[15:25] [Doc_Thownsend] Vital parts of your Avatars are in this book to protect from the Storm. When we cross, they will be returned.
[15:25] * Jon_Cloudspeaker looks confused
[15:25] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] I feel a little empty
[15:25] * Jeremy_O`rorke wrinkles his nose and grimaces slightly, then back at Doc and nods silently
[15:25] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Ok let's get this thing going
[15:26] * Verdandi glances to Jon and then to Doc, "Thanks."
[15:26] * Morgan_ turns to Doc and nods "Much better option than my first plan. Thankyou."
[15:26] [Doc_Thownsend] I try to leave the Umbra in a better condition than I found it.
[15:27] [Doc_Thownsend] Hug a Jaggling and all.
[15:27] [Constance_Jones] Thank you
[15:27] [Verdandi] I appreaciate it
[15:27] * Mina_Versein nods
[15:27] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Oohhhhhh
[15:27] [Doc_Thownsend] One thing... if there's a casting needed to cross, I must lead it.
[15:28] * Dani looks distinctly uncomfortable and turns back to Merlin
[15:28] [Doc_Thownsend] So let's go.
[15:28] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Not again
[15:28] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] What do you need
[15:28] [Phil_Schrodinger] Let's transform and roll out.
[15:28] * Rebekah looks calm
[15:28] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] go Voltron
[15:28] * Doc_Thownsend gives Henry a look of, "I hate it when you get me involved in these wacky parties."
[15:28] [Phil_Schrodinger] Voltron was a pussy.
[15:28] * Jon_Cloudspeaker looks at Rebekah
[15:28] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] HEy
[15:28] [Henry_Jones] let's do the crossing.
[15:28] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Take that back
[15:28] [Phil_Schrodinger] No, you
[15:29] [_Merlin_Inviolate_] thinking, we should do this. as henry says.
[15:29] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] F you man
[15:29] [Rebekah] Hey, CHILDREN...
[15:29] [Henry_Jones] we'll settle voltron disputes later with a voltmeter.
[15:29] [Rebekah] Can we get going?
[15:29] [Phil_Schrodinger] Haw haw
[15:29] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Voltron will eat anybody
[15:29] * Rebekah glowers at the two
[15:29] * Constance_Jones walks into the spider's web
[15:29] [Phil_Schrodinger] No, Unicron will eat anybody
[15:29] [Phil_Schrodinger] And any planet
[15:29] [Verdandi] Now ifs not the time.
[15:29] * Verdandi follows Constance
[15:29] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] No that is galactus
[15:29] [Henry_Jones] constance, what are you doing?
[15:29] * Rebekah follows Verdandi
[15:29] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Ok never mind let's do this thing and we will discuss Masked riders later
[15:29] [Phil_Schrodinger] Unicron could take out Galactus any day of the week
[15:30] [Phil_Schrodinger] Yeah, you just know I'm right
[15:30] * Jon_Cloudspeaker clenches fist
[15:30] * Phil_Schrodinger says as he steps through
[15:30] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] What ever butthead
[15:30] * Jon_Cloudspeaker steps through
[15:31] [Morgan_] Can we _not_ discuss great big things that eat planets... please.
[15:31] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ walks towards verdandi, following her.
[15:31] [Morgan_] Still a little raw from the last time one of those showed up.
[15:31] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] No no Galactus is a Marvel Villan
[15:31] * Dani follows others
[15:31] [Phil_Schrodinger] He was really big, though
[15:31] * Henry_Jones follows.
[15:31] * Ava_Olivia follows Dani
[15:32] * Henry_Jones hums a tune.
[15:32] * Mina_Versein breathes in deeply, and follows Dani.
[15:32] [Doc_Thownsend] Ra ra ra, sisboom ba - Hail Yogsothoth, he'll eat you all.
[15:32] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Yeah and ate planets, and had the Silver SUrfer Noran Radd, and fought Quasar, and basically was a bad dude but he looked funny as hell in purple tights and a purple crown
[15:32] * Rebekah gets a twitch around her eye
[15:33] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] May Cthulu rise from the temple of Reilgh and eat your children
[15:33] * Morgan_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:33] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (yeah, all those in the web, take a bit out so that I can describe the experience while dealing cheese in OOC)
[15:33] * Doc_Thownsend follows the more serious members of the party into depths of unknown wiggly death.
[15:34] * Morgan_ has joined #cradle-of-dreams
[15:34] [Morgan_] ooc: Damn internet. can someone copy and paste what I missed?
[15:34] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] So any way there was this time I was driving my truck across the rez and then all of a sudden this giant beetle came up from the ground
[15:34] * AlyssaLaverton sits on the ground opening her pouch, pulling a necklace out of it and putting it on, then she pulls out a small pin and outs it on..
[15:35] * AlyssaLaverton stands up, walks to the edge of the water kneels down and pulls something out of her pounce and touches the water with it...
[15:36] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] I swereved the truck to the right and ran into a parked car. As I stumbled out this giant bird asked if I wanted to ride to the sun on his back, so I was down since I had never ridden eagle to the sun before I mean I walked there with Coyote once but that was a long time ago
[15:36] * Jeremy_O`rorke gloves on, Jeremy makes a small, gesturing pattern in the manner of a spiral. The marks on his forearms glow purplish black as a brief flicker appears over the red-head youth, then goes invisible
[15:36] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Damn you guys get all these wickey abilities I just see stuff and play with spirits
[15:37] * Dani rubs her temples for a moment and sighs
[15:37] [Dani] That's because we are cool.
[15:37] * Knox follows verdandi
[15:37] [Verdandi] [16:34] Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc: (yeah, all those in the web, take a bit out so that I can describe the experience while dealing cheese in OOC)
[15:37] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] *points up* Pause, please.
[15:38] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] No your arrogant
[15:38] [Jon_Cloudspeaker] Yeah well I bet you don't play catch with the spirits
[15:38] [Verdandi] ooc: That means Time Freeze.
[15:38] * Morgan_ takes a few moments to quickly send a message from his phone before following the others.
[15:44] * Jon_Cloudspeaker has left #cradle-of-dreams
[15:56] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] you pass through the spider web and you feel very briefly like you're being crushed in an industrial press. You feel the breath leave your lungs and you feel your fingers and toes tingle with the blood pressure as you expect to hear your bones popping...
[15:57] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] after a moment of that you feel like you've passed through a perfect vacuum, and you feel yourself expanding, exploding. You feel your eyes popping out of your heads, and you feel extreme negative pressure all over your body. You go from feeling very hot to feeling ver, very cold...
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] and after a few moments, you see a light in the distance. It seems like a blessing or a gift in the perfect darkness, but as you approach it more you see that something... maybe everything.. about it just seems WRONG. The color, the flickering.. there's just something about it that's unnerving
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] as it comes closer, you feel the void let go... you feel the web drawing you in... and in a few moments you find yourself on the other side
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (now let's see if C&P works)
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] “You step onto the outer edge of the realm, and you find yourself on a flat, featureless plain. Your magical senses tell you that the many patterns of the universe break down in this place, and grow more and more chaotic as you step toward the center of the plain.
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] You see strange trees all around you. Looking more closely, these ‘trees’ reveal themselves to be some sort of organic fire, growing in all directions but held firm. In the distance a lightning bolt strikes one, and you see the fire twist and contort, absorbing the energy of the lightning and attempting to grown along the length of the bolt.
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Looking up, you see clouds of a color between bile yellow and the greys of old bones. The clouds seem to hold no rain but only disgorge lightning bolts of a color that you cannot describe upon the plains, some distant and some close. With every strike you hear a thunderous scream, piercing your mind and attempting to turn you away in fear.
[15:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Ahead you see forms moving, flying up and into the clouds and up and away in all directions. You see movement in the distance, but cannot discern its source.”
[15:59] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (yay boxed text!)
[16:00] * Rebekah murmurs under her breath
[16:00] * Mina_Versein frowns as she looks at the surroundings.
