeling like I don't belong at a school that prides itself on having so many mature students.