*ducks, waves* Um, hi? No, you have no idea who I am. Or maybe you do, I'm just going through the list systematically without really looking. XD LJ's got you pegged as a Riku fan, and the rikufans comm is in dire need of members. The mod is an awesome woman, and there's tons of Riku-related dicussion and material flying around. Have a look if you'd like, and thanks for hearing me out. :D
Come on, it's boring having only myself and Techla to talk to!! D:
I &heart; Anne Rice, all her vamp's especially Lord Lestat... and yeah, I checked out your user info and we have tonnes in common ^^ plus, you seem really cool =)
Nice to meet you! Of course I will add you! I have never met anyone from Australia before. My father spent a year of his life there and he always talks about how awesome Australia is! Your layout for your journal rocks and sexy icon as well...I cant wait for Kh2 to come out...I still cant believe it is actually going to happen. I keep expecting to hear that the date has been pushed back yet again! When does it come out in Australia?
Hiya, I am from the UK but think we have things in common. I love Anne Rice & Robert Jordan, am a veterinary nurse, and have 2 dogs/4 cats, all of 'em rescues. I have added you to my friends list, but I'm pretty new to all this.
Hello, nice to meet you! I am so sorry it took me so long to see your post. I apologize for that! Thank you for friending me! I will add you back right away. You are a veterinary nurse? That must be an amazing job, I considered going into that career (I am a freshmen in college) but I don't have the mind in math for that. I LOVE the UK, I just visited there a few months ago, London is a very beautiful city.
Comments 37
Elena wants your babies. :D
And the addingness of your journal thingy. ^__^
Come on, it's boring having only myself and Techla to talk to!! D:
(Also I have no idea how long ago you made this post, I apologize it took me this long to see it!)
Nice to meet you! Of course I will add you! I have never met anyone from Australia before. My father spent a year of his life there and he always talks about how awesome Australia is! Your layout for your journal rocks and sexy icon as well...I cant wait for Kh2 to come out...I still cant believe it is actually going to happen. I keep expecting to hear that the date has been pushed back yet again! When does it come out in Australia?
~Kristi :)
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