[16:00] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ stands firm, looking unafraid.
[16:00] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] and everybody, test their mentals against a static difficulty of 10
[16:00] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] in the OC channel
[16:02] * Dani has quit IRC (Exit: Oh, I'm sorry...did my back hurt your knife?)
[16:06] * Constance_Jones looks around
[16:06] * Verdandi looks around her, a dead serious expression on her face. She murmurs one word, quietly "... Muspelheim."
[16:06] * Henry_Jones looks around and frowns, humming quietly to himself...
[16:08] * Mina_Versein looks in all directions, remaining alert.
[16:08] * AlyssaLaverton looks around in all directions
[16:08] * Knox takes in his surroundings.
[16:08] * Jeremy_O`rorke surverys the area with a sour, though serious expression on his face. Glancing up, his face contorts a bit more, then looks back down, though weary of what may actually lie above them and mutters. "And I thought Mordor was bad..."
[16:08] * Doc_Thownsend maintains concentration on his spell.
[16:08] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((right now there's nothing notable except in the distance. The webs seem to issue forth from the area where you see forms moving in the air, on ahead of you))
[16:08] * Phil_Schrodinger looks around the area, with a slight grin on his face
[16:09] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks to verdandi, says, 'so. what now, nuh?'
[16:09] * Mina_Versein looks at Verdandi, waiting.
[16:09] * Henry_Jones looks at verdandi.
[16:09] * Constance_Jones walks to the forms moving ahead of us
[16:09] * Doc_Thownsend sighs and opens his book. The reverse of before, a fulfillment, courses through you (likely the only sign of hope on this plane) and you see your Avatar come back to you.
[16:09] * Verdandi says quietly, "We go forward. "
[16:10] * Henry_Jones frowns, then wanders after constance, still humming.
[16:10] [Knox] Let's do.
[16:10] * Mina_Versein follows suit.
[16:10] * AlyssaLaverton walks forward
[16:10] * Verdandi moves slowly forward at a cautious pace.
[16:10] [Morgan_] Head to the source.
[16:11] * Morgan_ looks at vi "And let's hope this one goes better than the Jericho station."
[16:11] * Mina_Versein maintains a calm seriousness about her, a stark change from her normal laid back demeanor.
[16:11] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ nods to morgan, & begins to walk forward, following the others.
[16:12] * Knox walks behind his wife a far off look in his eyes.
[16:13] * Verdandi says softly, "I would have never thought to see this place."
[16:13] * AlyssaLaverton walks along her hands in her pockets seeming to concentrate...and humming slightly
[16:13] * Rebekah follows everyone else
[16:13] [Doc_Thownsend] Did a quick analysis of the pattern here. Nothing beyond normal Umbral environments, though attuned to Qlippothic.
[16:13] [Mina_Versein] I dont' think any of us would have, Verdandi
[16:14] [Knox] What is this place?
[16:14] [Henry_Jones] those trees.. they're like organic absorption shields.
[16:14] [Phil_Schrodinger] no welcome party, no snack trays, not even a Walmart greeter
[16:14] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] it takes you a while... and in the process you walk across the mud plains, seeing the cracked earth and hearing it crumble under your feet. You don't think this place has seen water in a LONG time.
[16:14] [Phil_Schrodinger] :)
[16:14] [Phil_Schrodinger] (ignore that smiley face)
[16:14] * Rebekah gives a passing glance to the cracked earth
[16:14] [Henry_Jones] they're sucking up heat to add mass to the trees and energy to the fire.
[16:15] * Ava_Olivia keeps her hands tucked in her pockets, glancing around
[16:15] [Doc_Thownsend] Trees made of fire. Useful.
[16:15] * Verdandi speaks quietly, "In my faith, they call this Muspellheim, the home of Desolation. It is the land of fire, that one melted the first ice of Niflheim and created the first beings. The sparks of places like this were said to create celestial beings. From a Nephandic point of view, I can see why."
[16:16] [Verdandi] In it is the Fire Lord Surt who will set the world ablaze and ravage the World Tree to end the world.
[16:16] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] you walk through copses of these trees, and you see beings passing over your head. These beings are too far away to make much out, but you see them flying and you hear a distant buzzing, like that of many wings.
[16:16] * AlyssaLaverton looks up
[16:17] [Doc_Thownsend] Not on my watch. Nope nope.
[16:17] [Doc_Thownsend] See... that's where I keep all my stuff.
[16:17] [Rebekah] For everything there is an end. But the end is the beginning, and this battle has already been decided.
[16:18] [_Merlin_Inviolate_] s'nothing won or lost yet, rebekah.
[16:18] [Doc_Thownsend] Oh trust me, my shift is almost over. Then it's happy hour.
[16:18] * Rebekah glances over at vi but says nothing
[16:18] * Verdandi looks extremely on guard.
[16:18] * Mina_Versein keeps her hands near her weapons.
[16:19] [Doc_Thownsend] Does anyone know the destination of this journey, or are we just following the path?
[16:19] [Verdandi] Can you not feel the pull?
[16:19] [Henry_Jones] nope.
[16:19] [Doc_Thownsend] Sure, but what's tugging?
[16:19] [Verdandi] She is. The mistress of the web in this Hive.
[16:19] * Jeremy_O`rorke looks up, longsword already drawn for anything. "Well, they say opposites attract..."
[16:20] * AlyssaLaverton looks at the ground as she is walking
[16:20] [Doc_Thownsend] Lolth?
[16:20] [Mina_Versein] It looks like what we're looking for is up ahead. It's the only thing that's standing out.
[16:20] [Doc_Thownsend] Cool.
[16:20] * Mina_Versein smirks at Doc
[16:20] [AlyssaLaverton] She is deep underground
[16:20] * Constance_Jones draws close to one of the fire things (if she can)
[16:21] * Phil_Schrodinger tails behind Constance
[16:21] * Mina_Versein pauses to watch Constance.
[16:21] * Verdandi continues looking about, ready for anything.
[16:21] [Morgan_] I vote for just killing the bitch.
[16:21] * Rebekah frowns to herself
[16:22] [Doc_Thownsend] Willing to step into her shoes? Killing Incarna can be nasti business.
[16:22] [Verdandi] We will, after we gilgul her to stop her from taking another body. Voormas did the same thing.
[16:22] * Jeremy_O`rorke looks over at Morgan with a raised brow a moment. "Give that man a cookie"
[16:22] [Doc_Thownsend] Oh. So it's mortal.
[16:22] [Morgan_] If it comes down to it. I've faced things as nasty as this before. But you make a good point, Doc.
[16:22] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (okay, I'll vote that you've gone on to the next section, now. You're all approaching the area that you were aiming at, the source of all the flying figures)
[16:22] [Knox] I think this will be nasty bussiness no matter what.
[16:22] [Morgan_] Is there anyonehere who _isn't_ willing to go through with this?
[16:22] [Morgan_] Knowing if you kill the bitch you could be her next...
[16:23] [Doc_Thownsend] With *what*?
[16:23] [Verdandi] Killing her.
[16:23] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (everybody ready for the next bit?)
[16:23] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ gives morgan a slow smile, & says, 'i'm here to do this.'
[16:23] * Henry_Jones watches constance.
[16:23] [Knox] Sounds fine to me...I'd risk it.
[16:23] [Rebekah] I know who I am. My fate is not in my hands or in hers.
[16:23] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] “You approach the area where all the movement is coming from, and you start to make out individual shapes and forms. You see abominations, forms that should not be. You see wings springing from spinal cords, flung from the end of fingertips. You see chitin mingling with bone mingling with dripping black ichor.
[16:23] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] You see horrid chimera, amalgams of living forms that should never come together in nature. Some of the abominations fly clumsily, others fly with preternatural speed and grace. Some dart along the ground, some roll and stumble along, their broken forms impeding them as much as anything else.
