If you're tagged you must list 6 random facts about yourself - 3 true and 3 false, so people can guess which are which. then tag 6 people to do this meme
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the correct answer was 2, 4, and 5. i can't float, which is a main reason why i can't swim. and 5 is, yes, true. they were both glorious, satisfying events, but i made a pact with ben to watch dude wheres my car together like six years ago. i didn't stress about virginity nearly that long.
Comments 4
1. Rolling Stones?
2. No clue
3. Sounds familiar...
4. Sir Mix-a-lot
5. I believe someone who annoys me, don't remember the name
6. Right Said Fred
My guess is that 2,3,4 are correct.
2. Chumbawamba
3. Kylie Manoke (sp?)
4. Sir Mix a Lot
5. Whitney Houston
6. Right Said Fred
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