LOG POST: Niou and Wakato
Niou goes over to Wakato's house to lose horribly KICK HIS ASS at video games! YAY!!! Happened Tuesday afternoon and is SO AWESOME it doesn't even need a rating. :D
Niou: *shows up at Wakato's house!* *managed to NOT GET LOST on the way there and is somewhat proud of himself and eager to kick Wakato's butt, so he starts ringing the doorbell rapidly a couple times*
Wakato: *is totally not doing his algebra homework and thus jerks the door open before Niou can destroy his doorbell* Ready to be SLAUGHTERED?
Niou: HAHAHA! Oh, that's a good one, Wakato. YEAH RIGHT. *pushes past Wakato into the house like it's NOT the first time he's ever been there* You're going DOWN.
Wakato: Uh-huh, suuuuuure. *grins SUPER-CONFIDENTLY and leads Niou in the other direction toward his bedroom where he has the SECRET MYSTERY GAME set up*
Niou: I'm serious! You'd better be ready! Is your mom here? Because you might have to go CRYING to her after I'm through with you! *follows Wakato, bouncing around excitedly* SO. What's the game? Not that it matters, since I'm AWESOME at every video game EVER.
Wakato: No, she's off at work. Hope you can SEE THROUGH YOUR TEARS OF DEFEAT to get home! *opens the door to reveal the PS2 set up with two guitars* Want to guess the game? *grins and winks*
Niou: ... *goes starry-eyed* Oh my god. OH MY GOD. Is that - I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO PLAY THAT!!
Wakato: I JUST GOT IT THIS WEEKEND! *pets the first guitar lovingly* Ready to go DOWN? *cackles*
Niou: That WON'T be happening! *picks up the second guitar like it's made of glass* Oh man.
Wakato: *LOADS THE GAME* It's not going to break, you know. Do we need to start on EASY?
Niou: *hushes Wakato* She needs to be treated with CARE, Wakato. God. Don't you know anything? *is totally not cradling the guitar now or anything* Easy? Psh, naaaah. It can't be that hard! Plus I have NATURAL TALENT.
Wakato: She's plastic. *grins and picks a song* Medium then? Cause you know there's that orange button on hard and it's a massive PAIN!
Niou: ... *shifty eyes* Right. Yeah, of course. That damn button - medium then!
Wakato: Do you need a LESSON on how it works? *thoroughly enjoying this* *not admitting how bad he was three days ago*
Niou: *scoffs* As IF. I bet I can figure it out. It's a GUITAR, it's not like it's complicated. *pauses* ...Maybe just a QUICK lesson.
Wakato: *snickers* Hold the fret buttons, strum the strummer, use the whammy bar on long notes. *demonstrates each!* Got it?
Niou: *blinks* Er. I mean - YES. Got it! Let's do this!
Wakato: *HITS GO!* Alright! *Smoke on the Water playing*
Niou: Oohhh, I love this song. *attempts to ROCK OUT and promptly starts messing up all over the place* ...
Wakato: *is hitting MOST of the notes* *except the hard ones* *TOTALLY WINNING* Natural, huh? *TILTS GUITAR FOR STAR POWER*
Niou: *alksjhdf* I'm just warming up!! GIVE ME A SECOND. *hits three notes in a row and gets STUPIDLY EXCITED* AHAHAHA! Did you see that?? I'm AMAZING. *misses the next million or so*
Wakato: Yeah, I saw you hit THREE NOTES. Real impressive, Niou. *misses a long string because he's TALKING* Crap!
Niou: *cracks up* Oh, WAY TO GO, hot-shot. *stumbles over the next few notes, hitting some but missing most* Okay, okay. I'm starting to get the hang of this.
Wakato: Yeah it only took you like HALF THE SONG. *hits notes despite talking this time* *is not used to distractions* I forgot how LONG this song is!
Niou: S'all good! *concentrates on the screen, starting to get used to how the game goes* This is my WARM-UP song. You're definitely, definitely losing next time.
Wakato: Uh-huh. We never decided ANYTHING about a warm up. *misses the last note* *still totally killed Niou*
Niou: *flexes his fingers after the song is done* I decided! JUST NOW. So there. Hmph.
Wakato: *shrugs* Sure, whatever. *goes back to the load screen* Want to try something harder?
Niou: .....Suuure. *takes a deep breath and releases it, getting into his GAME STANCE* I'm ready for it!