[16:23] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Still others, it seems, swim through the dirt of the plane, passing beneath your feet as a swift wave of solid mass. A lightning bolt strikes one of the flying abominations, sending it screaming to the earth. As it hits the ground you see other abominations fall upon it and consume it in mere moments, leaving nothing but a patch of dark earth that quickly dries.
[16:23] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] You turn back toward your objective, and in front of you a short distance loom several of the creatures. You hear their shrill clicking, growling, gurgling call and know that you are about to be set upon as the abomination was.”
[16:23] * Constance_Jones goes on, after considering
[16:24] [Doc_Thownsend] Fine answer to the Gordian knot as I've ever seen.
[16:24] * Mina_Versein is quiet as she continues.
[16:24] [Phil_Schrodinger] Man, this place makes Chernoble look like Disney Land
[16:24] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ draws his gun, quietly.
[16:24] * Henry_Jones draws one of his glocks.
[16:25] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (okay... round time)
[16:25] * Mina_Versein draws hers, looking unafraid
[16:25] [Knox] Here we go!
[16:25] * Verdandi hangs towards the middle
[16:25] * Rebekah is unarmed and stays towards the middle
[16:25] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((pause and PM me your actions for this round. We's gots combat.))
[16:25] * Jeremy_O`rorke readies his long sword, though leaves one hand free
[16:27] * Phil_Schrodinger feels left out not having a weapon and draws a pistol
[16:27] * Doc_Thownsend is unarmed, carries nothing but his cane and the book
[16:27] * Mina_Versein smirks at the incoming enemies and readies her action
[16:27] * Morgan_ flicks off the safeties on his pistols and aims.
[16:28] [Verdandi] /me , also unarmed, stands with Rebekah, readying her action.
[16:28] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks down at his wrist unit, begins to speak...
[16:29] * AlyssaLaverton stands hands in her pockets watching
[16:30] * Doc_Thownsend calls out - "Adepts and Masters of Forces, aid Merlin and me. Disciples start casting Shields. Otherwise, nuke 'em.
[16:30] [Mina_Versein] Already on it!
[16:30] * Jeremy_O`rorke looks at Doc. "with pleasure"
[16:30] * Mina_Versein grins and chants as her gun is aimed.
[16:31] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ nods to doc, says, 's'right. let's do it.'
[16:31] * Jeremy_O`rorke hoold his gloved palm towards his targets, slowly drawing it inward
[16:32] * Ava_Olivia glances in Doc's direction, never removing her hands from her pockets
[16:32] * Jeremy_O`rorke * very slowly closinghis hand into a fist
[16:32] * Phil_Schrodinger waits for something to die
[16:33] * Constance_Jones pulls a gun, looking calm
[16:34] * Merlin_Inviolate has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[16:36] * Kenny_Norton calmly and precisely points his shotgun up and hits one of the thingies square in teh chest
[16:37] * Morgan_ instinctively fires off a few bullets towards the first thing to pop a head up, missing as he looks over towards Doc and nods, dropping the guns to the ground.
[16:39] * AlyssaLaverton has left #Cradle-of-Dreams
[16:41] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ has quit IRC (Operation timed out)
[16:47] * Henry_Jones moves inhumanly fast, has he shoots 4 creatures in the span of about 3 seconds.
[16:48] * Kenny_Norton shoots again with lightning reflexes and hits the same creature, bringing it down
[16:51] * Constance_Jones shots ones, her gun acting a bit oddly and just shreads the creature she fiers at
[17:16] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Mina, Jeremy, Merlin, and Doc all participate in a ritual forces effect and through chanting in enochian, strange symbols, and pure unadulterated power they call down several strokes of the lightning from the sky. It flies to the leader of the ritual and hen spreads out in all directions, creating a magnetic/gravitational field. When the spell goes in full effect you hear screams all around you, a chorus of screams, and you hear chitin and bone cracking and breaking
[17:16] *chris_b_ooc* hit me
[17:16] [Mina_Versein] OC cut off at you hear
[17:16] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] screams all around you, a chorus of screams, and you hear chitin and bone cracking and breaking. The creatures gurgle a ragged scream that turns into a whimper
[17:17] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] and you see them turn into a puddle of goo with bits or bone... and you smell something AWFUL rising from the corpses, like a mixture of rotten eggs and rancid milk.
[17:18] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] as the spell dissolves, you all very briefly see a face in the clouds... a female face.
[17:19] * Constance_Jones smiles slightly at the face.
[17:19] * Phil_Schrodinger waves
[17:20] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] the face smiles a wicked smile and then disappears
[17:20] * Phil_Schrodinger yells to the face as it disappears, "I LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WITH THE PLACE!"
[17:20] * Mina_Versein frowns and grits her teeth.
[17:20] * Verdandi watches the face as it vanishes, her features composed.
[17:20] [Doc_Thownsend] Sorry if you all wanted a dramatic Raganrok of a gunfight, but we have bigger fish to gilgul.
[17:21] [Verdandi] Quick is always welcomed.
[17:22] * Jeremy_O`rorke narrows his eyes into twins, sapphire glints. "Though you should stay and see what we do for an encore"
[17:22] [Henry_Jones] shall we get moving?
[17:22] * Mina_Versein nods
[17:22] * Verdandi nods.
[17:22] * Rebekah frowns slightly, but says nothing
[17:22] * Henry_Jones checks his watch.
[17:23] [Doc_Thownsend] Yes. Let's go.
[17:23] [Doc_Thownsend] Tea with Hitler was not this tedious.
[17:24] * Jeremy_O`rorke nods, looks back a moment, then upwards and begins walking
[17:24] * Verdandi continues on.
[17:24] * Knox follows in turn.
[17:24] * Mina_Versein continues
[17:24] * Henry_Jones walks with, putting 4 bullets from a spare clip into the one he reloads into his glock.
[17:24] * Constance_Jones walks on
[17:25] * william_bryant has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[17:25] * Verdandi pulls two cards from a back pocket, keeping the tarot cards close in hand, face down.
[17:25] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] okay, next section and I'll write Bryant in on cue
[17:27] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] “You now stand at the brink. You see before you a gaping scar in the landscape, a ravine that stretches into the distance both ways, and is at least a half-mile thick. You see all manner of abominations pouring out of the ravine, and going in all directions. Trying to count them, you begin to realize the enormity of this place when you lose track.
[17:27] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Looking down, you see the ravine extends into darkness. Countless holes and tunnels dot its surface, and it is out of these that the abominations pour. You look at them with eyes to see space, and you see that these holes lead literally nowhere, and on the other side of them is the yawning abyss.
[17:27] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Your path leads down the side of the ravine, to an old entrance. You see a cave entrance in the side of the ravine that doesn’t lead straight into the abyss, but rather to your next challenge. Abominations of all types and kinds crawl up and down the sides of the ravine, and you aren’t sure that the road ahead is even measurably safe or secure.”
[17:28] [Doc_Thownsend] Nobody fly. The Abyss likes to eat fliers.
[17:28] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((note: you guys have to climb down the ravine... which is a physical challenge, albeit an easy one))
[17:28] * Constance_Jones stats down the path, catuious
[17:29] * Verdandi gingerly chooses her footing and continues
[17:29] [Doc_Thownsend] Anyone schooled in Entropy could certainly grease the Wheel for us.
[17:29] [Henry_Jones] man, and I didn't bring 50' of rope.
[17:29] * Henry_Jones follows constance, treading carefully.
[17:30] [Morgan_] What kind of dungeon bash is this when no-one has rope... damn our eyes.
[17:30] * Knox keeps his balance in check and continues along.
[17:30] [Kenny_Norton] How rough is paradox in this place?
[17:30] [Mina_Versein] Hm. Featherfall, anyone?
[17:30] * Morgan_ takes out a small phial and injects it into his wrists.
[17:30] * Henry_Jones hums a little.
[17:30] [Rebekah] I have wards with me.
