Sep 20, 2006 22:16
I couldn't help but stop to ponder over katie's journal from September 12 which begins with a "STOP BUSH" badge and proceeds with comments the likes of "Bush has brought NO GOOD" and "Leaders...are bringing terrorism closer and closer to our lives"...
Now admittedly I don't get on LJ and put forth my own political and moral objections/opinions/beliefs very often, nor do i get offended by much, and I am well aware that MG will be marking this and is himself quite Anti-Bush & Howard & Blair, but tonight I've decided fuck that (sorry katie bout the language) but I'm gonna stand up...
So dear katie...
to be honest I'm a little disappointed in who I know to be the fairest and most compassionate person to have ever lived, someone who respects everyone's rights and opinions on the proviso that they do the same in turn, it saddens me to hear you make comments blaming Bush for the problems in the before you tell me that you blame him only as much as you blame everyone else in power for not standing up, I might point out that you did not openly attack and deface the picture of anyone else the way you did to Bush here.
I am honestly sick and tired of everyone directing all their animosity at Bush, Blair and Howard...I like these men and I think that although without doubt they are swayed by their own opinions and agendas (as are we all) they are generally trying to do what is best in extremely difficult circumstances and under pressure from every corner of society...
Imagine having to please 20 million people with every decision you is impossible and you know that you will get some offside but you must do what you see as best for the majority. I was offended at your suggestion that Bush is sanctioning and promoting a world of one wants a world of anguish and pain, and the idea that our leaders are promoting this and should dialogue rather than fight back is offensive and preposterous...
If our leaders do nothing and we are attacked THEY ARE BLAMED
If our leaders fight back and we are attacked THEY ARE BLAMED
there is precious little margin for error in the decisions they make and I think that if you are indeed serious about being reasonable and accepting people for what they believe in then you should yourself believe that these men are doing what they see as best for the people they represent.
There will always be sinister elements in any ruling body, but the fact remains that if we are to trust the people elected to rule (and we should remember that in the beginning they were elected BY THE MAJORITY to rule) then they must be strong willed, defiant and often make decisions no one wants to hear about...
I think these men are doing the best they can in impossible positions, and I think comments like those suggesting that they are the proponents of the evils around us are as disgusting and appalling as any you make of them.