Icon making is surprisingly time consuming! D:
So anyway, I finally figured out how to make animated icons. W00t.
So I pretty much wasted today and yesterday on doing just that (instead of say, studying for a test, mailing the Swedish embassy, reading assigned book, and just about any/all assigned work in general). Tinkering around with the time... lamenting my lack of an image splitter thingamajig... spazzing over tiny details.
Also, watching the caramelldansen videos suddenly made me decide to experiment a bit more with icons.
next icon batch preview)
A border. Yeah. >_> Slow mind is sloooow.
<- The product of much messing around on layers.
Other Stuff: Mostly to reminisce on later on.
Except not really finished 'cause there are still visible signs of my horrible screencap skill0rz. >_> Pixeling around the top... it's not really uber obvious but it just nags me. Uuuuugh.
I want to release a batch of icons sometime soon... but I'm worried that my current style is too spastic. Perhaps I've been too experimental and whatnot. T_T
Oh yeah. I also got in the Legal Systems Administrations tech center at our school for next year. Whoo. Go me.