[17:31] [Kenny_Norton] Anyone?
[17:31] [Mina_Versein] I don't know.
[17:31] [Doc_Thownsend] No. Do not let go of the ravine.
[17:31] [Verdandi] It's the umbra
[17:31] [Doc_Thownsend] The Abyss will claim you.
[17:31] * Rebekah looks over the edge of the ravine quietly, her expression unreadable
[17:32] * Jeremy_O`rorke cracks his knuckles "Sounds like a good idea... or perhaps concentrating our grasp on gravity around us so to increease our chances of not plummeting to our dooms?"
[17:32] * Constance_Jones climbs down with ease
[17:32] [Constance_Jones] Or be simple and just CLIMB.
[17:33] * Henry_Jones is climbing down, with grace and dexterity.
[17:33] * Morgan_ watches as talons come out from his hands, fasterning them into the rock and starting to climb down.
[17:36] * Stormseeker has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[17:37] * Doc_Thownsend alters his personal gravity so that he can walk upright down the wall.
[17:40] * Rebekah climbs down the ravine slowly and carefully. But when she sees Phil lose his grip, she half lunges and grabs a hold of his collar with unusual strength, "Remember, don't look down!"
[17:41] [Phil_Schrodinger] Ah, shucks. That's mighty kind of you
[17:41] * Phil_Schrodinger says, as he attempts to get a decent hold on the rock this time
[17:42] * Doc_Thownsend keeps an eye out for any other fallers and will snare them in a spell if need be.
[17:42] [Rebekah] Can't have you getting away, now can I?
[17:42] * Rebekah keeps an eye out for more fallers
[17:43] [Mina_Versein] OC *is falling just have no idea how*
[17:43] [Phil_Schrodinger] That would be a terrible shame
[17:43] * Jeremy_O`rorke holding his sword firmly and directing his palm beneath him, Jeremy using his knolwedge of the Force to alter his field of gravity to walk down the wall (the marks on his forearms, visible, glowing deep, purplish-black.) Taking a deep breath he begins to make his decent
[17:48] * Morgan_ falls from the rock, face, scrambling with the claws to keep his grip. Eventually caught by Merlin he clutches onto the wall and climbs down VERY slowly.
[17:48] * Mina_Versein begins a skillful descent, but the ground underneath her gives way, crumbling. She slips and falls...
[17:49] * Merlin_Inviolate says to morgan, quietly, 'ain't leaving that easy, dude.'
[17:49] * Mina_Versein finds herself near Connie, blinks, and gets to her feet with a wtf expression, looking around, paling as she realizes how close she came...
[17:49] [Mina_Versein] Wow... thanks.
[17:50] * Mina_Versein swallows and continues, shaking that off.
[17:50] * Henry_Jones takes a whip out of his bag and catches verdandi, skillfully wrapping it around her waist without hurting her, then pulling her back up.
[17:50] * Kenny_Norton looks at mina and phil
[17:50] [Kenny_Norton] don't fall into the black howline abyss. That bad.
[17:50] [Kenny_Norton] *howling
[17:50] [Phil_Schrodinger] Since when?
[17:52] * Constance_Jones looks at Mina, a bit suprised "You get a lift down?"
[17:52] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((Edit: Mina appears on the ledge below, not next to Connie. No foci were used and the effect had no clear source. If Knox or Verdandi isn't grabbed, then they appear on the ledge below, also.))
[17:52] [Mina_Versein] I guess?
[17:53] * Mina_Versein looks at the people she knows have Corr
[17:53] * Constance_Jones give Mina a hand to help her to the entrance ledge
[17:54] * Mina_Versein climbs up.
[17:54] [Doc_Thownsend] Fancy.
[17:55] [Doc_Thownsend] Hey. When did Stormseeker get here?
[17:55] [Knox] Wow...that was...well it was something.
[17:55] [Knox] Yo, Stormseeker!
[17:55] [Stormseeker] I may be an old man, but I have a few tricks...
[17:55] * Constance_Jones will help Knox to the entrance ledge if he needs it
[17:55] [Doc_Thownsend] Right.
[17:55] [Mina_Versein] You did that for us?
[17:55] [Jeremy_O`rorke] He's Stormseeker, that's howq
[17:55] [Mina_Versein] Who corred us down?
[17:55] * Verdandi falls and is next on the ledge after letting out a short yawp. She is breathing rapidly.
[17:56] [Stormseeker] Are we all present and accounted for?
[17:56] * Constance_Jones looks at Verndadi then walks into the entrance
[17:56] * Kenny_Norton nods
[17:56] * Kenny_Norton walks in
[17:56] * Doc_Thownsend gets to the proper place and sets his gravity right.
[17:56] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] okay, at the bottom of the cliff, just under the ledge...
[17:57] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] you see William Bryant, and Stormseeker
[17:57] * Knox comforts Verdandi
[17:57] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] they appear to have been waiting for you
[17:57] * Verdandi looks aorund, gathers where she is, quickly glances up at Connie and then lets out a deeply relieved sigh.
[17:57] [Knox] Come on. It's time to enter the gaping mouth.
[17:57] [Doc_Thownsend] Um. Wait a tick. New faces.
[17:57] * Verdandi nods and follows with, visibly calming
[17:57] * Jeremy_O`rorke reorients himself and raises a brow
[17:58] * Rebekah frowns to herself
[17:58] * Henry_Jones uncoils the whip from around verdandi.
[17:58] * Mina_Versein pauses in front of the new people.
[17:58] * Henry_Jones coils the whip, hangs it up, gets to the ledge.
[17:58] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((oh yeah, and Stormseeker and Bryant... feel free to join in the RP))
[17:59] * Stormseeker stands there, making sure everyone is safe
[17:59] * Merlin_Inviolate looks to stormseeker, with a smile. 's'good to see you,' he says.
[17:59] [Henry_Jones] Hi Stormy. how are you?
[17:59] * Stormseeker smiles at Merlin "Good to see you, brother."
[17:59] [Stormseeker] Hello Henry.
[17:59] * william_bryant smiles, walking out of the darkness.
[17:59] * Constance_Jones looks at Bryant for a moment.
[17:59] * Verdandi glances at Henry a moment, "Thanks."
[17:59] * Rebekah starts to say something and then glances at Bryan, an odd look on her face
[18:00] [william_bryant] I figured it might be a good idea for Stormy there to meet Jodi, since whichever one of them that survives is going to have a highchair...
[18:00] [Mina_Versein] Oh. *You're* Bryant.
[18:00] [Henry_Jones] Bryant, you're late. and you didn't even bring the pizza.
[18:00] * Stormseeker rolls his eyes
[18:00] [Kenny_Norton] The nephandi?
[18:00] * Kenny_Norton blinks
[18:00] * Mina_Versein retrains herself from drawing a weapon but her hand twitches near her pistols.
[18:00] * Constance_Jones pulls a bag out of her pocket and starts playing with it
[18:00] * william_bryant is now known as William_Bryant
[18:01] [Knox] Who's a Nephandus?
[18:01] * Merlin_Inviolate gives bryant a brief, curious glance.
[18:01] [Rebekah] Him.
[18:01] * Stormseeker raises a finger.
[18:01] * Rebekah points at Bryant
[18:01] * William_Bryant waves at Knox.
[18:01] * Verdandi crosses to Stormseeker, "He's been saying the same sort of things to me."
[18:01] [William_Bryant] Maybe sorta used to be. They want me worse than dead for this, you know.
[18:01] * Jeremy_O`rorke replies through teeth that almost look like fangs. "The *what*"
[18:01] [Knox] What do they mean you're a Nephandus?
[18:01] * Kenny_Norton looks at Knox blankly
[18:01] [William_Bryant] Should have seen what they did to the pizza boy. I didn't know you could do that with skin, and I really wish I knew how...
[18:01] * Rebekah murmurs something to Verdandi
[18:01] [Kenny_Norton] this isnt difficult.