Wakato: Alright then! *goes down a few section to KILLER QUEEN* Prepare to die OFFICIALLY.
Niou: Officially NOTHING. I know how to do it now, you're facing a WHOOOOLE new Niou!
Wakato: SO YOU SAY. *confident!* There's NO WAY I'm letting you win!
Niou: HAH! Like you have a choice! *also confident!!* PREPARE TO MEET YOUR MAKER!
Wakato: WRONG. It's YOU without a choice. *hrmps!* Prepare to cry BIG TEARS OF DEFEAT!
Niou: Men like me don't cry! *is totally in the ZONE now* I am WAY too manly for that!
Wakato: *gets in the ZONE and starts bouncing as the music starts* Yeah right, cuddling wench!
Niou: *annnd is totally knocked OUT of the zone* HEY! Oh my god do NOT bring that up! *ASLKDJHAS* *misses half of the intro* ...Ack. Shoot!
Wakato: *snickers* *did NOT miss the intro!* Why nooott? Mess you up, Niou?
Niou: *huffs, quickly trying to focus on the game again* NO. It didn't! I'm totally cool! SERIOUSLY.
Wakato: *gets a pause cause its TWO-PLAYER MODE and that's how things work* So I can talk about you cuddling and it's JUST FINE? *snickers*
Niou: *jerks and misses his whole section* GAH. I don't- *pouts as he tries to catch back up with the music* I do NOT cuddle! I told you it only happened because I was sleeping and therefore obviously not thinking clearly!!
Wakato: *snickers and rocks out through his bit* Yeah, OKAY, suuuuure.
Niou: Don't make me bring up that thing that I brought up the other night that we decided to forget!
Wakato: *fumbles and breaks a pretty decent note streak* I CAN STILL PLAY. Even if you do!
Niou: *snorts* Hehe, oh yeah? Just like that? *keeps his streak going*
Wakato: *gets a good streak started again* YES. Anyhow. *stops talking to play his section* THAT THING SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM FOR LONG. I think.
Niou: *ON A ROLL NOW* Oh reeeally? *snickers* So you have a cuddling partner now??
Wakato: *curses and misses* NO. I don't cuddle! *manlymanlymanly denial*
Niou: HAHAHAHA! Yeah, SURE. You would if you had someone. *hits a long string and cheers when he doesn't miss any* YES!! HAH, did you see that?? I - *coughs* Erm. Anyway.
Wakato: I was watching MY side! *still playing* And maybe I would but I wouldn't be EMBARRASSING and talk about it in public comments!
Niou: *turns bright red* Well how was I supposed to know someone was going to be NOSY and go READ THEM. *fumbles over the last notes of the song* Oh - fail.
Wakato: Well it was RIGHT THERE. *grins and hits all his* I was bored.
Niou: Only I'M allowed to use that excuse! *carefully studies his guitar* So I like it! There! I CAN SAY IT. I'm man enough to admit it! WHAT NOW.
Wakato: What now? I think I just beat you. *stretches his fingers* And I WAS bored! Kajimoto was off doing homework and algebra was BORING me! So there.
Niou: ...That didn't count. You distracted me! FOUL PLAY! *pauses* And homework is the lamest excuse ever - next time he says that just crash his house and drag him out. Yagyuu pulls that one ALLLLLLL the time.
Wakato: *pauses* Not a bad idea. But you tried to distract me so it's COMPLETELY OKAY. *smirks* Want some pizza? Think there's some in the kitchen. Give the fingers a rest!
Niou: *eyes light up* I love pizza.
Wakato: Pepperoni pizza might be the BEST THING EVER! *set the guitar down carefully, because despite his teasing he LIKES HIS NEW GAME*
Niou: *copies his actions and puts his guitar down VERY, VERY GENTLY* It IS. And I'm hungry. I haven't eaten ALL DAY. Or since lunch. Which was like...a million hours ago. So yes, PIZZA!
Wakato: Lunch WAS a million hours ago! *stomach grumbles to back that statement up* PIZZA IT IS. *leads the way to the kitchen and a delicious pizza* *calls over his shoulder* And I still beat you. WENCH.
Niou: ...Damn. I was really hoping you'd forget to call me that. *crosses his arms and pouts as he follows after Wakato* You beat me ONLY because I've never played it before! Give me a couple tries, soon I'll be UNDEFEATABLE!
