Genetically Modified Animal foods - coming soon!

Nov 11, 2008 10:49

On Sept. 18, 2008 the US Food and Drug Administration proposed regulations for approving Genetically Modified animals into the nation's food supply. The 60-day public comment period is closing soon. If you what to let your feelings on the subject be known, follow these instructions:
1. Click here.
2. Search Doc# FDA-2008-D-0394.
3. Click on "Notices" under "Document Type" in the left hand column.
4. Click on "Send a comment" under the heading "Guidance for Industry."

Warning: it looks pretty confusing (as an ex-public employee I can tell you they really don't want to respond to comments), but it's basically a simple process, and you're not going to get a better chance to register your opinions on this matter. Just like with the other GM foods rampant in our food supply, there would be no labeling the foods with GM animals, and there would be no way of telling which cows you eat are part rat.

Your comments can remain anonymous if you choose. However, it seems you must list a group that you are with (like "individual consumer" or "citizen") or else it won't post. With just one week left to accept comments and almost no media attention to this, I urge anyone who has an opinion on this to speak up now!!
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