(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 23:55

I forgot how awesome-tastic that movie is (Cruel Intentions)... it always makes me bawl my eyes out when Sebastian dies-I wanna kick Katherine's ass everytime

I rented the second one, but it doesn't look like I'll get to it before I go to bed

So I've been due for an entry for a loooooooong ass time

So, I've been addicted to everything Nancy Drew lately. I officially own every single video game - and I'm :this: close to beatign them all- I onyl have one left. It's sad that a game for little 10 year olds is so addictive haha

I took down a lot of old pictures this week - after I massivly cleaned the room. A lot of pictures that just didn't need to be up anymore. I got my camera developed of Brett and I - he's in 2 frames and all over my bulliton board now. Along with Laura, My family, Brett Gelesko in Cali and my cats... all the people I really love in this world are in frames.

Mom gave me here fan, it looks like a wanna be Ionic Breeze- but it's nice - so we're good...

My relationship could not be going any better lately. We haven't had any ridiculous fights lately... it's goign so well. It seems like we've both learned enough from one another to know when and when to not badger about something. You really have to leanr to choose your fights

I have never been this at peace with my life. I'm so close to actually starting my life, like I've been begging for since I graduated high school. I'll be moving out soon, into a place with my amazing boyfriend, his awesome sister and my best friend in the entire world, Laura. I'm starting my new major in the fall, Vet Tech - I'll be making upwards of $70,000 if I get a good place- but never less than $40,000 a year- which combined with Brett's estimate on game developer's $120,000, that's an amazing amount. I'll be able to have a home, and a family- and raise my children comfortably - it's all comign together just liek I wanted - ::sigh::

Laura is moving out here July 25th - or that week anyway. She's having her car shipped across the country and flying out. I'm so excited - I can't even begin to describe it. I finally get to live with my best friend, my sister - it's unreal. Nothing has ever been the same since I moved away. I've missed her so much- it's going to be a dream to fianlly have her around. Things will finally be the way they always should have been. Laura really is my best friend- and always was and always will be - I'm so happy - yow!!!!!!!

Well, there isn't too much else - I love you all
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