I'm a Rockabilly Rebel - A Pile of Flaming Hot Conversions

Jul 02, 2013 13:15

This collection of conversions from TS3 'Fast Lane' and various TS3 expansions is dedicated to Sandy Bruty, Pleasantville's famous fashion icon and beloved legacy-leader.

After her huge success as a car model, sports star Sandy Bruty took her friends and fans by surprise last month by launching her own furniture line, The Rockabilly Rebel Range .

In an interview on SBN earlier this week she admitted that she would have never imagined having an interest in anything else than inspirational bedroom interiors, but believes that it suits her life at this point.

"I am at the age where I want to settle down and start a family," she said to reporter Patricia Wan, "and I want me to be happy at home. The kind of happiness that's not contingent on my looking hot in flaming pants and sandals."

At the premiere of The Rockabilly Rebel Range at Shlock Emporium earlier this week, Sandy-fans from all over the country stormed the popular downtown store in order to get a first glimpse of the brand-new furniture collection and a free sample of the "Robotl 2000".

Get to Work Industrial Door - Miscellaneous - Doors - 400 Simoleons (Ambitions)
Call Me a Column - Miscellaneous - Columns -  85 Simoleons (Fast Lane Stuff)

Bottle Rack - Decorative - Wall Hangings - 255 Simoleons (Showtime)
KIng of the Gate Fold-Out Chair - Comfort - Dining Chairs - 65 Simoleons (University Life)
Left of the Turnpike Bar - Miscellaneous - Party - 1000 Simoleons (Fast Lane Stuff)
Right at the Turnpike Barstool - Comfort - Miscellaneous - 485 Simoleons (Fast Lane Stuff)
Tick Tock Stock - Decorative - Sculptures - 425 Simoleons (Fast Lane Stuff)
Speecy Spicy Chiles - Decorative - Wall Hangings - 225 Simoleons (Fast Lane Stuff)

Chest of Champions - Decorative - Sculptures - 40 Simoleons (University Life)
Dive Seating - Comfort - Loveseats - 100 Simoleons (Late Night)
The Robotl 2000 - Decorative - Sculptures - 150 Simoleons (Ambitions)

It remains to be seen if the fancy furniture will truly catch on beyond the group of Sandy Bruty followers, but there's no denying that they provide a fun enrichment to the conventional furniture market.

Go get them while you're here!

Or, if you're not as daring, get some of the more neutral recolors.

Additional notes:

- The 'Turnpike Bar' needs OFB and the 'Dive Seating' Nightlife, everything else is base-game compatible.

- The 'Dive Seating' matches the other objects of my pub project from my second last post.

- For the 'Dive Seating' to function as a sectional sofa, you need this patch by IngeJones: http://www.modthesims.info/d/189428

- The bottles of the 'Bottle Rack' are ripped from the Showtime 'Tapered Bottle Cabinet', and for the rack, I've designed the glass in Milkshape and then added the metal from the BV Collector's Rack to let it look like the glass is attached to it.

- The dining table in the third picture is by ndainye and can be found here: http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?PHPSESSID=06qml90jn05vj6i4na7hog1ls2&topic=24962.msg612381#msg612381; the glasses on the bar counter are by delonariel and available here: http://delonariel.livejournal.com/5026.html

Credits and thanks: EA for the meshes, SimPE, MilkShape, GIMP, all the kind tutorial writers who help me understand the mysteries of life object making

Download here:  http://www.mediafire.com/download/6g3zj8034c01h5i/mif-The_Rockabilly_Rebel_Range.zip

decorative, doors, party, comfort, surfaces

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