Wakato: I think you're just denying how AWESOME I am at this game! *victorious shrug* And forget that? NO WAY. Way too funny.
Niou: You were OKAY. *smirks* Nothing I won't be able to catch up to in no time at all - and then I'LL be calling YOU wench!
Wakato: *grabs the pizza box* That was never part of the deal! *shoves a slice mostly in his mouth and holds the box hostage from Niou*
Niou: Well we'll MAKE it part of the deal! *was reaching for the pizza box just as Wakato moved it away* Oy - HEY! *tries to grab for it*
Wakato: Too late! *jerks it just out of reach again* Plus that'd be boring. Same thing? Tch. NOT THAT YOU'LL BEAT ME, but still.
Niou: So pick something else! For when I beat you NEXT time. *dances around Wakato as he keeps making snatches at the box* Liiike you should make a post about how AWESOME I am once I've won! Or something. *pauses* Or post telling Kajimoto~ how much you want to cuddle with him.
Wakato: *freezes* Oh that was LOW. You are NOT beating me! *might have left the pizza box open for the stealing*
Niou: *NOTICES and lunges for it, yanking it from Wakato's hands* You don't HAVE to agree to it. If you're too...CHICKEN. It's totally okay. *bites into a piece of pizza, grinning widely*
Wakato: I AM NOT CHICKEN! I am very brave! Incredibly brave! *huffs and snatches for the pizza box* NOT THAT IT WILL EVER BE NECESSARY.
Niou: *jerks it away from Wakato this time, still grinning* So you're agreeing to it, then?
Wakato: ....Maybe. *frowns* Pass the pizza. It's MINE after all
Niou: *keeps holding it out of reach* It was a yes or no question, WAKATO.
Wakato: FINE. *stomach growls because ONE SLICE IS NOT ENOUGH* Now hand over the pizza!
Niou: *smiles innocently and hands it over, but only after snagging another piece for himself* You can pick something else for me if you want. I don't care.
Wakato: Admit your love of cuddling to the WORLD. *scarfs down a slice* In that massive annoying text.
Niou: *promptly chokes and starts coughing* Bastard. ALRIGHT. Fine then. I accept your demands. *finishes off his slice, looking thoughtful* ...Rainbow font?
Wakato: Yeah, that! Or something EQUALLY AS EYE-CATCHING. *grabs a third slice* Want to rematch after this?
Niou: Sparkles AND rainbow, then. Barftastic. *grabs another slice too* With these stakes, you mean?
Wakato: That was the IDEA, yes. *rolls eyes* Just remind me not to look at my friend's list right after eating.
Niou: *smirks* I won't have to remind you, because I won't be the one posting!
Wakato: YEAH RIGHT. You will DEFINITELY be the one posting. *stick tongue out and finishes his pizza* SHALL WE THEN?
Niou: I WON'T. I'm winning this time, just watch me! *stuffs the rest of his slice into his mouth, nodding* I'M READY.
Wakato: SORRY, I'll be too busy watching MY score as it BY FAR surpasses yours! *totally confident* *and a little nervous* *BUT REALLY THINKS HE'LL WIN*
Niou: *SO not nervous at all* *really* *SERIOUSLY* *definitely not praying to the video game gods for help or anything* MY score will be the only one worth paying attention to. *heads for the stairs, then turns around and points at Wakato DRAMATICALLY* I'm gonna BLOW YOU AWAY!
Wakato: Because your last two efforts totally are showing a pattern like that! *runs up the stairs behind him and knocks him against the wall to get there FIRST*
Niou: ...HEY! *chases after him, grabbing his shirt in an attempt to slow him down* I said those were PRACTICE RUNS!
Wakato: ONLY THE FIRST ONE! *will not be beat that easily and grapples with him in the RACE UP THE STAIRS* I beat you FAIR AND SQUARE.
Niou: It's YOUR GAME, you've obviously had WAY MORE TIME to practice! THAT MEANS WE DIDN'T START OFF ON EVEN GROUND. *manages to shove Wakato behind him and tries to scramble up the rest of the stairs, but then trips and ends up sprawled out on the top landing* Gah-!
Wakato: *prods him and hops over with a laugh* Come on, this game's been out for AGES! It's not my fault you'd never played!