[18:01] [Verdandi] We mean just what was said. He is what he is.
[18:01] [Henry_Jones] look. i'll give you all the short recap.
[18:02] [Henry_Jones] Tearmaker here...
[18:02] * Henry_Jones gestures at Bryant
[18:02] [Henry_Jones] was a nephandi.
[18:02] [Henry_Jones] then he got gilguled, but the ritual was messed up.
[18:02] [Merlin_Inviolate] _was_?
[18:02] [Mina_Versein] Is it a 'was' ?
[18:02] [Mina_Versein] or an IS?
[18:02] [Kenny_Norton] Let him finish, please.
[18:02] * Verdandi says something quietly back to Rebekah
[18:02] [Doc_Thownsend] Doesn't matter this time. Evil eating evil.
[18:02] [Doc_Thownsend] Let's go.
[18:02] * Stormseeker glances at Verdandi knowingly
[18:03] [Henry_Jones] then, he had something weird done to him by the evil powers and has something resembling reconstructed avatar.
[18:03] [Henry_Jones] he's evil. but, different evils are fighting each other.
[18:03] * Constance_Jones turns and walks into the cavern
[18:03] [Henry_Jones] long story short, his evil is getting eaten by Jodi blake.
[18:04] [Henry_Jones] and he wants to poke her in the eye before he goes. because if she wins, he's in even worse trouble than if we win.
[18:04] [Knox] OK...so this ultimate evil guy over here...is helping us kill the ultimate evil lady in there?
[18:04] [Henry_Jones] so goes the story.
[18:04] [Henry_Jones] I'm not saying the story is necessarily true.
[18:04] [Kenny_Norton] there are levels of ultimaticity.
[18:04] * Merlin_Inviolate laughs, quietly.
[18:04] [Henry_Jones] but we need to get on with it.
[18:04] * Verdandi smiles at her husband and turns to follow Constance.
[18:04] [Kenny_Norton] Yes.
[18:04] * Henry_Jones follows constance.
[18:04] [Mina_Versein] let's not forget that most of this is probably a trap. Off we go.
[18:04] * Kenny_Norton follows
[18:04] [Henry_Jones] of course it is a trap!
[18:04] * Stormseeker prepares himself
[18:04] * Mina_Versein sighs
[18:05] [Henry_Jones] but we knew that already.
[18:05] [Morgan_] This whole thing is a trap.
[18:05] [Jeremy_O`rorke] If it is, someone's head is getting lopped off...
[18:05] * Knox follows down the path shrugging and muttering something about it,"smelling bad."
[18:05] [Morgan_] But the first step in avoiding a trap, is knowing it's there.
[18:05] [Mina_Versein] Yep.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((and on to our next attraction...))
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] “Stepping into the cave at the end of the path, you find yourself in an odd room. Above you circle nine different spheres, representations of the planets in the solar system. You see perverted representations of mercury, venus, mars, and the other planets, all discolored and perverted.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] At the center of this system sits the sun, a ball of glowing darkness suffusing the whole room in un-light, a light that paints everything you see with a pallor of fear, hatred, and baleful disdain.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Although you are at first entranced by the planets above you, looking down you find yourself on a triskadecagram, a 13-pointed star. The points of the star are all spinning in time with the planets of with their own points, and also seem to light certain portions of the walls of the room. The whole arrangement is mildly nauseating and complex.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The walls of the room are rough-hewn stone, and embedded in them are pillars of an unidentifiable substance. You suspect that it is organic, but you can’t be sure. You see what could be eyes in these pillars, but again those might just be your imagination.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The pillars stare at you, daring you to approach. You also see two other figures in the room, 15 foot tall humanoid figures made of something like iron turned flesh.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] One is a painfully beautiful woman who is pure white. She is naked and seems to delight in displaying her bizarre sexuality before you all. Her hands seem to change shape constantly, her fingers becoming weapons or other, more bizarre things at her whim.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The man is pure black and seems to be carved from stone, iron, or something else hard. He holds a hammer that looks heavy and vicious, and his eyes burn with a fire only seen in the forges of those who craft the finest and most wicked blades.
[18:05] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The two figures stand in the center of the room, and bar your passage forward. You hear the man growl at you and heft his hammer as the woman moans with pleasure and draws a barbed blade across her flesh, looking at you with wanton and destructive lust.”
[18:05] * Ava_Olivia follows
[18:05] * Mina_Versein walks on
[18:06] * Rebekah blinks a few times
[18:06] [Doc_Thownsend] Freud, eat your heart out.
[18:06] * William_Bryant chuckles.
[18:06] [Rebekah] How do I always end up in the weird places?
[18:06] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((note... we
[18:07] * Mina_Versein grumbles.
[18:07] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] we're not in round time YET... but do please let me know what you're doing))
[18:07] [Doc_Thownsend] Hi there. Mind if we go by?
[18:07] [Stormseeker] Hrm... reminds me of early Martha Stewart
[18:07] [Knox] Maybe we can talk our way around them?
[18:07] [Jeremy_O`rorke] Or her mother...
[18:08] [Doc_Thownsend] Um...
[18:08] * Stormseeker looks to Bryant "Do you have any ideas?"
[18:08] * William_Bryant leans back against the wall, looking smug.
[18:08] [Phil_Schrodinger] Yeah, these guys look like two chatter boxes just ready to give it up
[18:08] [Doc_Thownsend] hello, tall dark and gruesome.
[18:08] [Kenny_Norton] These are blocking our way?
[18:08] [Constance_Jones] Do not harm the man
[18:08] [Constance_Jones] At all
[18:08] [Knox] Hey pretty lady in white you mind if I could just past you there hun?
[18:08] * Henry_Jones draws his glock, checks the safety.
[18:08] [Henry_Jones] what about the woman, Constance?
[18:09] [Kenny_Norton] Why not? What are they?
[18:09] * Rebekah mutters something to Verdandi
[18:09] * Constance_Jones smiles at the woman in white.
[18:09] [Constance_Jones] If I give you what you seek, will you let us pass by?
[18:09] * Verdandi smirks at Rebekah's comment.
[18:09] * William_Bryant shrugs. "Even though I only intend negative consequences upon Jodi, will any of you believe me if I tell you, or is this still hate-the-traitor day?"
[18:09] * Merlin_Inviolate looks at connie, his brow furrowing in concern.
[18:09] * Jeremy_O`rorke tilts his head slightly towards Connie
[18:10] * Rebekah glances at Bryant and quirks a brow
[18:10] [Kenny_Norton] It is in your interest to aid us at this point.
[18:10] [Henry_Jones] Honestly, Bryant?
[18:10] [William_Bryant] Aye. Honestly.
[18:10] [Constance_Jones] The man can not hurt you if you do not hurt it.
[18:10] [Stormseeker] Cliche as it is, do we have much of a choice?
[18:10] [Henry_Jones] I belive you will help us exactly as long as it is in your best interest to do so.
[18:10] * Verdandi watches Constance, a few feet behind her, watching.
[18:10] [Henry_Jones] I think that currently, it IS in your best interest to do so.
[18:10] [William_Bryant] Jodi needs to die, if not worse. As for the rest... no one will recieve anything from me that they do not first request.
[18:10] [Doc_Thownsend] Pretty LAY-dee!
[18:11] * Mina_Versein just watches carefully and waits.
[18:11] [Kenny_Norton] How do you know this Connie? How is it you always know everything about whatever we encounter?
[18:11] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((everybody, pause please))
[18:11] * Rindy-ooc has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:11] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((and also let me introduce Rindy. She'll be consulting with me as an AST for the night, because her PC was asked to not come along :P ))
[18:11] [Mina_Versein] ooc yay Rindy!
[18:12] [Stormseeker] William, will you please share your insight on this situation?
