you are beautiful + i am in the same boat. i have always dated insanely gorgeous men who have LOVED the way i look and have never ever wanted me to change (however much i may want to)... these fucking kids have no idea + i know it hurts, but try your best not to let it get to you. you are perfect + gorgeous just the way you are.. like i said on there, i look to those who really knew beautiful, classical artists, there are a reason why women with curves are featured in the most extraordinary art.
the words are nice BUT that woman is not fat so why is she writing that she used to be thin and now she's not but that she's come to terms with her body and she likes it?! i am sure her intentions are good but i just don't like when people of her size say they're fat or overweight (even if she doesn't use those words) because they contribute to this whole fat hysteria and phobia!
>>i just don't like when people of her size say they're fat or overweight
in your opinion, what is the "official" definition of "fat", or is there/should there be one? hysterias and phobias by definition are NOT based in reality. were the people burned at the steak by the early Christians really witches? were Jews really contributing to the decline of Germany? the answer is no. in many people's eyes, this woman is considered to be fat. her words are a result of how she feels, living in this anti-fat culture, whether or not she is objectively "obese". her words are genuine -- she feels the pressure the same way you do.
First off, you are SO cute! Secondly...I love the new hair, very pixie-like and your hot pink shadow is gaaawdjus. Fuck that inbred asshole who is so insecure he needs to degrate people he doesnt know, FUCK HIM you are adorable and sexy so ignore that fucker..ok..gutter mouth rant over
I meant every work, women get too messed up in the head about what guys think and it just isn't healthy. Thanks for the maven comment..heh
the words "voluptious" and "curvy" are much older than the whole "anti-fat" epidemic, and represent shape, rather than size. maybe someone at some time did use it in that way against you, but i doubt your friend here was trying to sugar-coat an insult, she was making you a compliment. you are a very attractive woman. please accept it?
Main Entry: vo·lup·tuous Pronunciation: -sh&-w&s, -sh&s Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin voluptuosus, irregular from voluptas pleasure, from volup pleasurable; akin to Greek elpesthai to hope, Latin velle to wish -- more at WILL 1 a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : LUXURIOUS b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form 2 : given to or spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications
Comments 46
xo. xo. xo.
-- some people NEED to be told how misinformed they are. lets see if it does him any good..
in your opinion, what is the "official" definition of "fat", or is there/should there be one? hysterias and phobias by definition are NOT based in reality. were the people burned at the steak by the early Christians really witches? were Jews really contributing to the decline of Germany? the answer is no. in many people's eyes, this woman is considered to be fat. her words are a result of how she feels, living in this anti-fat culture, whether or not she is objectively "obese". her words are genuine -- she feels the pressure the same way you do.
Main Entry: vo·lup·tuous
Pronunciation: -sh&-w&s, -sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin voluptuosus, irregular from voluptas pleasure, from volup pleasurable; akin to Greek elpesthai to hope, Latin velle to wish -- more at WILL
1 a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : LUXURIOUS b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form
2 : given to or spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications
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