Niou: *grumbles as he pushes himself back up* You know, if you had DDR or something, I would SO kick your ass. But nooo, you have to have the ONE thing I've never played. *cracks his knuckles* Ah well - victory will just taste THAT much sweeter!
Wakato: I am AWESOME at DDR. *grabs his guitar* *gently* And it's really not that unfair. I only got it a few days ago. *does something akin to preening* And I'm already awesome at it. CLEARLY it's pure natural talent! *starts scrolling through the song list* Well?
Niou: *huffs and marches over to pick up the other guitar* ...Only a few days, huh? Alright. ALRIGHT. So MAYBE you're more of a challenge than I was expecting. BUT THAT MEANS NOTHING. *is DETERMINED* Let's start!
Wakato: See. I TOLD you I'm awesome. *keeps scrolling through the songs* Do you have any sort of preference? Since I've picked the last TWO SONGS and all.
Niou: *waves his hand absently* Any of them. I'll be amazing no matter what you choose.
Wakato: *picks ZIGGY STARDUST then* Says YOU. Let's see you actually do it. Or NOT, actually. *snickers*
Niou: Yeah, that's right. SAYS ME. *starts hitting all the notes as they come up on the screen* I'd never hear the end of it if I have to make that post.
Wakato: Yeah and I would probably never leave my room again and fail all my classes or something. *hitting notes left and right* Or. Well. Maybe nothing THAT dramatic. BUT HELLO, NO.
Niou: I'd pretend someone hacked my journal. Except not. I'D SUCK IT UP. But I don't have to worry about that because I'm not losing! *actually IS losing because he's distracting himself by talking* ...AHHH. Crap, crap, crap! COME ON, GUITAR.
Wakato: Don't blame it on my guitar! *flails and misses a string before getting it back together* NOT THE GUITAR'S FAULT! *plays well again for a while and hits star power!* And I'd suck it up, I guess. BUT I'M NOT LOSING so I won't HAVE to!
Niou: NO, IT DEFINITELY IS. I SO hit that last note and it said I missed it!! *has yet to hit star power and BLAMES THAT ON THE GAME TOO* OH MY GOD, your game HATES me!
Wakato: Well if it said you missed it, then you MISSED it! *...misses one* And maybe it KNOWS I need to win! *pats guitar between notes, pleased*
Niou: You have it programmed against me, don't you? I should have KNOWN. *fumbles over a few more notes before getting himself back on track* ...Okay. COME FROM BEHIND WIN. WATCH.
Wakato: Of course. Because I've TOTALLY worked out how to do that already. *rolls eyes* *is still leading* *by a somewhat smaller margin* NO WAY is that going to happen. *actually getting a BIT nervous*
Niou: *PLAYS LIKE HIS LIFE IS DEPENDING ON IT* Get ready to start writing that post, Wakato! *is ALMOST neck-and-neck with him now*
Wakato: *is ALMOST panicking at that!* I AM NOT WRITING THAT POST! *waits hopefully for another series of star power notes* *NEEDS THIS*
Niou: *is getting stupidly excited and thus over-eager and misses the next note* WAIT - NO I SO HIT THAT ONE! GRAH, STUPID-- *stumbles over the last star power notes of the song* ... *ASKLJHDLKJAD* NO!!!
Wakato: HA! *misses half his notes too* OH GOD WHAT. *has no idea who's winning*
Niou: *finishes the song with a flourish and then dives in front of the tv, waiting for the final score* WHO WON??!
Wakato: I DON'T KNOW, YOU'RE IN FRONT OF THE SCREEN. *lives in terror right now*
Niou: SHUT UP SHUT UP, IT'S COMING. *holds his breath as the scores show up on screen* ... *eyes go wide* AHAHAHA - YES!! *flops onto his back, throwing his arms in the air* I DIDN'T LOSE!
Wakato: *looks at the screen* BUT YOU DIDN'T WIN EITHER.
Niou: *sits back up and points at the screen* AND NEITHER DID YOU.
Wakato: Yes, well! * sets guitar down* So. What the hell does that mean?!
Niou: ... *scratches the back of his head* Huh. WELL. I think you should still post anyway.
Wakato: Well if I have to post, SO DO YOU. *hopes that discourages him*
Niou: *scowls, crossing his arms* We should've decided before what to do if we tied. Hmm. *taps his chin* HMMM. *clearly thinking it over VERY SERIOUSLY* ...Okay!