[18:12] [Constance_Jones] (Pause, remember)
[18:12] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((pause, please))
[18:15] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((okay, now that I've gathered people's actions, PM me with what you would do in the next 6-ish seconds, please))
[18:16] * Stormseeker keeps watching the statues from a safe distance
[18:18] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] okay... Bryant has something he needs to say, then Connie.
[18:19] [William_Bryant] I'll tell you what you need to do, but for a price. Call it a favor...
[18:20] * Stormseeker looks
[18:21] [Henry_Jones] this I have to hear.
[18:22] * Mina_Versein smirks but remains quiet, listening.
[18:22] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc the woman saunters over to Connie, moaning in a deep and vaguely alluring but wholly inhuman voice "can I keeeeeeep one?"
[18:22] * Verdandi watches silently, not taking her eyes from Connie and the alabaster woman
[18:22] [Constance_Jones] No. But you can keep the memory, in your flesh.
[18:22] * Doc_Thownsend grins broadly.
[18:22] [Doc_Thownsend] I remember this one.
[18:23] * Rebekah watches carefully
[18:23] * Mina_Versein has her hand on her weapon as she watches very cautiously.
[18:23] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) cracks her hand-whip loudly in the room, and those of you near it (I'll say Mina, Knox, and Doc) get little bits of blood on you from where she bled herself with it
[18:23] [Constance_Jones] And Bryant. I have something of yours. How badly do yu want it back.
[18:23] [William_Bryant] That's what I'm referring to.
[18:24] [Doc_Thownsend] oooh... kinky.
[18:24] [William_Bryant] Deal was, after Jodi dies, y'all kill me. Or try to. Right?
[18:24] * Knox wipes blood from his face.
[18:24] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) moans again "I waaaaaaant one. Let me hurt them, lover." (last part said to the man)
[18:24] * Constance_Jones smiles at the woman, letting a bit of darkness into her eyes.
[18:24] [Henry_Jones] if it is possible to kill you, we're willing to help with that.
[18:25] [Henry_Jones] at least, I'm sure you can find some volunteers.
[18:25] * Mina_Versein looks disgusted and wipes the flecks off, or tries to.
[18:25] [Stormseeker] My concern is Jodi.
[18:25] * Doc_Thownsend leaves the blood on his cheek.
[18:25] [William_Bryant] Then all I want is *that* (points at the bag) before I die. I really don't like the idea of anyone using it to try and bring me back, and when I reincarnate, I'd rather not be broken and immortal again?
[18:25] * Verdandi blue eyes watch the alabaster woman with their piercing gaze, a dark expression on he face.
[18:26] [Stormseeker] Constance... your call...
[18:26] * Henry_Jones shrugs.
[18:26] [Henry_Jones] not my decision.
[18:26] * Constance_Jones slips a whip from her backpack
[18:26] [Constance_Jones] A better bargin. You speak the truth and aid us complertly until Jodi is dead
[18:26] [Constance_Jones] And you may have it
[18:27] [William_Bryant] Fair enough.
[18:27] [William_Bryant] Show them no violence, and they won't kill you.
[18:27] [William_Bryant] Might... sting you a bit, but smile, and walk on.
[18:27] * Constance_Jones smiles at the woman.
[18:27] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (the woman) mmmmmm.... are you going to HURT me? *moan, and she cracks her whip again... this time at Connie and Henry*
[18:27] * Verdandi shifts the two cards in her hand, making a soft noise between the laminate stock.
[18:27] * Rebekah has an unreadable look on her face
[18:27] [Doc_Thownsend] Worst hurt she'd ever feel is if anyone asked to get dressed and make them a pie.
[18:27] * Constance_Jones licks the blood that lands on her lips.
[18:28] [Constance_Jones] You would enjoy that.
[18:28] * Henry_Jones holsters the pistol.
[18:28] * Henry_Jones walks and stands next to constance.
[18:28] [William_Bryant] Otherwise, place your bets, spin the wheel, and take your chance. You might end up better than human, you might end up begging for death. I won't play with them... again.
[18:28] [Doc_Thownsend] Kinda... unsexy anyways.
[18:28] * Stormseeker begins to walk toward the doorway.
[18:28] [Kenny_Norton] Fine. Where do we go from here.
[18:28] * Kenny_Norton looks at William_Bryant
[18:28] [Constance_Jones] The rest of you. Go on.
[18:29] [Doc_Thownsend] I mean, she's really laying it on thick... like she's trying too hard.
[18:29] * Henry_Jones walks past, towards the direction indicated by constance.
[18:29] * Doc_Thownsend walks on laughing.
[18:29] * Verdandi moves forward towards the next section
[18:29] * Knox continues forward.
[18:29] * Jeremy_O`rorke nods and begins to walk, resting his sword in its scabbard
[18:29] * Rebekah follows Verdandi
[18:29] * Merlin_Inviolate looks to morgan, then steps forward to follow knox & verdandi, holstering his gun.
[18:29] * Ava_Olivia walks on
[18:29] * Mina_Versein sets her jaw, holsters her pistol and walks on.
[18:29] * Verdandi has a small sway in her hips as she walks, eyes following the woman until she passes her.
[18:30] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (there's no obvious 'next section'... just the pillars on the wall, which you sense might be a gateway.)
[18:30] [Doc_Thownsend] And where do they sit, anyways?
[18:30] * Morgan_ gollows vi.
[18:30] * Ava_Olivia has quit IRC (inferno.il.us.darkmyst.org notnet.uk.eu.darkmyst.org)
[18:30] * Rindy-ooc has quit IRC (inferno.il.us.darkmyst.org notnet.uk.eu.darkmyst.org)
[18:30] * ChanServ has quit IRC (inferno.il.us.darkmyst.org notnet.uk.eu.darkmyst.org)
[18:30] * Verdandi heads towards the pillars, since they seem to call to her.
[18:31] * William_Bryant points at the triskadecagram.
[18:31] * Knox looks at the alabaster woman snickering at her as he walks by.
[18:31] * Stormseeker looks toward Bryant again
[18:31] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) cracks her whip at Verdandi and Knox as they walk by, moaning "come plaaaaaaay with me...."
[18:32] [William_Bryant] The next pass, when the planets line up, Mercury's opposite pillar is going to turn a particular shade of bile.
[18:32] [William_Bryant] I wouldn't recommend any of the other pillars, or that pillar any other time.
[18:32] * Kenny_Norton nods
[18:33] * Rebekah nods slightly and follows the others
[18:33] * Verdandi closes her eyes slowly, drawing in the scent. She moves past to the directed column.
[18:33] * Kenny_Norton goes to the pillar he indicates, and waits for the right time.
[18:33] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:33] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (welcome back)
[18:33] * Ava_Olivia has joined #cradle-of-dreams
[18:33] * Stormseeker stands near Bryant
[18:33] * Mina_Versein looks and waits for the right time.
[18:33] * Knox walks towards the column
[18:34] * Jeremy_O`rorke stands at the pillar, his sense of time attuned for the correct moment of passage
[18:34] * Constance_Jones laughts at the woman
[18:34] * Phil_Schrodinger follows the crowd next to the pillar
[18:34] [Constance_Jones] Why, you don't want to seem to play in return
[18:34] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ steps towards the pillar, & waits.
[18:35] * Henry_Jones steps next to verdandi.
[18:35] [Phil_Schrodinger] Hey Jeremy, touch it
[18:35] * William_Bryant shrugs, and waits for the others, when the Stars are right.
[18:35] * Henry_Jones gets ready for the right time...
[18:35] * crissifer has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:36] * Merlin_Inviolate has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[18:36] [Jeremy_O`rorke] How about you first, that way we can see what it does to rats when touched
[18:36] * Rindy-ooc has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:36] [Kenny_Norton] now now, children.
[18:36] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] (the woman) I'll playyyy.... just come and join meee.
[18:37] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc notes : next conjunction in 4 minutes
[18:37] [Doc_Thownsend] Play what, toots?
