
Mar 03, 2012 06:25

So...yeah. Life.

It's a mixed bag, really, at this point. And since I'm still suffering from massive writer's block, I guess I might as well talk about it, huh?

Electrochemistry test = utter catastrophe. And now I have a B in AP Chem. Which is super-frustrating because third quarter is almost over and if I get a B now, it'll be the first one I've gotten all throughout high school. And with an 88 in that class, it'll take a frickin' miracle to get my grade up to a 90 again.

Writer's block = oh dear Lord. The fifth chapter of Ionic is being SUCH A JERK right now. I have so little inspiration for it, and I have NO IDEA what chapter six will be about - ugh, just a great big pile of bleeeeegh right now. Chapter, why won't you write yourself? Same thing with other stories. My Hamlet story is not being written because it won't fit guidelines for Shakespeare Unfettered anymore and so now I have no inspiration to write something so obviously horrible, and just ugh ugh ugh.


*dances madly*
So it's kind of old news, but Fiction365 recently accepted a short story of mine I wrote, like, forever ago. The pay's only ten dollars, but it's my first break (after many, many rejection letters) so yays! Confetti and cake pops for all!

Spring break is also coming up, which means lots of downtime and writing time...and, according to my mother, time to study for my AP tests. Oh, joy...

So, that's about it. I promise next journal will be more fic and less of my boring life.


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