I want to bake him a batch of cookies or something. D:
I'm glad he said his feelings. It's a shame he had to say them though.
I can't really believe asshole fans like that exist. How can they tell someone who is so talented and who worked so hard to get off the stage? It's ridiculous. It's been three or so years since the Only13 movement and people still can't let it go? UGH.
I must admit I have a bias. "Cute Canadian (marry him and have access to free healthcare :D ) who can play the violin while dancing and sing in multiple languages (two of which I can understand) and who's such a hard worker" is the kind of person who I didn't think could exist since it sounds too good to be true. I really don't understand how so many people could hate him and Zhou Mi. It's great that they love Geng and all but it's not like it's Henry or Mi's fault that he decided to terminate his contract. These "fans" are being such assholes to the poor boys. >:|
It's nice reading some of the messages that people left for him though. It's cool to see so many people across the world (the US, Canada, Taiwan [A place that has a Henry bias! Yessss.], China [Some are typing in pinyin which I can understand. Awesomeness.], Hong Kong, Greece, France, England, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, Germany, Australia, Austria, Thailand, the Phillippines, Dubai, Russia, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Croatia [Definitely did not expect this.], and so many more <3 ). He probably won't read all of them but I do hope that he will see some fractions of it and know that a lot of people really do like him. And Zhou Mi too.
Hm, he misseplled "breath"... heh. I wonder if I should go and point this out.
This is like my favorite SJ pic now. Siwon being awesome (He didn't tell fans to stfu and stfd like some people are saying but he did definitely tell them to be quiet in a loud voice.) and bonus Qmi. <3
Baidu is a bitch to use and the layout is hideous. Hah, I remember a couple of summers ago I was arguing with my cousin about how Google is vastly superior (Well it's true!).
I wonder if I should just stick to western music and Vocaloid stuff from now on. :(
I hear too many depressing things in Asia (Japan: Cute couple breaks up because their stupid company refuses to let them marry because they don't want the guy to disappoint his crazy fangirls, China: Stupid fangirls make cute violin playing Canadian guy and Lady Gaga loving Chinese guy cry, Korea: Suicide petition for something a homesick teenager said years ago and other explosions.). From the cheesy, happy mainstream music, one would think that it would be all rainbows, sparkles, and unicorns over there not drama. But I guess this is to be expected.
A couple of years ago, my mom told me how Jackie Chan doesn't talk much about his personal life because one time a crazy fangirl tried to kill herself after she found out that he had a girlfriend.