[18:37] * Constance_Jones laughts
[18:37] [Phil_Schrodinger] Jeremy, she's calling you, dude
[18:37] [Jeremy_O`rorke] Rechon she's any good at Poker?
[18:37] [Phil_Schrodinger] Go on, we won't tell Ava
[18:37] * Constance_Jones laughts
[18:38] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ casts the woman a cold look, disgust in his face.
[18:38] * Rebekah ignores the woman
[18:38] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) cracks her whip again... "paaaain play... pleassssure." *moans*
[18:38] [Constance_Jones] Join you. No.
[18:38] [Doc_Thownsend] I wonder what she'd look like in a habbit.
[18:38] * Mina_Versein throws a dirty look at Phil.
[18:38] [Constance_Jones] But you can Kneel, if you wish.
[18:38] * Jeremy_O`rorke bites his lips a moment then replies. "The way it sounds, I'd say she's more your type of woman."
[18:39] * Phil_Schrodinger returns the dirty look to Mina
[18:39] [Doc_Thownsend] Oooh. Or one of those maid uniforms.
[18:39] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) kneels and bends over (rather smoothly, it should be added)
[18:39] * Stormseeker looks at Bryant, glances at everyone else, then just shakes his head
[18:39] * Verdandi watches the column as though it were a great monument looming before her. She does not touch the blood on her.
[18:39] * Knox sneaks a peek.
[18:39] [Jeremy_O`rorke] Now's your chance Phil, get after her!
[18:40] * Constance_Jones reaches out and touches the woman's throat and sholder. Her hand runs down that line a moment.
[18:40] [Doc_Thownsend] Dude, is she regimental?
[18:40] * Phil_Schrodinger murrmers something to Kenny
[18:40] * Kenny_Norton rolls his eyes
[18:40] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks away, perhaps embarassed.
[18:40] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((oh yeah, the woman has 9 appearance related traits, 15 socials)
[18:40] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] )
[18:40] [Phil_Schrodinger] Say, Connie, could you stop molesting nephandic spirits or pure, unadalterated evil?
[18:40] [Kenny_Norton] Constance, dare I ask why you are fondling this giant scary sex demon?
[18:40] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((just so's you know))
[18:41] [Phil_Schrodinger] (That was of, nor or)
[18:41] *Celestin* I'm signing in, Emmanuel Betancourt aka Tito, US2003102315, Celestin Raines captain_shran@yahoo.com
[18:41] [Mina_Versein] shouldn't we be paying more attention to the glowing column than the sex demon and waiting to move on?
[18:41] [Kenny_Norton] Yes, yes we should.
[18:41] [William_Bryant] Like calls to like.
[18:41] [Doc_Thownsend] Which should be lining up... now.
[18:41] * Jeremy_O`rorke looks topwards mina "Agreed."
[18:42] [Knox] Hey let Constance do whatever she wants
[18:42] * Henry_Jones is ready to touch the pillar when it turns the right color.
[18:42] * Kenny_Norton glares at Knox
[18:42] * Kenny_Norton is too
[18:42] * Bones has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:42] [Phil_Schrodinger] And you'll be saying that when she sells your soul to some death lord, too, Knox
[18:42] * Verdandi lips part slightly, breathing in long deep breaths almost meditatively.
[18:43] * Bones has left #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:43] * Henry_Jones snorts at Phil's comment.
[18:43] * Celestin has joined #Cradle-of-Dreams
[18:43] * Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc (the woman) moans with pleasure as all the planets come into alignment, and you see the pillar across from Venus goes from putrib black to putrid yellow-green
[18:43] [Knox] Why would she do that...why wouldn't she?
[18:43] [Knox] Oh yeah now's time.
[18:43] [Mina_Versein] Get ready, people.
[18:44] * Doc_Thownsend follows Henry
[18:44] * Henry_Jones does what needs to be done when it is time.
[18:44] * Verdandi says in a deep, rich tone, "Come stand with me, Jaime."
[18:44] * Knox stands next to his wife.
[18:44] [Knox] What's going to happen?
[18:44] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ is ready to step through in an instant; for an old man, his movements seem remarkably fluid, when needed.
[18:45] * Mina_Versein waits for the right time, standing close and ready
[18:45] * Morgan_ takes a deep breath and follows the others.
[18:45] * Stormseeker looks for Mercury's corresponding column
[18:46] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] when you step toward the pillar and approach within a few feet, you see the portal split open in the middle and a maw open from it. You see long (12") fangs extend from both sides of it, dripping with ichor. In the 'throat' of the beast is darkness and abyss, pure Void... you can't see where the Void ends.
[18:46] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Mercury's column, you see, it a swirling brown and grey. It looks wavy and indistinct
[18:46] * Phil_Schrodinger thinks about pushing Jeremy early
[18:48] * Kenny_Norton waits until AFTER bryant goes in..
[18:48] * Verdandi goes through the column that was said to be the right one at a measured gait without hesitation.
[18:48] [Stormseeker] Less talk, more walk.
[18:48] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((okay... any objection to Celestin entering the scene right as you all are about to go through the portal??))
[18:48] [Mina_Versein] oc no
[18:49] [Jeremy_O`rorke] oc, no
[18:49] [Knox] oc not at all
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((okay, Celestin's here. Do you need a scene description, Tito?))
[18:49] [Celestin] ooc i was like supposed to be here the entire time :P. That we be nice a really quick thing
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Stepping into the cave at the end of the path, you find yourself in an odd room. Above you circle nine different spheres, representations of the planets in the solar system. You see perverted representations of mercury, venus, mars, and the other planets, all discolored and perverted.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] At the center of this system sits the sun, a ball of glowing darkness suffusing the whole room in un-light, a light that paints everything you see with a pallor of fear, hatred, and baleful disdain.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] Although you are at first entranced by the planets above you, looking down you find yourself on a triskadecagram, a 13-pointed star. The points of the star are all spinning in time with the planets of with their own points, and also seem to light certain portions of the walls of the room. The whole arrangement is mildly nauseating and complex.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The walls of the room are rough-hewn stone, and embedded in them are pillars of an unidentifiable substance. You suspect that it is organic, but you can’t be sure. You see what could be eyes in these pillars, but again those might just be your imagination.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The pillars stare at you, daring you to approach. You also see two other figures in the room, 15 foot tall humanoid figures made of something like iron turned flesh.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] One is a painfully beautiful woman who is pure white. She is naked and seems to delight in displaying her bizarre sexuality before you all. Her hands seem to change shape constantly, her fingers becoming weapons or other, more bizarre things at her whim.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The man is pure black and seems to be carved from stone, iron, or something else hard. He holds a hammer that looks heavy and vicious, and his eyes burn with a fire only seen in the forges of those who craft the finest and most wicked blades.
[18:49] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The two figures stand in the center of the room, and bar your passage forward. You hear the man growl at you and heft his hammer as the woman moans with pleasure and draws a barbed blade across her flesh, looking at you with wanton and destructive lust.
[18:50] * Rebekah follows Verdandi after taking a breath
[18:51] [William_Bryant] And now that we're all ready... heh. She's re-arranged a bit. This likely would have beaten you all...
[18:51] [William_Bryant] ... let's go.
[18:51] * William_Bryant smiles, and jumps into the maw, disappearing.
[18:51] * Stormseeker follows, sword drawn
[18:52] * Kenny_Norton goes in after
[18:52] * Constance_Jones goes into the maw
[18:52] [Knox] Very well
[18:52] * Knox jumps in
[18:52] [Doc_Thownsend] Hey Henry?
[18:52] [Henry_Jones] yeah?
[18:52] [Phil_Schrodinger] Into the abyss!
[18:52] * Doc_Thownsend tags Henry.
[18:52] * Ava_Olivia follows
[18:52] [Doc_Thownsend] You're it.
[18:52] * Henry_Jones goes into the maw.
[18:52] * Doc_Thownsend jumps in.
[18:53] [Henry_Jones] jeronimo?
