Here's a later post, mostly about how nobody can every really fault another for their beliefs to a certain degree. Mostly because we all believe in some basic truth that we base all other truths on.
Here are just some quotes from the girl spouting the book (don't get me wrong, there probably is a lot of decent stuff in the book, but it's the way that the girl is defending it that is disturbing me, I say it's a girl, because Myspace says so, for all I know they're a 55 year old man.)
These are some of the less mean spirited quotes I was responding too...
No..Only spirituality can since it means founding a system on morals; more or less a nation would be better off if the Constitution was upheld with the proper aims and perspectives in mind. The only thing holding this world together is faith.
Religion is just a is not spirituality. You see religion is defined by man, which is why it didn't work before. Spirituality is defined by God, the One Supreme Being, wherein the definition never changes.
My Response...
If Spirituality means "founding a system on morals". Faith in...what is holding this World together? Is this World really even being held together? What is together?
Under close enough scrutiny everything is apart, yet attached, yet apart, yet there are affinities and infinities involved.
If you tell me that this world is being held together by faith, then I ask you, faith in a Supreme Being? What of those that believe in more than one, or a trifecta, or a triumvirate, or a multitude, or we're all supreme in our own way, or all part of the same being?
You state that Spirituality is defined by God, the One Supreme Being.
Well Supreme often either means the most important, authoritative, powerful, or even the very last. God could very well be the very last (perchance also very first) being. God could also be the most powerful, important and authoritative being.
Now these are human definitions. You state that Spirituality is defined by God.
I hope you notice that there is a clever loophole here and also a reason for great debate on the subject. Spirituality is defined by God, you hold that this is X, this is your unalienable truth, X is true to you.
As such, I will under no circumstances say any of us are "wrong" when discussing the matter. Nobody should be able to say so with 100% conviction. Mostly because we are only basing it on our individual X "truth".
All of our real statements always start with IF. Our faith is that IF does not exist, and that just X is true, and therefore...
You must come to realize that unalienable truths to yourself that do not hold up to unalienable truths of others do not mean that either are correct or incorrect at face value.
However, belief systems have been built. People have built their beliefs upon these systems. If X is correct, and Y follows along the path of X, then Y too much be correct because it is yielded from X. It's this line of thinking that I need to question. The further we go down along one path, the further we stray away from someone else's path, the further we divide and conquer ourselves.
Just because you build something on top of a system of beliefs does not mean it retains any previous truths, especially when so many liberties are taken with how X yields Y. It's as if X is true, we all hold X is true, and if you have faith than Y is true, because X is true, even if X is no way relates to Y.
I defend no one religion as correct or incorrect, I take the knowledge that they have in them for what I may. I remain open to the ideas of conspiracies and misinterpretations and alternate interpretations. I have to. I do not have enough knowledge to be able to interpret the texts themselves, and even then I am taking someone else's or some other text's words for it. I will always go back to someone's X. I'll have you know that the X that most people tend to choose to go back to is not a very distant X, it is often a very malformed X. Do some research on the books you take as your X, discover how they were formed themselves.
So I ask, if I have found God in anyways, I have found God in myself/ourselves, and some religions will even state that we have been made in His image, but some texts state we were made in "Their" image, and all I have to go by are translations of ancient texts. Some will say that they hold truth. Then other old texts will have differing but similar stories. Then other texts speak of multiple Gods. Then other texts speak of times before the times and of destructions before the destructions.
Then the word I use for God was made up to begin with
So I ask you, how much have we lost in translation? Moreso than we can currently come to terms with in most cases.
So what can I rely on other than my own sense of what is right and wrong, and how has that been influenced by my life? Who is anyone to say that my view of the world is right or wrong, and would they not be basing those thoughts on their own view of what is right and what is wrong?
I tell you, I do believe in a Supreme Being. I believe there must be some answer behind all of the questions, there must be a greater conscience in the multiverse that said "let all things be" and then all things began. I like to think things to be this way, it makes me feel more comfortable that there may be more meaning to it all since I look at how most people treat each other and question how great our own intelligence really is and how advanced we really are and yes, I HOPE for their to be greater intelligences, and I hope for their to be greater Goods, and I hope at the end of the equation is the greatest Good of all...not that it even has to be. Maybe the Supreme being, just is. Maybe they said "let it be" and "it was". For better or for worse.
I know it can be uncomfortable to believe in these things. It's probably even more uncomfortable when I question why we have this great self-importance. Why we have this great desire to be better than anything else. Why are we so Earth-Centric. Why are we so Ego-Centric.