Wakato: Okay? Okay WHAT? And I didn't KNOW you could tie! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS POSSIBLE. *flops down onto his bed* It must be a glitch or something!
Niou: *grins cheerfully* Now you're just making excuses. *hops up, going over to Wakato and looking down at him* Okay as is in we'll BOTH post! Brilliant idea, really. *grins some more*
Wakato: Oh my god. *wants to hide in his bed and never come out now* *throws a pillow at Niou instead* You are ENTIRELY TOO CHEERFUL about this!
Niou: *catches it and promptly whacks Wakato in the side* Because I get to laugh my ass off at your post! Everyone will just think I'M being retarded again and they won't take it seriously at all! *pauses* ...Hopefully. *shifty eyes*
Wakato: Well I guess it IS common for you to be retarded... *grabs another pillow and hits back!* ....Oh my god I have to post about cuddling Kajimoto. I hate you so much right now. THIS IS TERRIBLE FOR MY IMAGE I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW.
Niou: *CRACKS UP* AHAHAHAHA, I know! THAT'S WHY I LOVE IT!! *smacks Wakato with the pillow again* Yagyuu'll probably capslock keysmash all over the place. *snickers* That might make the whole thing worth it.
Wakato: YOU SUCK! *whacks back* How the hell does one even MAKE a post like that?! AHHH. This is so unfair. I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO...NOT WIN.
Niou: Psh, not like it's HARD. I'll even be nice and give you till the end of the week to make it! *holds his pillow like a SHIELD* Make sure it's nice and gag-worthy. *beams*
Wakato: GAG-WORTHY? How about I settle for however I can make myself NOT DIE? You never gave specifics. Though the topic is bad enough! *snatches at the pillow* Give it back if you aren't going to USE it.
Niou: *quickly whacks Wakato upside the head* HAH! But fiiiine, no specifics. I'm sure it'll be hilarious NO MATTER WHAT anyway! *starts cracking up again and collapses onto the bed, clutching at his stomach*
Wakato: Okay good. Not that it HELPS, but still. *turns and glares at Niou* Your post better be INCREDIBLY obnoxious. *prods in the stomach*
Niou: *sticks his tongue out* Large font, rainbows, sparkles - it doesn't get much more obnoxious than that! Unless it's like...BLINKING, too.
Wakato: ....Oh god my eyes. No. No blinking. I want to be able to actually LOOK at this without losing everything in my stomach.
Niou: *rolls eyes* Wimp. I'll stick with the basics then.
Wakato: I just have TASTE. Which is something you clearly lack. *half-hearted thwap with the pillow*
Niou: Au contraire, I've just perfected the art of being really, REALLY obnoxious. *crosses his arms behind his head and looks smug*
Wakato: An art very, VERY few people want to perfect, honestly. *sprawls across the unoccupied part of his bed*
Niou: It's a difficult role to take on, I understand. I'm one of the few brave enough to attempt it.
Wakato: Brave? Or maybe just insane. Whichever. *shrugs* Guess it makes life interesting, huh.
Niou: *smirks* I'm only thinking of the rest of the world, really. Wouldn't want people's lives to get dull and boring. *sits up* I should probably go soon.
Wakato: Don't want to keep the missus waiting too long, huh? *gets up too like a good host or something*
Niou: *blushes slightly, but tries to play it off* Aha... WELL. He worries, you know. Silly thing. Might even file a missing person's report if I don't show up. *coughs*
Wakato: *blinks* *snickers* And people call ME over-dramatic!
Niou: He's crazy. *grins and starts heading to the door, but then pauses and points at the PS2* BY THE WAY - we're having a rematch sometime. I WILL beat you eventually.
Wakato: Yeah yeah, so you say! BEST YOU COULD DO WAS A TIE. *walks him out*
Niou: Considering I've NEVER PLAYED IT BEFORE, I'd say that's pretty good! *turns to look back at Wakato once he's outside* Looking forward to your post. *makes a V with his fingers, grinning*
Wakato: YEAH WELL. You're still not winning easily next time. SO THERE.
Niou: WE'LL SEE. *hops down the steps, waving over his shoulder* See ya!
Wakato: *waves at his back, despite it being pointless* WE WILL. *goes back inside to practice*
Niou: *flounces off back to Kanagawa to make-out with Yagyuu or something*
Wakato: *totally isn't jealous*