This anon shit kills me. People say nice things and then you have no idea who said them. Then there's people who challenge you and are too weak to say anything, and then there's the people you know who they are, but since it's anon you can't actually talk to them about it because they might deny it. Bullshit.
Not saying I didn't take part in it. I said some things to people. Things I shouldn't have admitted. Like the fact that I may have feelings of somesort towards a certain person. But I mean that's irrelevant. I haven't even really like, y'know. I don't fucking know. She's hot, she's a great person, but am I really just being desperate? It seems like every time I try to reach out to someone, they leave me hanging. I ain't taking another chance like that.
I've given up on Katelyn. May as well apologize and start being her friend again. I mean rejection can only last so long. I still like her though.
Is it normal to like two people? Maybe. I guess so. I have known the first girl for a lot longer though, we're much closer. Maybe I'm just a douche.
So yeah anon is pretty fun. Except when people who are cool and tell you stuff like they're attracted to you or they think you should stay away from people don't show their true identities. I'd like to know who you are so that I can a) See if you're worth it, or b) Beat the shit out of you.
Album comes out in less than three days. Holy fuck. I'm so excited, did you know that? You probably did but I don't fucking care. You're all going to go buy a copy and put a poster of me up in your room and then put a shrine to me. Like normal people do. Obviously.
I actually have met someone who showed me a picture of her shrine to me... Scary stuff.
Have you guys ever google-imaged yourselves, or flickr-ed yourselves? There's some scary shit on there. Like honestly. Pretty much all you get are pictures of me smoking weed or looking ugly, which rarely happens but I mean it's inevitable atleast once in a lifetime. Weirdest photo you've found of yourself on the internet, show me it. Don't be shy.