I tell you right now, we are all connected, and not just through your friends on Myspace. We are all part of a greater kind of organism. In this I have faith. I have faith that there is a greater conscience at work here among just us humans. I have faith that there are parts of it that are still whole and thinking and wondering how to achieve the greater good for all, and they are frustrated, let me tell you how frustrated they are that they sometimes shut down, they somtimes "give up hope" they sometimes question "why am I trying" because of how frustrating it is to live in a World where people often feel the need to divide themselves.
Think of all the cells in your body. Think of how disconnected we are with them. Think of how they make us a whole. Think of your friends and family who you would stand behind more often over others only because you have not met them. Think of your county or State, or Country, or province, or territory, or Republic, or what have you. Think of your flags, your symbols, these things you put faith in because you were taught to, think of these symbols, the Cross, the Star of David, the Crescent (or nothing at all), Mosques, Temples, Churches, Statues, think of all these things.
Don't ignore great structures for most were built for reasons, many times on top of other great structures that were built for other great reasons.
But I ask you, how many of us had the choice to really truly choose what they believe in without first having a lot of outside influences with their own points of view push these thoughts on our minds before we were even really ready to know them, we were told to accept them as unalienable truths. Your parents tell you they are right and you are wrong because they said so. Often you are told the same thing in religion.
So I ask, if Spirituality is the great answer, and is defined by God, how is it that so many have not come by it. Are we all corrupt, what is the reasoning. I believe myself to be a spiritual person, and really it only means to me what it means to me when I say that since the spirit is often ill-defined.
I try not to take from others what is not mine. I try to help others with what I can. I try hard not to separate myself from others when their views differ. But I take great exception when others cannot take it upon themselves to be quite as forgiving.
I take exception to the self-righteous. Look at the word itself.
I am not always RIGHT. I cannot be. I will often tell you I reserve the right to be completely WRONG. I only know what I've been taught and what I have derived from my own experiences. I teach what I know, and I don't pretend it to be anything other than what I know. If others agree or like what they hear, then together we are in union. If others disagree and dislike what they hear, then they are allowed to be with those who feel the same way and let them derive happiness from each other and be good to each other if they find my own X to be opposed to their X.
BUT SO HELP ME MOTHER FUCKING GOD when any one wants to fight over their beliefs. I want you to die. I want you to die right now. Because you are killing the organism I am a part of. You are killing the Greater Good. You are killing humanity. You are just as much a virus or bacteria growing out of control spawning more of yourself, in a mindless unthinking outrage that makes me sick to have you in our system. Literally, it makes us all sick.
So really, everyone can get off their high horse on what is right and what is wrong and what science may prove and what religion may prove.
The fact is you hold to yourself one truth above all and you are lying to yourself if you don't realize it. If I tell you that 0 is equal to 5. You will tell me that I am wrong. But you are basing this on something that you need to hold true. You are basing it on assigned meanings. ASSIGNED. This means that. X means Y. X+Y=Z. Faith and science are not quite as different as anyone wants them to be.
I hold that X is true. X MUST be true. X is true because I am basing everything else on X being true. Then everything just becomes more complicated. We base one thing on another thing on another thing on another thing in association with this, in association with that, in association with something else and therefore another thing and another thing and another thing and another thing we then hold to be "true".
It doesn't matter what X. But I will tell you what X is true to me.
We are all in this together, and that is my X. We are in this together, and there are greater things going on than most will realize until it is too late. There is Evil in this world, and there is Good, and Evil is CLEARLY winning right now, and the end of this round of days are really not far off, and it is time that everyone takes a strong look at what they do in their life and what truly is important.
Be good to each other, enjoy yourself not at the expense of others, build with each other great things for the good of each other. Understand our individual differences and realize that we still are mostly the same. Unique, maybe, yet mostly alike. Look at others and see that if they are harming our organism as a whole then be weary of their presence and their ultimate goals. Ask questions of those who will lead you astray. Ask questions of those who anger when you ask questions. Ask questions of those who will kill for a cause. Ask questions of those who feel so strongly to knowingly go against their so called truths to benefit themselves.
Ask questions. Ask questions. Inquire. Learn. Teach but do not preach without great caution and respect those who may see things from a different point of view. Reference. Reference references. Strive to be everything and anything you wish to be, but remember, we are all in this together. I will tell you now, that it will be hard to not hate those that are different from you or believe in other things from you, but remember these are your brother and sister cells. It will be hard at first, but I beg you try.
I beg you to reason with your reasons.
I bet you to ask where your truths come from.
I ask you to be kind.
Thank You if you got to this point.
PS I'll edit any spelling/grammar issues I may have at a later point.