[18:53] * Phil_Schrodinger runs toward the maw and trips into it
[18:53] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] okay... as each of you approach and walk into the column, you see the mouth close around you. Standing in the entrance, you see the column swallow the person who just walked through it and then open back up
[18:53] * Mina_Versein follows with her weapons ready.
[18:53] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] as you go through it you feel VERY cold... and then you feel things start to get stripped from you... magical effects, correspondence links... you feel the energy of your magic dissipating into the void around you
[18:53] * Jeremy_O`rorke rolls his eyes and sighs at Phi as he walks through it
[18:53] * Celestin approaches from the back of the group. His jacket black. His straight white hair almost shimmering. In his hand he holds a suitcase. His shirt and pants are dark grey.
[18:54] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks to morgan, shrugs, & steps through.
[18:54] * Phil_Schrodinger thinks to himself that this might have been a bad idea
[18:54] [Celestin] Ahem
[18:54] * Morgan_ grins and walks through, singing softly under his breath 'Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to whack nephandus we go.'
[18:55] * Mina_Versein knows this is a bad idea....
[18:56] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((okay, as Celestin approaches he'll see Connie pleasuring the 15 foot woman, who is moaning rather wantonly... and then everyone seems to walk through a certain pillar while all the planets above are in conjunction))
[18:56] [Constance_Jones] (It's TORTURE!)
[18:56] [Constance_Jones] (There is a diffrence)
[18:56] [Mina_Versein] (Sure it is)
[18:56] [Rebekah] (oc Connie is pleasuring someone?)
[18:56] [Rindy-ooc] (not to her dear ;)
[18:56] [Mina_Versein] (oc you're never living this one down, Jen)
[18:57] [Doc_Thownsend] (Connie can give pleasure?)
[18:57] [Verdandi] (Sadist to masochist... you are bleeding.)
[18:57] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((yeah, but she statue is being pleasured... :P despite the fact that you're actually making it feel pain.))
[18:57] [Knox] (Pain pleasure it's all the same thing really.)
[18:58] * Celestin blinks but then looks to the others that remain. He opens the suit case and the strong glow of quintesssence comes from within the suitcase
[18:58] [Celestin] Everyone, here, I brought a gift, I hoped to get here sooner
[18:59] [Celestin] ((Whoever is still here besides Connie gets tass to restore themselves with))
[19:00] * Rebekah cannot accept anymore Quint in her pattern
[19:01] * Celestin shurgs to the others before jumping into the portal
[19:02] * Phil_Schrodinger has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] “You take your first furtive steps toward the spire at the ‘bottom’ of this outer hive, looking up toward the center of the realm. Even though your mind tells you that the distance to the other side stretches to infinity, it only seems like the other side of the hive is a few miles distant.
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The ground you walk on is something between paper and hard wax, and you feel it crack and pop beneath your feet as you walk on it. Occasionally, bits of bile or fluid of an unidentifiable sort comes seeping through the cracks, running along the hive and beading in sick pools.
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] You look down at your feet and you realize that you are walking on top of cells in the honeycomb of the hive. On closer inspection you see that the larvae inside the cells have human eyes, and once-human spirits. You feel the pulse of pain as you step on one, and try to avoid stepping on the cells from then on. You step instead on the walls between.
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The path ahead of you leads down toward the base of the hive (or is it the top?). Looking up, you see it curve ahead of you. Above it is the Inner Hive, and surrounding the Inner Hive are countless creatures of shapes so irregular that they almost appear as a singular, pulsing mass. They land and fly away from the hive in waves, tending to the cells in the hive.
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] One of the creatures from the Inner Hive passes a short distance above your heads, flying at an inhuman speed. Its five wings all beat like those of an insect and as its body spirals through the air you see seven wicked talons and twin stingers brandished, ready to strike. Its three eyes all look in different directions, one of them passing over your group.
[19:03] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] The creature’s milky eyeball, with its pus yellow iris and red pupil, looks at you with curiosity. It turns abruptly just after passing you and climbs away from the hive’s surface, then dives onto a cell. You see its stingers penetrate the waxy cap on the cell and inject a viscous, white fluid inside. They then draw out what looks like blood, and the creature flies away, toward other cells in other parts of the hive.”
[19:03] * Phillip_Schrodinger has joined #cradle-of-dreams
[19:03] * William_Bryant smiles cheerlessly.
[19:03] [William_Bryant] No place like home.
[19:04] * Doc_Thownsend sighs.
[19:04] [Stormseeker] Rent Controlled, I assume?
[19:04] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((it should be noted that Vi is 'zoning' right now, and will be with you all in a second))
[19:05] [Rebekah] How...utterly lovely.
[19:05] [Doc_Thownsend] These Deep Umbral trips are never like the brochure.
[19:05] [Morgan_] Totally... have they ever heard of landscaping.
[19:05] [Mina_Versein] Makes Cerebus look cheerful.
[19:05] * Mina_Versein smirks
[19:05] [Stormseeker] At least it had a beach....
[19:06] [Celestin] Looks like scene from Alien
[19:06] * Celestin looks around
[19:06] [William_Bryant] Laugh while you can. If you lose, this is what she'll turn Earth into.
[19:06] [Luke-GSA_Entropic_Arc] ((and now, Vi appears... somewhat different than before))
[19:06] [Knox] Hey guys there's a sign post ahead
[19:06] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks far older, weaker; more human. (PM if you want description)
[19:06] [William_Bryant] Imagine. Six billion more cells, all filled with Sleepers.
[19:07] * Verdandi nods, "I have seen this vision."
[19:07] [Doc_Thownsend] Oh drop it Eeyore.
[19:07] * Rebekah frowns at vi and walks over to him, "ARe you okay?"
[19:07] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ stumbles as he gets his footing.
[19:07] * Rebekah reaches out to steady vi
[19:07] * Mina_Versein turns to Vi.
[19:07] [Doc_Thownsend] All doom and gloom. Let's go deal with this threat and get home. my TiVo is full.
[19:07] * Ava_Olivia stops as soon as she gets through, an almost terrified look on her face for a brief moment
[19:07] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks to rebekah, with a faint smile. 'i am. s'reasons i don't use this form much, nuh?'
[19:08] [Mina_Versein] Anything we can do to help before we move on?
[19:12] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ looks old & wasted, but there's something memorable about him (legend x 6; merlin, primal marks; merlin).
[19:13] * Verdandi looks very empathic towards Merlin a moment, a cold sorrow worn openly.
[19:13] * William_Bryant smiles at Merlin.
[19:13] [William_Bryant] You should have stayed in your tree / cave / wherever, old man.
[19:13] [William_Bryant] But I'm glad you're here.
[19:13] [William_Bryant] They'll need you.
[19:13] [Ava_Olivia] Mina....
[19:13] * _Merlin_Inviolate_ raises an eyebrow. 'perhaps. but this is my business, nuh?'
[19:14] * Ava_Olivia keeps her hands in her pockets, still with the almost terrified look
[19:14] [William_Bryant] Your business, your choices, your fate.
[19:14] [William_Bryant] Yours and everyone else's.
[19:14] [_Merlin_Inviolate_] indeed.
[19:14] * William_Bryant looks at a cell beneath his feet.
[19:14] * Mina_Versein walks over to Ava
[19:14] [Mina_Versein] What's up?
[19:14] [William_Bryant] What are YOU looking at, bitch? I told you that you shouldn't have trusted me.
[19:15] [Ava_Olivia] *softly* Grab my arm. And make sure nothing fucks with me for a few...
[19:15] [Mina_Versein] ...o...k?
[19:15] * Mina_Versein looks at Ava and gently grasps her arm.
[19:16] * Ava_Olivia pulls the hand of the free arm out of her pocket and sets it on Mina's arm as if trying to figure out exactly where she's at then leans over and whispers
[19:17] * Verdandi glances down at the cells at her feet
[19:18] * Mina_Versein looks very worried as she talks to Ava